# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' sources_list = { ensure: 'file', path: '/etc/apt/sources.list', owner: 'root', group: 'root', notify: 'Class[Apt::Update]' } sources_list_d = { ensure: 'directory', path: '/etc/apt/sources.list.d', owner: 'root', group: 'root', purge: false, recurse: false, notify: 'Class[Apt::Update]' } preferences = { ensure: 'file', path: '/etc/apt/preferences', owner: 'root', group: 'root', notify: 'Class[Apt::Update]' } preferences_d = { ensure: 'directory', path: '/etc/apt/preferences.d', owner: 'root', group: 'root', purge: false, recurse: false, notify: 'Class[Apt::Update]' } apt_conf_d = { ensure: 'directory', path: '/etc/apt/apt.conf.d', owner: 'root', group: 'root', purge: false, recurse: false, notify: 'Class[Apt::Update]' } describe 'apt' do let(:facts) do { os: { family: 'Debian', name: 'Debian', release: { major: '9', full: '9.0' }, distro: { codename: 'stretch', id: 'Debian' } } } end context 'with defaults' do it { expect(subject).to contain_file('sources.list').that_notifies('Class[Apt::Update]').only_with(sources_list) } it { expect(subject).to contain_file('sources.list.d').that_notifies('Class[Apt::Update]').only_with(sources_list_d) } it { expect(subject).to contain_file('preferences').that_notifies('Class[Apt::Update]').only_with(preferences) } it { expect(subject).to contain_file('preferences.d').that_notifies('Class[Apt::Update]').only_with(preferences_d) } it { expect(subject).to contain_file('apt.conf.d').that_notifies('Class[Apt::Update]').only_with(apt_conf_d) } it { is_expected.to contain_file('/etc/apt/auth.conf').with_ensure('absent') } it 'lays down /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/15update-stamp' do expect(subject).to contain_file('/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/15update-stamp').with(group: 'root', owner: 'root').with_content( %r{APT::Update::Post-Invoke-Success {"touch /var/lib/apt/periodic/update-success-stamp 2>/dev/null || true";};}, ) end it { expect(subject).to contain_exec('apt_update').with(refreshonly: 'true') } it { is_expected.not_to contain_apt__setting('conf-proxy') } end describe 'proxy=' do context 'when host=localhost' do let(:params) { { proxy: { 'host' => 'localhost' } } } it { expect(subject).to contain_apt__setting('conf-proxy').with(priority: '01').with_content( %r{Acquire::http::proxy "http://localhost:8080/";}, ).without_content( %r{Acquire::https::proxy }, ) } end context 'when host=localhost and per-host[proxyscope]=proxyhost' do let(:params) { { proxy: { 'host' => 'localhost', 'perhost' => [{ 'scope' => 'proxyscope', 'host' => 'proxyhost' }] } } } it { expect(subject).to contain_apt__setting('conf-proxy').with(priority: '01').with_content( %r{Acquire::http::proxy::proxyscope "http://proxyhost:8080/";}, ) } end context 'when host=localhost and per-host[proxyscope]=proxyhost:8081' do let(:params) { { proxy: { 'host' => 'localhost', 'perhost' => [{ 'scope' => 'proxyscope', 'host' => 'proxyhost', 'port' => 8081 }] } } } it { expect(subject).to contain_apt__setting('conf-proxy').with(priority: '01').with_content( %r{Acquire::http::proxy::proxyscope "http://proxyhost:8081/";}, ) } end context 'when host=localhost and per-host[proxyscope]=[https]proxyhost' do let(:params) { { proxy: { 'host' => 'localhost', 'perhost' => [{ 'scope' => 'proxyscope', 'host' => 'proxyhost', 'https' => true }] } } } it { expect(subject).to contain_apt__setting('conf-proxy').with(priority: '01').with_content( %r{Acquire::https::proxy::proxyscope "https://proxyhost:8080/";}, ) } end context 'when host=localhost and per-host[proxyscope]=[direct]' do let(:params) { { proxy: { 'host' => 'localhost', 'perhost' => [{ 'scope' => 'proxyscope', 'direct' => true }] } } } it { expect(subject).to