class apt::params { if $caller_module_name and $caller_module_name != $module_name { fail('apt::params is a private class and cannot be accessed directly') } $root = '/etc/apt' $provider = '/usr/bin/apt-get' $sources_list = "${root}/sources.list" $sources_list_d = "${root}/sources.list.d" $conf_d = "${root}/apt.conf.d" $preferences = "${root}/preferences" $preferences_d = "${root}/preferences.d" $keyserver = '' if $::osfamily != 'Debian' { fail('This module only works on Debian or derivatives like Ubuntu') } $config_files = { 'conf' => { 'path' => $conf_d, 'ext' => '', }, 'pref' => { 'path' => $preferences_d, 'ext' => '', }, 'list' => { 'path' => $sources_list_d, 'ext' => '.list', } } $update_defaults = { 'always' => false, 'frequency' => 'reluctantly', 'timeout' => undef, 'tries' => undef, } $proxy_defaults = { 'host' => undef, 'port' => 8080, 'https' => false, } $purge_defaults = { 'sources.list' => true, 'sources.list.d' => true, 'preferences' => true, 'preferences.d' => true, } $source_key_defaults = { 'server' => $keyserver, 'options' => undef, 'content' => undef, 'source' => undef, } $file_defaults = { 'owner' => 'root', 'group' => 'root', 'mode' => '0644', } case $::lsbdistid { 'ubuntu', 'debian': { $distid = $::lsbdistid $distcodename = $::lsbdistcodename } 'linuxmint': { if $::lsbdistcodename == 'debian' { $distid = 'debian' $distcodename = 'wheezy' } else { $distid = 'ubuntu' $distcodename = $::lsbdistcodename ? { 'qiana' => 'trusty', 'petra' => 'saucy', 'olivia' => 'raring', 'nadia' => 'quantal', 'maya' => 'precise', } } } '': { fail('Unable to determine lsbdistid, is lsb-release installed?') } default: { fail("Unsupported lsbdistid (${::lsbdistid})") } } case $distid { 'ubuntu': { case $distcodename { 'lucid': { $ppa_options = undef $ppa_package = 'python-software-properties' } 'precise': { $ppa_options = '-y' $ppa_package = 'python-software-properties' } 'trusty', 'utopic', 'vivid': { $ppa_options = '-y' $ppa_package = 'software-properties-common' } default: { $ppa_options = '-y' $ppa_package = 'software-properties-common' } } } } }