# source.pp # add an apt source define apt::source( Optional[String] $location = undef, String $comment = $name, String $ensure = present, Optional[String] $release = undef, String $repos = 'main', Optional[Variant[Hash]] $include = {}, Optional[Variant[String, Hash]] $key = undef, Optional[Variant[Hash, Numeric, String]] $pin = undef, Optional[String] $architecture = undef, Boolean $allow_unsigned = false, Boolean $notify_update = true, ) { # This is needed for compat with 1.8.x include ::apt $_before = Apt::Setting["list-${title}"] if !$release { if $facts['lsbdistcodename'] { $_release = $facts['lsbdistcodename'] } else { fail('lsbdistcodename fact not available: release parameter required') } } else { $_release = $release } # Some releases do not support https transport with default installation $_transport_https_releases = [ 'wheezy', 'jessie', 'stretch', 'trusty', 'xenial' ] if $ensure == 'present' { if ! $location { fail('cannot create a source entry without specifying a location') } elsif $_release in $_transport_https_releases { $method = split($location, '[:\/]+')[0] if $method == 'https' { ensure_packages('apt-transport-https') } } } $includes = merge($::apt::include_defaults, $include) if $key { if $key =~ Hash { unless $key['id'] { fail('key hash must contain at least an id entry') } $_key = merge($::apt::source_key_defaults, $key) } else { $_key = { 'id' => assert_type(String[1], $key) } } } $header = epp('apt/_header.epp') $sourcelist = epp('apt/source.list.epp', { 'comment' => $comment, 'includes' => $includes, 'opt_architecture' => $architecture, 'allow_unsigned' => $allow_unsigned, 'location' => $location, 'release' => $_release, 'repos' => $repos, }) apt::setting { "list-${name}": ensure => $ensure, content => "${header}${sourcelist}", notify_update => $notify_update, } if $pin { if $pin =~ Hash { $_pin = merge($pin, { 'ensure' => $ensure, 'before' => $_before }) } elsif ($pin =~ Numeric or $pin =~ String) { $url_split = split($location, '[:\/]+') $host = $url_split[1] $_pin = { 'ensure' => $ensure, 'priority' => $pin, 'before' => $_before, 'origin' => $host, } } else { fail('Received invalid value for pin parameter') } create_resources('apt::pin', { "${name}" => $_pin }) } # We do not want to remove keys when the source is absent. if $key and ($ensure == 'present') { if $_key =~ Hash { apt::key { "Add key: ${$_key['id']} from Apt::Source ${title}": ensure => present, id => $_key['id'], server => $_key['server'], content => $_key['content'], source => $_key['source'], options => $_key['options'], before => $_before, } } } }