contain_apt__setting('conf-proxy').with(priority: '01').with_content( %r{Acquire::http::proxy::proxyscope "DIRECT";}, ) } end context 'when host=localhost and per-host[proxyscope]=[https][direct]' do let(:params) { { proxy: { 'host' => 'localhost', 'perhost' => [{ 'scope' => 'proxyscope', 'https' => true, 'direct' => true }] } } } it { expect(subject).to contain_apt__setting('conf-proxy').with(priority: '01').with_content( %r{Acquire::https::proxy::proxyscope "DIRECT";}, ) } end context 'when host=localhost and per-host[proxyscope]=proxyhost and per-host[proxyscope2]=proxyhost2' do let(:params) { { proxy: { 'host' => 'localhost', 'perhost' => [{ 'scope' => 'proxyscope', 'host' => 'proxyhost' }, { 'scope' => 'proxyscope2', 'host' => 'proxyhost2' }] } } } it { expect(subject).to contain_apt__setting('conf-proxy').with(priority: '01').with_content( %r{Acquire::http::proxy::proxyscope "http://proxyhost:8080/";}, ).with_content( %r{Acquire::http::proxy::proxyscope2 "http://proxyhost2:8080/";}, ) } end context 'when host=localhost and port=8180' do let(:params) { { proxy: { 'host' => 'localhost', 'port' => 8180 } } } it { expect(subject).to contain_apt__setting('conf-proxy').with(priority: '01').with_content( %r{Acquire::http::proxy "http://localhost:8180/";}, ).without_content( %r{Acquire::https::proxy }, ) } end context 'when host=localhost and https=true' do let(:params) { { proxy: { 'host' => 'localhost', 'https' => true } } } it { expect(subject).to contain_apt__setting('conf-proxy').with(priority: '01').with_content( %r{Acquire::http::proxy "http://localhost:8080/";}, ).with_content( %r{Acquire::https::proxy "https://localhost:8080/";}, ) } end context 'when host=localhost and direct=true' do let(:params) { { proxy: { 'host' => 'localhost', 'direct' => true } } } it { expect(subject).to contain_apt__setting('conf-proxy').with(priority: '01').with_content( %r{Acquire::http::proxy "http://localhost:8080/";}, ).with_content( %r{Acquire::https::proxy "DIRECT";}, ) } end context 'when host=localhost and https=true and direct=true' do let(:params) { { proxy: { 'host' => 'localhost', 'https' => true, 'direct' => true } } } it { expect(subject).to contain_apt__setting('conf-proxy').with(priority: '01').with_content( %r{Acquire::http::proxy "http://localhost:8080/";}, ).with_content( %r{Acquire::https::proxy "https://localhost:8080/";}, ) } it { expect(subject).to contain_apt__setting('conf-proxy').with(priority: '01').with_content( %r{Acquire::http::proxy "http://localhost:8080/";}, ).without_content( %r{Acquire::https::proxy "DIRECT";}, ) } end context 'when ensure=absent' do let(:params) { { proxy: { 'ensure' => 'absent' } } } it { expect(subject).to contain_apt__setting('conf-proxy').with(ensure: 'absent', priority: '01') } end end context 'with lots of non-defaults - one' do let :params do { update: { 'frequency' => 'always', 'timeout' => 1, 'tries' => 3 }, purge: { 'sources.list' => false, 'sources.list.d' => false, 'preferences' => false, 'preferences.d' => false, 'apt.conf.d' => false } } end it { expect(subject).to contain_file('sources.list').with(content: nil) } it { expect(subject).to contain_file('sources.list.d').with(purge: false, recurse: false) } it { expect(subject).to contain_file('preferences').with(ensure: 'file') } it { expect(subject).to contain_file('preferences.d').with(purge: false, recurse: false) } it { expect(subject).to contain_file('apt.conf.d').with(purge: false, recurse: false) } it { expect(subject).to contain_exec('apt_update').with(refreshonly: false, timeout: 1, tries: 3) } end context 'with lots of non-defaults - two' do let :params do { update: { 'frequency' => 'always', 'timeout' => 1, 'tries' => 3 }, purge: { 'sources.list' => true, 'sources.list.d' => true, 'preferences' => true, 'preferences.d' => true, 'apt.conf.d' => true } } end it { expect(subject).to contain_file('sources.list').with(content: "# Repos managed by puppet.