module MCollective class Application::Plugin mco plugin info mco plugin doc mco plugin doc mco plugin generate agent [actions=val,val] mco plugin generate data [outputs=val,val] info : Display plugin information including package details. package : Create all available plugin packages. doc : Display documentation for a specific plugin. END_OF_USAGE option :pluginname, :description => "Plugin name", :arguments => ["-n", "--name NAME"], :type => String option :postinstall, :description => "Post install script", :arguments => ["--postinstall POSTINSTALL"], :type => String option :preinstall, :description => "Pre install script", :arguments => ["--preinstall PREINSTALL"], :type => String option :iteration, :description => "Iteration number", :arguments => ["--iteration ITERATION"], :type => String option :vendor, :description => "Vendor name", :arguments => ["--vendor VENDOR"], :type => String option :pluginpath, :description => "MCollective plugin path", :arguments => ["--pluginpath PATH"], :type => String option :mcname, :description => "MCollective type (mcollective, pe-mcollective) that the packages depend on", :arguments => ["--mcname NAME"], :type => String option :mcversion, :description => "Version of MCollective that the packages depend on", :arguments => "--mcversion MCVERSION", :type => String option :dependency, :description => "Adds a dependency to the plugin", :arguments => ["--dependency DEPENDENCIES"], :type => :array option :format, :description => "Package output format. Defaults to rpmpackage or debpackage", :arguments => ["--format OUTPUTFORMAT"], :type => String option :sign, :description => "Embed a signature in the package", :arguments => ["--sign"], :type => :boolean option :rpctemplate, :description => "Template to use.", :arguments => ["--template HELPTEMPLATE"], :type => String option :description, :description => "Plugin description", :arguments => ["--description DESCRIPTION"], :type => String option :author, :description => "The author of the plugin", :arguments => ["--author AUTHOR"], :type => String option :license, :description => "The license under which the plugin is distributed", :arguments => ["--license LICENSE"], :type => String option :version, :description => "The version of the plugin", :arguments => ["--pluginversion VERSION"], :type => String option :url, :description => "Url at which information about the plugin can be found", :arguments => ["--url URL"], :type => String option :timeout, :description => "The plugin's timeout", :arguments => ["--timeout TIMEOUT"], :type => Integer option :actions, :description => "Actions to be generated for an Agent Plugin", :arguments => ["--actions [ACTIONS]"], :type => Array option :outputs, :description => "Outputs to be generated for an Data Plugin", :arguments => ["--outputs [OUTPUTS]"], :type => Array # Handle alternative format that optparser can't parse. def post_option_parser(configuration) if ARGV.length >= 1 configuration[:action] = ARGV.delete_at(0) configuration[:target] = ARGV.delete_at(0) || "." if configuration[:action] == "generate" unless ARGV[0] && ARGV[0].match(/(actions|outputs)=(.+)/i) unless configuration[:pluginname] configuration[:pluginname] = ARGV.delete_at(0) else ARGV.delete_at(0) end end ARGV.each do |argument| if argument.match(/(actions|outputs)=(.+)/i) configuration[$1.downcase.to_sym]= $2.split(",") else raise "Could not parse --arg '#{argument}'" end end end end end # Display info about plugin def info_command plugin = prepare_plugin packager = PluginPackager["#{configuration[:format].capitalize}Packager"] end # Generate a plugin skeleton def generate_command raise "undefined plugin type. cannot generate plugin. valid types are 'agent' and 'data'" if configuration["target"] == '.' unless configuration[:pluginname] puts "No plugin name specified. Using 'new_plugin'" configuration[:pluginname] = "new_plugin" end load_plugin_config_values case configuration[:target].downcase when 'agent'[:pluginname], configuration[:actions], configuration[:pluginname], configuration[:description], configuration[:author], configuration[:license], configuration[:version], configuration[:url], configuration[:timeout]) when 'data' raise "data plugin must have at least one output" unless configuration[:outputs][:pluginname], configuration[:outputs], configuration[:pluginname], configuration[:description], configuration[:author], configuration[:license], configuration[:version], configuration[:url], configuration[:timeout]) else raise "invalid plugin type. cannot generate plugin '#{configuration[:target]}'" end end # Package plugin def package_command if configuration[:sign] && Config.instance.pluginconf.include?("debian_packager.keyname") configuration[:sign] = Config.instance.pluginconf["debian_packager.keyname"] configuration[:sign] = "\"#{configuration[:sign]}\"" unless configuration[:sign].match(/\".