# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' describe 'apt::source' do GPG_KEY_ID = '6F6B15509CF8E59E6E469F327F438280EF8D349F' let :pre_condition do 'class { "apt": }' end let :title do 'my_source' end let :facts do { os: { family: 'Debian', name: 'Debian', release: { major: '8', full: '8.0', }, distro: { codename: 'jessie', id: 'Debian', }, }, } end context 'with defaults' do context 'without location' do it do is_expected.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, %r{source entry without specifying a location}) end end context 'with location' do let(:params) { { location: 'hello.there' } } it { is_expected.to contain_apt__setting('list-my_source').with(ensure: 'present').without_content(%r{# my_source\ndeb-src hello.there wheezy main\n}) is_expected.not_to contain_package('apt-transport-https') } end end describe 'no defaults' do context 'with complex pin' do let :params do { location: 'hello.there', pin: { 'release' => 'wishwash', 'explanation' => 'wishwash', 'priority' => 1001 }, } end it { is_expected.to contain_apt__setting('list-my_source').with(ensure: 'present').with_content(%r{hello.there jessie main\n}) } it { is_expected.to contain_file('/etc/apt/sources.list.d/my_source.list').that_notifies('Class[Apt::Update]') } it { is_expected.to contain_apt__pin('my_source').that_comes_before('Apt::Setting[list-my_source]').with(ensure: 'present', priority: 1001, explanation: 'wishwash', release: 'wishwash') } end context 'with simple key' do let :params do { comment: 'foo', location: 'http://debian.mirror.iweb.ca/debian/', release: 'sid', repos: 'testing', key: GPG_KEY_ID, pin: '10', architecture: 'x86_64', allow_unsigned: true, } end it { is_expected.to contain_apt__setting('list-my_source').with(ensure: 'present').with_content(%r{# foo\ndeb \[arch=x86_64 trusted=yes\] http://debian.mirror.iweb.ca/debian/ sid testing\n}) .without_content(%r{deb-src}) } it { is_expected.to contain_apt__pin('my_source').that_comes_before('Apt::Setting[list-my_source]').with(ensure: 'present', priority: '10', origin: 'debian.mirror.iweb.ca') } it { is_expected.to contain_apt__key("Add key: #{GPG_KEY_ID} from Apt::Source my_source").that_comes_before('Apt::Setting[list-my_source]').with(ensure: 'present', id: GPG_KEY_ID) } end context 'with complex key' do let :params do { comment: 'foo', location: 'http://debian.mirror.iweb.ca/debian/', release: 'sid', repos: 'testing', key: { 'ensure' => 'refreshed', 'id' => GPG_KEY_ID, 'server' => 'pgp.mit.edu', 'content' => 'GPG key content', 'source' => 'http://apt.puppetlabs.com/pubkey.gpg', 'weak_ssl' => true, }, pin: '10', architecture: 'x86_64', allow_unsigned: true, } end it { is_expected.to contain_apt__setting('list-my_source').with(ensure: 'present').with_content(%r{# foo\ndeb \[arch=x86_64 trusted=yes\] http://debian.mirror.iweb.ca/debian/ sid testing\n}) .without_content(%r{deb-src}) } it { is_expected.to contain_apt__pin('my_source').that_comes_before('Apt::Setting[list-my_source]').with(ensure: 'present', priority: '10', origin: 'debian.mirror.iweb.ca') } it { is_expected.to contain_apt__key("Add key: #{GPG_KEY_ID} from Apt::Source my_source").that_comes_before('Apt::Setting[list-my_source]').with(ensure: 'refreshed', id: GPG_KEY_ID, server: 'pgp.mit.edu', content: 'GPG key content', source: 'http://apt.puppetlabs.com/pubkey.gpg', weak_ssl: true) } end end context 'with allow_insecure true' do let :params do { location: 'hello.there', allow_insecure: true, } end it { is_expected.to contain_apt__setting('list-my_source').with(ensure: 'present').with_content(%r{# my_source\ndeb \[allow-insecure=yes\] hello.there jessie main\n}) } end context 'with allow_unsigned true' do let :params do { location: 'hello.there', allow_unsigned: true, } end it { is_expected.to contain_apt__setting('list-my_source').with(ensure: 'present').with_content(%r{# my_source\ndeb \[trusted=yes\] hello.there jessie main\n}) } end context 'with keyring set' do let :params do { location: 'hello.there', keyring: '/usr/share/keyrings/foo-archive-keyring.gpg', } end it { is_expected.to contain_apt__setting('list-my_source') .with(ensure: 'present') .with_content(%r{# my_source\ndeb \[signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/foo-archive-keyring.gpg\] hello.there jessie main\n}) } end context 'with keyring, architecture and allow_unsigned set' do let :params do { location: 'hello.there', architecture: 'amd64', allow_unsigned: true, keyring: '/usr/share/keyrings/foo-archive-keyring.gpg', } end it { is_expected.to contain_apt__setting('list-my_source') .with(ensure: 'present') .with_content(%r{# my_source\ndeb \[arch=amd64 trusted=yes signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/foo-archive-keyring.gpg\] hello.there jessie main\n}) } end context 'with a https location, install apt-transport-https' do let :params do { location: 'HTTPS://foo.bar', allow_unsigned: false, } end it { is_expected.to contain_package('apt-transport-https') } end context 'with a https location and custom release, install apt-transport-https' do let :facts do { os: { family: 'Debian', name: 'Debian', release: { major: '8', full: '8.0', }, distro: { codename: 'jessie', id: 'Debian', }, }, puppetversion: Puppet.version, } end let :params do { location: 'HTTPS://foo.bar', allow_unsigned: false, release: 'customrelease', } end it { is_expected.to contain_package('apt-transport-https') } end context 'with a https location, do not install apt-transport-https on oses not in list eg buster' do let :facts do { os: { family: 'Debian', name: 'Debian', release: { major: '10', full: '10.0', }, distro: { codename: 'buster', id: 'Debian', }, }, } end let :params do { location: 'https://foo.bar', allow_unsigned: false, } end it { is_expected.not_to contain_package('apt-transport-https') } end context 'with architecture equals x86_64' do let :facts do { os: { family: 'Debian', name: 'Debian', release: { major: '7', full: '7.0', }, distro: { codename: 'wheezy', id: 'Debian', }, }, } end let :params do { location: 'hello.there', include: { 'deb' => false, 'src' => true }, architecture: 'x86_64', } end it { is_expected.to contain_apt__setting('list-my_source').with(ensure: 'present').with_content(%r{# my_source\ndeb-src \[arch=x86_64\] hello.there wheezy main\n}) } end context 'with architecture fact and unset architecture parameter' do let :facts do super().merge(architecture: 'amd64') end let :params do { location: 'hello.there', include: { 'deb' => false, 'src' => true }, } end it { is_expected.to contain_apt__setting('list-my_source').with(ensure: 'present').with_content(%r{# my_source\ndeb-src hello.there jessie main\n}) } end context 'with include_src => true' do let :params do { location: 'hello.there', include: { 'src' => true }, } end it { is_expected.to contain_apt__setting('list-my_source').with(ensure: 'present').with_content(%r{# my_source\ndeb hello.there jessie main\ndeb-src hello.there jessie main\n}) } end context 'with include deb => false' do let :params do { include: { 'deb' => false }, location: 'hello.there', } end it { is_expected.to contain_apt__setting('list-my_source').with(ensure: 'present').without_content(%r{deb-src hello.there wheezy main\n}) } it { is_expected.to contain_apt__setting('list-my_source').without_content(%r{deb hello.there wheezy main\n}) } end context 'with include src => true and include deb => false' do let :params do { include: { 'deb' => false, 'src' => true }, location: 'hello.there', } end it { is_expected.to contain_apt__setting('list-my_source').with(ensure: 'present').with_content(%r{deb-src hello.there jessie main\n}) } it { is_expected.to contain_apt__setting('list-my_source').without_content(%r{deb hello.there jessie main\n}) } end context 'with ensure => absent' do let :params do { ensure: 'absent', } end it { is_expected.to contain_apt__setting('list-my_source').with(ensure: 'absent') } end describe 'validation' do context 'with no release' do let :facts do { os: { family: 'Debian', name: 'Debian', release: { major: '8', full: '8.0', }, distro: { id: 'Debian', }, }, } end let(:params) { { location: 'hello.there' } } it do is_expected.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, %r{os.distro.codename fact not available: release parameter required}) end end context 'with release is empty string' do let(:params) { { location: 'hello.there', release: '' } } it { is_expected.to contain_apt__setting('list-my_source').with_content(%r{hello\.there main}) } end context 'with invalid pin' do let :params do { location: 'hello.there', pin: true, } end it do is_expected.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, %r{expects a value}) end end context 'with notify_update = undef (default)' do let :params do { location: 'hello.there', } end it { is_expected.to contain_apt__setting("list-#{title}").with_notify_update(true) } end context 'with notify_update = true' do let :params do { location: 'hello.there', notify_update: true, } end it { is_expected.to contain_apt__setting("list-#{title}").with_notify_update(true) } end context 'with notify_update = false' do let :params do { location: 'hello.there', notify_update: false, } end it { is_expected.to contain_apt__setting("list-#{title}").with_notify_update(false) } end end end