\n") } it { expect(subject).to contain_file('sources.list.d').with(purge: true, recurse: true) } it { expect(subject).to contain_file('preferences').with(ensure: 'absent') } it { expect(subject).to contain_file('preferences.d').with(purge: true, recurse: true) } it { expect(subject).to contain_file('apt.conf.d').with(purge: true, recurse: true) } it { expect(subject).to contain_exec('apt_update').with(refreshonly: false, timeout: 1, tries: 3) } end context 'with defaults for sources_list_force' do let :params do { update: { 'frequency' => 'always', 'timeout' => 1, 'tries' => 3 }, purge: { 'sources.list' => true }, sources_list_force: false } end it { expect(subject).to contain_file('sources.list').with(content: "# Repos managed by puppet.\n") } end context 'with non defaults for sources_list_force' do let :params do { update: { 'frequency' => 'always', 'timeout' => 1, 'tries' => 3 }, purge: { 'sources.list' => true }, sources_list_force: true } end it { expect(subject).to contain_file('sources.list').with(ensure: 'absent') } end context 'with entries for /etc/apt/auth.conf' do facts_hash = { 'Ubuntu 18.04' => { os: { family: 'Debian', name: 'Ubuntu', release: { major: '18', full: '18.04' }, distro: { codename: 'bionic', id: 'Ubuntu' } } }, 'Debian 9.0' => { os: { family: 'Debian', name: 'Debian', release: { major: '9', full: '9.0' }, distro: { codename: 'stretch', id: 'Debian' } } }, 'Debian 10.0' => { os: { family: 'Debian', name: 'Debian', release: { major: '10', full: '10.0' }, distro: { codename: 'buster', id: 'Debian' } } } } facts_hash.each do |os, facts| context "when on #{os}" do let(:facts) do facts end let(:params) do { auth_conf_entries: [ { machine: 'deb.example.net', login: 'foologin', password: 'secret' }, { machine: 'apt.example.com', login: 'aptlogin', password: 'supersecret' }, ] } end context 'with manage_auth_conf => true' do let(:params) do super().merge(manage_auth_conf: true) end auth_conf_content = "// This file is managed by Puppet. DO NOT EDIT. machine deb.example.net login foologin password secret machine apt.example.com login aptlogin password supersecret " it { expect(subject).to contain_file('/etc/apt/auth.conf').with(ensure: 'present', owner: '_apt', group: 'root', mode: '0600', notify: 'Class[Apt::Update]', content: sensitive(auth_conf_content)) } end context 'with manage_auth_conf => false' do let(:params) do super().merge(manage_auth_conf: false) end it { expect(subject).not_to contain_file('/etc/apt/auth.conf') } end end context 'with improperly specified entries for /etc/apt/auth.conf' do let(:params) do { auth_conf_entries: [ { machinn: 'deb.example.net', username: 'foologin', password: 'secret' }, { machine: 'apt.example.com', login: 'aptlogin', password: 'supersecret' }, ] } end it { is_expected.to raise_error(Puppet::Error) } end end end context 'with sources defined on valid os.family' do let :facts do { os: { family: 'Debian', name: 'Ubuntu', release: { major: '18', full: '18.04' }, distro: { codename: 'bionic', id: 'Ubuntu' } } } end let(:params) do { sources: { 'debian_unstable' => { 'location' => 'http://debian.mirror.iweb.ca/debian/', 'release' => 'unstable', 'repos' => 'main contrib non-free', 'key' => { 'id' => '150C8614919D8446E01E83AF9AA38DCD55BE302B', 'server' => 'subkeys.pgp.net' }, 'pin' => '-10', 'include' => { 'src' => true } }, 'puppetlabs' => { 'location' => 'http://apt.puppetlabs.com', 'repos' => 'main', 'key' => { 'id' => '6F6B15509CF8E59E6E469F327F438280EF8D349F', 'server' => 'pgp.mit.edu' } } } } end it { expect(subject).to contain_apt__setting('list-debian_unstable').with(ensure: 