module MCollective module PluginPackager class ModulepackagePackager require 'erb' def initialize(plugin, pluginpath = nil, signature = nil, verbose = false, keep_artifacts = nil, module_template = nil) assert_new_enough_puppet @plugin = plugin @package_name = "#{@plugin.mcname}_#{@plugin.metadata[:name]}".gsub(/-/, '_') @verbose = verbose @keep_artifacts = keep_artifacts @module_template = module_template || File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'templates', 'module') end # Build Process : # - create module directory # - run 'puppet module build' # - move generated package back to cwd def create_packages begin puts "Building module for #{@package_name} plugin." @tmpdir = Dir.mktmpdir('mcollective_packager') make_module run_build move_package puts "Completed building module for #{@package_name} plugin." ensure if @keep_artifacts puts 'Keeping build artifacts' puts "Build artifacts saved - #{@tmpdir}" else cleanup_tmpdirs end end end private def assert_new_enough_puppet unless PluginPackager.command_available?('puppet') raise("Cannot build package. 'puppet' is not present on the system.") end s ='puppet --version') s.runcommand actual_version = s.stdout.chomp required_version = '3.3.0' if Util.versioncmp(actual_version, required_version) < 0 raise("Cannot build package. puppet #{required_version} or greater required. We have #{actual_version}.") end end def make_module targetdir = File.join(@tmpdir, 'manifests') FileUtils.mkdir_p(targetdir) unless # for each subpackage make a subclass @plugin.packagedata.each do |klass,data| data[:files].each do |file| relative_path = file.sub(/^\.\//, '') targetdir = File.join(@tmpdir, 'files', klass.to_s, 'mcollective', File.dirname(relative_path)) FileUtils.mkdir_p(targetdir) unless FileUtils.cp_r(file, targetdir) end @klass = klass.to_s render_template('_manifest.pp.erb', File.join(@tmpdir, 'manifests', "#{klass}.pp")) end # render all the templates we have Dir.glob(File.join(@module_template, '*.erb')).each do |template| filename = File.basename(template, '.erb') next if filename =~ /^_/ # starting with underscore makes it private render_template("#{filename}.erb", File.join(@tmpdir, filename)) end end def render_template(template, path) begin erb =, template)), nil, '-'), 'w') do |f| f.puts erb.result(binding) end rescue => e puts "Could not render template to path - '#{path}'" raise e end end def run_build begin PluginPackager.execute_verbosely(@verbose) do Dir.chdir(@tmpdir) do PluginPackager.safe_system('puppet module build') end end rescue => e puts 'Build process has failed' raise e end end # Move built package to cwd def move_package begin package_file = File.join(@tmpdir, 'pkg', "#{@plugin.vendor}-#{@package_name}-#{@plugin.metadata[:version]}.tar.gz") FileUtils.cp(package_file, '.') rescue => e puts 'Could not copy package to working directory' raise e end end def cleanup_tmpdirs begin FileUtils.rm_r(@tmpdir) if rescue => e puts "Could not remove temporary build directory - '#{@tmpdir}'" raise e end end end end end