# @summary Manages PPA repositories using `add-apt-repository`. Not supported on Debian. # # @example Example declaration of an Apt PPA # apt::ppa{ 'ppa:openstack-ppa/bleeding-edge': } # # @param ensure # Specifies whether the PPA should exist. Valid options: 'present' and 'absent'. # # @param options # Supplies options to be passed to the `add-apt-repository` command. Default: '-y'. # # @param release # Specifies the operating system of your node. Valid options: a string containing a valid LSB distribution codename. # Optional if `puppet facts show os.distro.codename` returns your correct distribution release codename. # # @param dist # Specifies the distribution of your node. Valid options: a string containing a valid distribution codename. # Optional if `puppet facts show os.name` returns your correct distribution name. # # @param package_name # Names the package that provides the `apt-add-repository` command. Default: 'software-properties-common'. # # @param package_manage # Specifies whether Puppet should manage the package that provides `apt-add-repository`. # define apt::ppa ( String $ensure = 'present', Optional[Array[String]] $options = $apt::ppa_options, Optional[String] $release = fact('os.distro.codename'), Optional[String] $dist = $facts['os']['name'], Optional[String] $package_name = $apt::ppa_package, Boolean $package_manage = false, ) { unless $release { fail('os.distro.codename fact not available: release parameter required') } if $dist == 'Debian' { fail('apt::ppa is not currently supported on Debian.') } # Validate the resource name if $name !~ /^ppa:([a-zA-Z0-9\-_.]+)\/([a-zA-z0-9\-_\.]+)$/ { fail("Invalid PPA name: ${name}") } if versioncmp($facts['os']['release']['full'], '14.10') >= 0 { $distid = downcase($dist) $dash_filename = regsubst($name, '^ppa:([^/]+)/(.+)$', "\\1-${distid}-\\2") $underscore_filename = regsubst($name, '^ppa:([^/]+)/(.+)$', "\\1_${distid}_\\2") } else { $dash_filename = regsubst($name, '^ppa:([^/]+)/(.+)$', "\\1-\\2") $underscore_filename = regsubst($name, '^ppa:([^/]+)/(.+)$', "\\1_\\2") } $dash_filename_no_slashes = regsubst($dash_filename, '/', '-', 'G') $dash_filename_no_specialchars = regsubst($dash_filename_no_slashes, '[\.\+]', '_', 'G') $underscore_filename_no_slashes = regsubst($underscore_filename, '/', '-', 'G') $underscore_filename_no_specialchars = regsubst($underscore_filename_no_slashes, '[\.\+]', '_', 'G') $sources_list_d_filename = "${dash_filename_no_specialchars}-${release}.list" if versioncmp($facts['os']['release']['full'], '15.10') >= 0 and versioncmp($facts['os']['release']['full'], '21.04') < 0 { $trusted_gpg_d_filename = "${underscore_filename_no_specialchars}.gpg" } else { $trusted_gpg_d_filename = "${dash_filename_no_specialchars}.gpg" } # This is the location of our main exec script. $cache_path = $facts['puppet_vardir'] $script_path = "${cache_path}/add-apt-repository-${dash_filename_no_specialchars}-${release}.sh" if $ensure == 'present' { if $package_manage { stdlib::ensure_packages($package_name) $_require = [File['sources.list.d'], Package[$package_name]] } else { $_require = File['sources.list.d'] } $_proxy = $apt::_proxy if $_proxy['host'] { if $_proxy['https'] { $_proxy_env = ["http_proxy=http://${$_proxy['host']}:${$_proxy['port']}", "https_proxy=https://${$_proxy['host']}:${$_proxy['port']}"] } else { $_proxy_env = ["http_proxy=http://${$_proxy['host']}:${$_proxy['port']}"] } } else { $_proxy_env = [] } unless $sources_list_d_filename in $facts['apt_sources'] { $script_content = epp('apt/add-apt-repository.sh.epp', { command => ['/usr/bin/add-apt-repository', shell_join($options), $name], sources_list_d_path => $apt::sources_list_d, sources_list_d_filename => $sources_list_d_filename, } ) file { "add-apt-repository-script-${name}": ensure => 'file', path => $script_path, content => $script_content, mode => '0755', } exec { "add-apt-repository-${name}": environment => $_proxy_env, command => $script_path, logoutput => 'on_failure', notify => Class['apt::update'], require => $_require, before => File["${apt::sources_list_d}/${sources_list_d_filename}"], } } file { "${apt::sources_list_d}/${sources_list_d_filename}": } } else { tidy { "remove-apt-repository-script-${name}": path => $script_path, } tidy { "remove-apt-repository-${name}": path => "${apt::sources_list_d}/${sources_list_d_filename}", notify => Class['apt::update'], } } }