class MCollective::Application::Inventory "Script to run", :arguments => ["--script SCRIPT"] option :collectives, :description => "List all known collectives", :arguments => ["--list-collectives", "--lc"], :default => false, :type => :bool option :collectivemap, :description => "Create a DOT graph of all collectives", :arguments => ["--collective-graph MAP", "--cg MAP", "--map MAP"] def post_option_parser(configuration) configuration[:node] = ARGV.shift if ARGV.size > 0 end def validate_configuration(configuration) unless configuration[:node] || configuration[:script] || configuration[:collectives] || configuration[:collectivemap] raise "Need to specify either a node name, script to run or other options" end end # Get all the known collectives and nodes that belong to them def get_collectives util = rpcclient("rpcutil") util.progress = false collectives = {} nodes = 0 total = 0 util.collective_info do |r, cinfo| begin if cinfo[:data] && cinfo[:data][:collectives] cinfo[:data][:collectives].each do |collective| collectives[collective] ||= [] collectives[collective] << cinfo[:sender] end nodes += 1 total += 1 end end end {:collectives => collectives, :nodes => nodes, :total_nodes => total} end # Writes a crude DOT graph to a file def collectives_map(file), "w") do |graph| puts "Retrieving collective info...." collectives = get_collectives graph.puts 'graph {' collectives[:collectives].keys.sort.each do |collective| graph.puts ' subgraph "%s" {' % [ collective ] collectives[:collectives][collective].each do |member| graph.puts ' "%s" -- "%s"' % [ member, collective ] end graph.puts ' }' end graph.puts '}' puts "Graph of #{collectives[:total_nodes]} nodes has been written to #{file}" end end # Prints a report of all known sub collectives def collectives_report collectives = get_collectives puts " %-30s %s" % [ "Collective", "Nodes" ] puts " %-30s %s" % [ "==========", "=====" ] collectives[:collectives].sort_by {|key,count| count.size}.each do |collective| puts " %-30s %d" % [ collective[0], collective[1].size ] end puts puts " %30s %d" % [ "Total nodes:", collectives[:nodes] ] puts end def node_inventory node = configuration[:node] util = rpcclient("rpcutil") util.identity_filter node util.progress = false nodestats = util.custom_request("daemon_stats", {}, node, {"identity" => node}).first unless nodestats STDERR.puts "Did not receive any results from node #{node}" exit 1 end unless nodestats[:statuscode] == 0 STDERR.puts "Failed to retrieve daemon_stats from #{node}: #{nodestats[:statusmsg]}" else util.custom_request("inventory", {}, node, {"identity" => node}).each do |resp| unless resp[:statuscode] == 0 STDERR.puts "Failed to retrieve inventory for #{node}: #{resp[:statusmsg]}" next end data = resp[:data] begin puts "Inventory for #{resp[:sender]}:" puts nodestats = nodestats[:data] puts " Server Statistics:" puts " Version: #{nodestats[:version]}" puts " Start Time: #{[:starttime])}" puts " Config File: #{nodestats[:configfile]}" puts " Collectives: #{data[:collectives].join(', ')}" if data.include?(:collectives) puts " Main Collective: #{data[:main_collective]}" if data.include?(:main_collective) puts " Process ID: #{nodestats[:pid]}" puts " Total Messages: #{nodestats[:total]}" puts " Messages Passed Filters: #{nodestats[:passed]}" puts " Messages Filtered: #{nodestats[:filtered]}" puts " Expired Messages: #{nodestats[:ttlexpired]}" puts " Replies Sent: #{nodestats[:replies]}" puts " Total Processor Time: #{nodestats[:times][:utime]} seconds" puts " System Time: #{nodestats[:times][:stime]} seconds" puts puts " Agents:" if data[:agents].size > 0 data[:agents].sort.in_groups_of(3, "") do |agents| puts " %-15s %-15s %-15s" % agents end else puts " No agents installed" end puts puts " Data Plugins:" if data[:data_plugins].size > 0 data[:data_plugins].sort.in_groups_of(3, "") do |plugins| puts " %-15s %-15s %-15s" %{|p| p.gsub("_data", "")} end else puts " No data plugins installed" end puts puts " Configuration Management Classes:" if data[:classes].size > 0 data[:classes].sort.in_groups_of(2, "") do |klasses| puts " %-30s %-30s" % klasses end else puts " No classes applied" end puts puts " Facts:" if data[:facts].size > 0 data[:facts].sort_by{|f| f[0]}.each do |f| puts " #{f[0]} => #{f[1]}" end else puts " No facts known" end break rescue Exception => e STDERR.puts "Failed to display node inventory: #{e.class}: #{e}" end end end halt util.stats end # Helpers to create a simple DSL for scriptlets def format(fmt) @fmt = fmt end def fields(&blk) @flds = blk end def identity @node[:identity] end def facts @node[:facts] end def classes @node[:classes] end def agents @node[:agents] end def page_length(len) @page_length = len end def page_heading(fmt) @page_heading = fmt end def page_body(fmt) @page_body = fmt end # Expects a simple printf style format and apply it to # each node: # # inventory do # format "%s:\t\t%s\t\t%s" # # fields { [ identity, facts["serialnumber"], facts["productname"] ] } # end def inventory(&blk) raise "Need to give a block to inventory" unless block_given? if block_given? raise "Need to define a format" if @fmt.nil? raise "Need to define inventory fields" if @flds.nil? util = rpcclient("rpcutil") util.progress = false util.inventory do |t, resp| @node = {:identity => resp[:sender], :facts => resp[:data][:facts], :classes => resp[:data][:classes], :agents => resp[:data][:agents]} puts @fmt % end end # Use the ruby formatr gem to build reports using Perls formats # # It is kind of ugly but brings a lot of flexibility in report # writing without building an entire reporting language. # # You need to have formatr installed to enable reports like: # # formatted_inventory do # page_length 20 # # page_heading < resp[:sender], :facts => resp[:data][:facts], :classes => resp[:data][:classes], :agents => resp[:data][:agents]} body_fmt.printFormat(binding) end rescue Exception => e STDERR.puts "Could not create report: #{e.class}: #{e}" exit 1 end @fmt = nil @flds = nil @page_heading = nil @page_body = nil @page_length = 40 def main if configuration[:script] if File.exist?(configuration[:script]) eval([:script])) else raise "Could not find script to run: #{configuration[:script]}" end elsif configuration[:collectivemap] collectives_map(configuration[:collectivemap]) elsif configuration[:collectives] collectives_report else node_inventory end end end