# == Define: apt::key # # The apt::key defined type allows for keys to be added to apt's keyring # which is used for package validation. This defined type uses the apt_key # native type to manage keys. This is a simple wrapper around apt_key with # a few safeguards in place. # # === Parameters # # [*id*] # _default_: +$title+, the title/name of the resource # # Is a GPG key ID or full key fingerprint. This value is validated with # a regex enforcing it to only contain valid hexadecimal characters, be # precisely 8 or 16 hexadecimal characters long and optionally prefixed # with 0x for key IDs, or 40 hexadecimal characters long for key # fingerprints. # # [*ensure*] # _default_: +present+ # # The state we want this key in, may be either one of: # * +present+ # * +absent+ # # [*content*] # _default_: +undef+ # # This parameter can be used to pass in a GPG key as a # string in case it cannot be fetched from a remote location # and using a file resource is for other reasons inconvenient. # # [*source*] # _default_: +undef+ # # This parameter can be used to pass in the location of a GPG # key. This URI can take the form of a: # * +URL+: ftp, http or https # * +path+: absolute path to a file on the target system. # # [*server*] # _default_: +undef+ # # The keyserver from where to fetch our GPG key. It can either be a domain # name or url. It defaults to # undef which results in apt_key's default keyserver being used, # currently +keyserver.ubuntu.com+. # # [*options*] # _default_: +undef+ # # Additional options to pass on to `apt-key adv --keyserver-options`. define apt::key ( $id = $title, $ensure = present, $content = undef, $source = undef, $server = undef, $options = undef, ) { validate_re($id, ['\A(0x)?[0-9a-fA-F]{8}\Z', '\A(0x)?[0-9a-fA-F]{16}\Z', '\A(0x)?[0-9a-fA-F]{40}\Z']) validate_re($ensure, ['\Aabsent|present\Z',]) if $content { validate_string($content) } if $source { validate_re($source, ['\Ahttps?:\/\/', '\Aftp:\/\/', '\A\/\w+']) } if $server { validate_re($server,['\A((hkp|http|https):\/\/)?([a-z\d])([a-z\d-]{0,61}\.)+[a-z\d]+(:\d{2,5})?$']) } if $options { validate_string($options) } case $ensure { present: { if defined(Anchor["apt_key ${id} absent"]){ fail("key with id ${id} already ensured as absent") } if !defined(Anchor["apt_key ${id} present"]) { apt_key { $title: ensure => $ensure, id => $id, source => $source, content => $content, server => $server, options => $options, } -> anchor { "apt_key ${id} present": } } } absent: { if defined(Anchor["apt_key ${id} present"]){ fail("key with id ${id} already ensured as present") } if !defined(Anchor["apt_key ${id} absent"]){ apt_key { $title: ensure => $ensure, id => $id, source => $source, content => $content, server => $server, options => $options, } -> anchor { "apt_key ${id} absent": } } } default: { fail "Invalid 'ensure' value '${ensure}' for apt::key" } } }