require 'spec_helper_acceptance' require 'beaker/i18n_helper' PUPPETLABS_GPG_KEY_LONG_ID = '7F438280EF8D349F'.freeze PUPPETLABS_LONG_FINGERPRINT = '123456781274D2C8A956789A456789A456789A9A'.freeze id_short_warning_pp = <<-MANIFEST apt_key { 'puppetlabs': id => '#{PUPPETLABS_GPG_KEY_LONG_ID}', ensure => 'present', source => '', } MANIFEST id_doesnt_match_fingerprint_pp = <<-MANIFEST apt_key { '#{PUPPETLABS_LONG_FINGERPRINT}': ensure => 'present', content => '123456781274D2C8A956789A456789A456789A9B', } MANIFEST location_not_specified_fail_pp = <<-MANIFEST apt::source { 'puppetlabs': ensure => 'present', repos => 'main', key => { id => '6F6B15509CF8E59E6E469F327F438280EF8D349F', server => '', }, } MANIFEST describe 'apt', if: (fact('osfamily') == 'Debian' || fact('osfamily') == 'RedHat') && ( >='4.10.5')) do before :all do hosts.each do |host| on(host, "sed -i \"96i FastGettext.locale='ja'\" /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/puppet.rb") change_locale_on(host, 'ja_JP.utf-8') end end describe 'i18n translations' do it 'warns with shortened id' do apply_manifest(id_short_warning_pp, catch_failures: true) do |r| expect(r.stderr).to match(%r{Ŧħḗ īḓ şħǿŭŀḓ ƀḗ ȧ ƒŭŀŀ ƒīƞɠḗřƥřīƞŧ}) end end it 'fails with different id and fingerprint' do apply_manifest(id_doesnt_match_fingerprint_pp, expect_failures: true) do |r| expect(r.stderr).to match(%r{Ŧħḗ īḓ īƞ ẏǿŭř ḿȧƞīƒḗşŧ 123456781274D2C8A956789A456789A456789A9A}) end end it 'fails with no location' do apply_manifest(location_not_specified_fail_pp, expect_failures: true) do |r| expect(r.stderr).to match(%r{ƈȧƞƞǿŧ ƈřḗȧŧḗ ȧ şǿŭřƈḗ ḗƞŧřẏ ẇīŧħǿŭŧ şƥḗƈīƒẏīƞɠ ȧ ŀǿƈȧŧīǿƞ}) end end end after :all do hosts.each do |host| on(host, 'sed -i "96d" /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/puppet.rb') change_locale_on(host, 'en_US') end end end