*\"/) end plugin = prepare_plugin (configuration[:pluginpath] = configuration[:pluginpath] + "/") if (configuration[:pluginpath] && !configuration[:pluginpath].match(/^.*\/$/)) packager = PluginPackager["#{configuration[:format].capitalize}Packager"], configuration[:pluginpath], configuration[:sign], options[:verbose]).create_packages end # Agents are just called 'agent' but newer plugin types are # called plugin_plugintype for example facter_facts etc so # this will first try the old way then the new way. def load_plugin_ddl(plugin, type) [plugin, "#{plugin}_#{type}"].each do |p| ddl =, type, false) if ddl.findddlfile(p, type) ddl.loadddlfile return ddl end end end # Show application list and plugin help def doc_command known_plugin_types = [["Agents", :agent], ["Data Queries", :data], ["Discovery Methods", :discovery], ["Validator Plugins", :validator]] if configuration.include?(:target) && configuration[:target] != "." if configuration[:target] =~ /^(.+?)\/(.+)$/ ddl = load_plugin_ddl($2.to_sym, $1) else found_plugin_type = nil known_plugin_types.each do |plugin_type| PluginManager.find(plugin_type[1], "ddl").each do |ddl| pluginname = ddl.gsub(/_#{plugin_type[1]}$/, "") if pluginname == configuration[:target] abort "Duplicate plugin name found, please specify a full path like agent/rpcutil" if found_plugin_type found_plugin_type = plugin_type[1] end end end abort "Could not find a plugin named %s in any supported plugin type" % configuration[:target] unless found_plugin_type ddl = load_plugin_ddl(configuration[:target], found_plugin_type) end puts[:rpctemplate]) else puts "Please specify a plugin. Available plugins are:" puts load_errors = [] known_plugin_types.each do |plugin_type| puts "%s:" % plugin_type[0] PluginManager.find(plugin_type[1], "ddl").each do |ddl| begin help =, plugin_type[1]) pluginname = ddl.gsub(/_#{plugin_type[1]}$/, "") puts " %-25s %s" % [pluginname, help.meta[:description]] rescue => e load_errors << [plugin_type[1], ddl, e] end end puts end unless load_errors.empty? puts "Plugin Load Errors:" load_errors.each do |e| puts " %-25s %s" % ["#{e[0]}/#{e[1]}", Util.colorize(:yellow, e[2])] end end end end # Creates the correct package plugin object. def prepare_plugin plugintype = set_plugin_type unless configuration[:plugintype] configuration[:format] = "ospackage" unless configuration[:format] PluginPackager.load_packagers plugin_class = PluginPackager[configuration[:plugintype]] configuration[:dependency] = configuration[:dependency][0].split(" ") if configuration[:dependency] && configuration[:dependency].size == 1 configuration[:dependency].map!{|dep| {:name => dep, :version => nil}} if configuration[:dependency] mcdependency = {:mcname => configuration[:mcname], :mcversion => configuration[:mcversion]}[:target], configuration[:pluginname], configuration[:vendor], configuration[:preinstall], configuration[:postinstall], configuration[:iteration], configuration[:dependency], mcdependency , plugintype) end def directory_for_type(type)[:target], type)) end # Identify plugin type if not provided. def set_plugin_type if directory_for_type("agent") || directory_for_type("application") configuration[:plugintype] = "AgentDefinition" return "Agent" elsif directory_for_type(plugintype = identify_plugin) configuration[:plugintype] = "StandardDefinition" return plugintype else raise RuntimeError, "target directory is not a valid mcollective plugin" end end # If plugintype is StandardDefinition, identify which of the special # plugin types we are dealing with based on directory structure. # To keep it simple we limit it to one type per target directory. def identify_plugin plugintype = Dir.glob(File.join(configuration[:target], "*")).select do |file| && file.match(/(connector|facts|registration|security|audit|pluginpackager|data|discovery|validator)/) end raise RuntimeError, "more than one plugin type detected in directory" if plugintype.size > 1 raise RuntimeError, "no plugins detected in directory" if plugintype.size < 1 File.basename(plugintype[0]) end # Load preset metadata values from config if they are present # This makes it possible to override metadata values in a local # client config file. # # Example : plugin.metadata.license = Apache 2 def load_plugin_config_values config = Config.instance [:pluginname, :description, :author, :license, :version, :url, :timeout].each do |confoption| configuration[confoption] = config.pluginconf["metadata.#{confoption}"] unless configuration[confoption] end end def main abort "No action specified, please run 'mco help plugin' for help" unless configuration.include?(:action) cmd = "#{configuration[:action]}_command" if respond_to? cmd send cmd else abort "Invalid action #{configuration[:action]}, please run 'mco help plugin' for help." end end end end