# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' def ppa_exec_params(user, repo, distro = 'trusty', environment = []) [ environment: environment, command: "/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/add-apt-repository-#{user}-ubuntu-#{repo}-#{distro}.sh", logoutput: 'on_failure', ] end describe 'apt::ppa' do let :pre_condition do 'class { "apt": }' end describe 'defaults' do let :facts do { os: { family: 'Debian', name: 'Ubuntu', release: { major: '18', full: '18.04', }, distro: { codename: 'trusty', id: 'Ubuntu', }, }, puppet_vardir: '/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache' } end let(:title) { 'ppa:needs/substitution' } it { is_expected.not_to contain_package('python-software-properties') } it { expect(subject).to contain_exec('add-apt-repository-ppa:needs/substitution') .that_notifies('Class[Apt::Update]') .with(*ppa_exec_params('needs', 'substitution')) } end [ 'ppa:foo/bar', 'ppa:foo/bar1.0', 'ppa:foo10/bar10', 'ppa:foo-/bar_', ].each do |value| describe 'valid resource names' do let :facts do { os: { family: 'Debian', name: 'Ubuntu', release: { major: '18', full: '18.04', }, distro: { codename: 'trusty', id: 'Ubuntu', }, }, } end let(:title) { value } it { is_expected.not_to raise_error } it { is_expected.to contain_exec("add-apt-repository-#{value}") } end end [ 'ppa:foo!/bar', 'ppa:foo/bar!', 'ppa:foo1,0/bar', 'ppa:foo/bar/foobar', '|| ls -la ||', '|| touch /tmp/foo.txt ||', ].each do |value| describe 'invalid resource names' do let :facts do { os: { family: 'Debian', name: 'Ubuntu', release: { major: '18', full: '18.04', }, distro: { codename: 'trusty', id: 'Ubuntu', }, }, } end let(:title) { value } it { is_expected.to raise_error(Puppet::PreformattedError, %r{Invalid PPA name: #{value}}) } end end describe 'Ubuntu 15.10 sources.list filename' do let :facts do { os: { family: 'Debian', name: 'Ubuntu', release: { major: '15', full: '15.10', }, distro: { codename: 'wily', id: 'Ubuntu', }, }, puppet_vardir: '/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache', } end let(:title) { 'ppa:user/foo' } it { expect(subject).to contain_exec('add-apt-repository-ppa:user/foo') .that_notifies('Class[Apt::Update]') .with(*ppa_exec_params('user', 'foo', 'wily')) } end describe 'package_name => software-properties-common' do let :pre_condition do 'class { "apt": }' end let :params do { package_name: 'software-properties-common', package_manage: true, } end let :facts do { os: { family: 'Debian', name: 'Ubuntu', release: { major: '18', full: '18.04', }, distro: { codename: 'trusty', id: 'Ubuntu', }, }, puppet_vardir: '/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache', } end let(:title) { 'ppa:needs/substitution' } it { is_expected.to contain_package('software-properties-common') } it { expect(subject).to contain_exec('add-apt-repository-ppa:needs/substitution') .that_notifies('Class[Apt::Update]') .with(*ppa_exec_params('needs', 'substitution')) } end describe 'package_manage => false' do let :pre_condition do 'class { "apt": }' end let :facts do { os: { family: 'Debian', name: 'Ubuntu', release: { major: '18', full: '18.04', }, distro: { codename: 'trusty', id: 'Ubuntu', }, }, puppet_vardir: '/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache', } end let :params do { package_manage: false, } end let(:title) { 'ppa:needs/substitution' } it { is_expected.not_to contain_package('python-software-properties') } it { expect(subject).to contain_exec('add-apt-repository-ppa:needs/substitution') .that_notifies('Class[Apt::Update]') .with(*ppa_exec_params('needs', 'substitution')) } end describe 'apt included, no proxy' do let :pre_condition do 'class { "apt": } apt::ppa { "ppa:user/foo2": } ' end let :facts do { os: { family: 'Debian', name: 'Ubuntu', release: { major: '18', full: '18.04', }, distro: { codename: 'trusty', id: 'Ubuntu', }, }, puppet_vardir: '/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache', } end let :params do { package_manage: true, require: 'Apt::Ppa[ppa:user/foo2]', } end let(:title) { 'ppa:user/foo' } it { is_expected.to compile.with_all_deps } it { is_expected.to contain_package('software-properties-common') } it { expect(subject).to contain_exec('add-apt-repository-ppa:user/foo') .that_notifies('Class[Apt::Update]') .with(*ppa_exec_params('user', 'foo')) } end describe 'apt included, proxy host' do let :pre_condition do 'class { "apt": proxy => { "host" => "localhost" }, }' end let :facts do { os: { family: 'Debian', name: 'Ubuntu', release: { major: '18', full: '18.04', }, distro: { codename: 'trusty', id: 'Ubuntu', }, }, puppet_vardir: '/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache', } end let :params do { 'package_manage' => true, } end let(:title) { 'ppa:user/foo' } it { is_expected.to contain_package('software-properties-common') } it { expect(subject).to contain_exec('add-apt-repository-ppa:user/foo') .that_notifies('Class[Apt::Update]') .with(*ppa_exec_params('user', 'foo', 'trusty', ['http_proxy=http://localhost:8080'])) } end describe 'apt included, proxy host and port' do let :pre_condition do 'class { "apt": proxy => { "host" => "localhost", "port" => 8180 }, }' end let :facts do { os: { family: 'Debian', name: 'Ubuntu', release: { major: '18', full: '18.04', }, distro: { codename: 'trusty', id: 'Ubuntu', }, }, puppet_vardir: '/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache', } end let :params do { package_manage: true, } end let(:title) { 'ppa:user/foo' } it { is_expected.to contain_package('software-properties-common') } it { expect(subject).to contain_exec('add-apt-repository-ppa:user/foo') .that_notifies('Class[Apt::Update]') .with(*ppa_exec_params('user', 'foo', 'trusty', ['http_proxy=http://localhost:8180'])) } end describe 'apt included, proxy host and port and https' do let :pre_condition do 'class { "apt": proxy => { "host" => "localhost", "port" => 8180, "https" => true }, }' end let :facts do { os: { family: 'Debian', name: 'Ubuntu', release: { major: '18', full: '18.04', }, distro: { codename: 'trusty', id: 'Ubuntu', }, }, puppet_vardir: '/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache', } end let :params do { package_manage: true, } end let(:title) { 'ppa:user/foo' } it { is_expected.to contain_package('software-properties-common') } it { expect(subject).to contain_exec('add-apt-repository-ppa:user/foo') .that_notifies('Class[Apt::Update]') .with(*ppa_exec_params('user', 'foo', 'trusty', ['http_proxy=http://localhost:8180', 'https_proxy=https://localhost:8180'])) } end describe 'ensure absent' do let :pre_condition do 'class { "apt": }' end let :facts do { os: { family: 'Debian', name: 'Ubuntu', release: { major: '18', full: '18.04', }, distro: { codename: 'trusty', id: 'Ubuntu', }, }, puppet_vardir: '/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache', } end let(:title) { 'ppa:user/foo' } let :params do { ensure: 'absent', } end it { expect(subject).to contain_tidy("remove-apt-repository-script-#{title}") .with('path' => '/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/add-apt-repository-user-ubuntu-foo-trusty.sh') expect(subject).to contain_tidy("remove-apt-repository-#{title}") .with('path' => '/etc/apt/sources.list.d/user-ubuntu-foo-trusty.list') .that_notifies('Class[Apt::Update]') } end context 'with validation' do describe 'no release' do let :facts do { os: { family: 'Debian', name: 'Ubuntu', release: { major: '18', full: '18.04', }, distro: { codename: nil, id: 'Ubuntu', }, }, } end let(:title) { 'ppa:user/foo' } it do expect(subject).to raise_error(Puppet::Error, %r{os.distro.codename fact not available: release parameter required}) end end describe 'not ubuntu' do let :facts do { os: { family: 'Debian', name: 'Debian', release: { major: '6', full: '6.0.7', }, distro: { codename: 'wheezy', id: 'Debian', }, }, } end let(:title) { 'ppa:user/foo' } it do expect(subject).to raise_error(Puppet::Error, %r{not currently supported on Debian}) end end end end