# Setting params for the module class apt::params { if $::osfamily != 'Debian' { fail('This module only works on Debian or derivatives like Ubuntu') } $root = '/etc/apt' $provider = '/usr/bin/apt-get' $sources_list = "${root}/sources.list" $sources_list_d = "${root}/sources.list.d" $trusted_gpg_d = "${root}/trusted.gpg.d" $conf_d = "${root}/apt.conf.d" $preferences = "${root}/preferences" $preferences_d = "${root}/preferences.d" $keyserver = 'keyserver.ubuntu.com' $confs = {} $update = {} $purge = {} $proxy = {} $sources = {} $keys = {} $ppas = {} $pins = {} $settings = {} $auth_conf_entries = [] $config_files = { 'conf' => { 'path' => $conf_d, 'ext' => '', }, 'pref' => { 'path' => $preferences_d, 'ext' => '.pref', }, 'list' => { 'path' => $sources_list_d, 'ext' => '.list', } } $update_defaults = { 'frequency' => 'reluctantly', 'loglevel' => undef, 'timeout' => undef, 'tries' => undef, } $proxy_defaults = { 'ensure' => undef, 'host' => undef, 'port' => 8080, 'https' => false, 'direct' => false, } $purge_defaults = { 'sources.list' => false, 'sources.list.d' => false, 'preferences' => false, 'preferences.d' => false, } $source_key_defaults = { 'server' => $keyserver, 'options' => undef, 'content' => undef, 'source' => undef, } $include_defaults = { 'deb' => true, 'src' => false, } case $facts['os']['name']{ 'Debian': { $backports = { 'location' => 'http://deb.debian.org/debian', 'key' => 'A1BD8E9D78F7FE5C3E65D8AF8B48AD6246925553', 'repos' => 'main contrib non-free', } $ppa_options = undef $ppa_package = undef } 'Ubuntu': { $backports = { 'location' => 'http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu', 'key' => '630239CC130E1A7FD81A27B140976EAF437D05B5', 'repos' => 'main universe multiverse restricted', } $ppa_options = '-y' $ppa_package = 'software-properties-common' } undef: { fail('Unable to determine value for fact os["name"]') } default: { $ppa_options = undef $ppa_package = undef $backports = undef } } }