'present') } it { is_expected.to contain_file('/etc/apt/sources.list.d/debian_unstable.list').with_content(%r{^deb http://debian.mirror.iweb.ca/debian/ unstable main contrib non-free$}) } it { is_expected.to contain_file('/etc/apt/sources.list.d/debian_unstable.list').with_content(%r{^deb-src http://debian.mirror.iweb.ca/debian/ unstable main contrib non-free$}) } it { expect(subject).to contain_apt__setting('list-puppetlabs').with(ensure: 'present') } it { is_expected.to contain_file('/etc/apt/sources.list.d/puppetlabs.list').with_content(%r{^deb http://apt.puppetlabs.com bionic main$}) } end context 'with confs defined on valid os.family' do let :facts do { os: { family: 'Debian', name: 'Ubuntu', release: { major: '18', full: '18.04' }, distro: { codename: 'bionic', id: 'Ubuntu' } } } end let(:params) do { confs: { 'foo' => { 'content' => 'foo' }, 'bar' => { 'content' => 'bar' } } } end it { expect(subject).to contain_apt__conf('foo').with(content: 'foo') } it { expect(subject).to contain_apt__conf('bar').with(content: 'bar') } end context 'with keys defined on valid os.family' do let :facts do { os: { family: 'Debian', name: 'Ubuntu', release: { major: '18', full: '18.04' }, distro: { codename: 'bionic', id: 'Ubuntu' } } } end let(:params) do { keys: { '55BE302B' => { 'server' => 'subkeys.pgp.net' }, 'EF8D349F' => { 'server' => 'pgp.mit.edu' } } } end it { expect(subject).to contain_apt__key('55BE302B').with(server: 'subkeys.pgp.net') } it { expect(subject).to contain_apt__key('EF8D349F').with(server: 'pgp.mit.edu') } end context 'with ppas defined on valid os.family' do let :facts do { os: { family: 'Debian', name: 'Ubuntu', release: { major: '18', full: '18.04' }, distro: { codename: 'bionic', id: 'Ubuntu' } } } end let(:params) do { ppas: { 'ppa:drizzle-developers/ppa' => {}, 'ppa:nginx/stable' => {} } } end it { is_expected.to contain_apt__ppa('ppa:drizzle-developers/ppa') } it { is_expected.to contain_apt__ppa('ppa:nginx/stable') } end context 'with settings defined on valid os.family' do let :facts do { os: { family: 'Debian', name: 'Ubuntu', release: { major: '18', full: '18.04' }, distro: { codename: 'bionic', id: 'Ubuntu' } } } end let(:params) do { settings: { 'conf-banana' => { 'content' => 'banana' }, 'pref-banana' => { 'content' => 'banana' } } } end it { is_expected.to contain_apt__setting('conf-banana') } it { is_expected.to contain_apt__setting('pref-banana') } end context 'with pins defined on valid os.family' do let :facts do { os: { family: 'Debian', name: 'Ubuntu', release: { major: '18', full: '18.04' }, distro: { codename: 'bionic', id: 'Ubuntu' } } } end let(:params) do { pins: { 'stable' => { 'priority' => 600, 'order' => 50 }, 'testing' => { 'priority' => 700, 'order' => 100 } } } end it { is_expected.to contain_apt__pin('stable') } it { is_expected.to contain_apt__pin('testing') } end describe 'failing tests' do context "with purge['sources.list']=>'banana'" do let(:params) { { purge: { 'sources.list' => 'banana' } } } it do expect(subject).to raise_error(Puppet::Error) end end context "with purge['sources.list.d']=>'banana'" do let(:params) { { purge: { 'sources.list.d' => 'banana' } } } it do expect(subject).to raise_error(Puppet::Error) end end context "with purge['preferences']=>'banana'" do let(:params) { { purge: { 'preferences' => 'banana' } } } it do expect(subject).to raise_error(Puppet::Error) end end context "with purge['preferences.d']=>'banana'" do let(:params) { { purge: { 'preferences.d' => 'banana' } } } it do expect(subject).to raise_error(Puppet::Error) end end context "with purge['apt.conf.d']=>'banana'" do let(:params) { { purge: { 'apt.conf.d' => 'banana' } } } it do expect(subject).to raise_error(Puppet::Error) end end end end