# @summary Main class, includes all other classes. # # @see https://docs.puppetlabs.com/references/latest/function.html#createresources for the create resource function # # @param provider # Specifies the provider that should be used by apt::update. # # @param keyserver # Specifies a keyserver to provide the GPG key. Valid options: a string containing a domain name or a full URL (http://, https://, or # hkp://). # # @param ppa_options # Supplies options to be passed to the `add-apt-repository` command. # # @param ppa_package # Names the package that provides the `apt-add-repository` command. # # @param backports # Specifies some of the default parameters used by apt::backports. Valid options: a hash made up from the following keys: # # @option backports [String] :location # See apt::backports for documentation. # # @option backports [String] :repos # See apt::backports for documentation. # # @option backports [String] :key # See apt::backports for documentation. # # @param confs # Creates new `apt::conf` resources. Valid options: a hash to be passed to the create_resources function linked above. # # @param update # Configures various update settings. Valid options: a hash made up from the following keys: # # @option update [String] :frequency # Specifies how often to run `apt-get update`. If the exec resource `apt_update` is notified, `apt-get update` runs regardless of this value. # Valid options: 'always' (at every Puppet run); 'daily' (if the value of `apt_update_last_success` is less than current epoch time minus 86400); # 'weekly' (if the value of `apt_update_last_success` is less than current epoch time minus 604800); and 'reluctantly' (only if the exec resource # `apt_update` is notified). Default: 'reluctantly'. # # @option update [Integer] :loglevel # Specifies the log level of logs outputted to the console. Default: undef. # # @option update [Integer] :timeout # Specifies how long to wait for the update to complete before canceling it. Valid options: an integer, in seconds. Default: undef. # # @option update [Integer] :tries # Specifies how many times to retry the update after receiving a DNS or HTTP error. Default: undef. # # @param purge # Specifies whether to purge any existing settings that aren't managed by Puppet. Valid options: a hash made up from the following keys: # # @option purge [Boolean] :sources.list # Specifies whether to purge any unmanaged entries from sources.list. Default false. # # @option purge [Boolean] :sources.list.d # Specifies whether to purge any unmanaged entries from sources.list.d. Default false. # # @option purge [Boolean] :preferences # Specifies whether to purge any unmanaged entries from preferences. Default false. # # @option purge [Boolean] :preferences.d. # Specifies whether to purge any unmanaged entries from preferences.d. Default false. # # @param proxy # Configures Apt to connect to a proxy server. Valid options: a hash matching the locally defined type apt::proxy. # # @param sources # Creates new `apt::source` resources. Valid options: a hash to be passed to the create_resources function linked above. # # @param keys # Creates new `apt::key` resources. Valid options: a hash to be passed to the create_resources function linked above. # # @param ppas # Creates new `apt::ppa` resources. Valid options: a hash to be passed to the create_resources function linked above. # # @param pins # Creates new `apt::pin` resources. Valid options: a hash to be passed to the create_resources function linked above. # # @param settings # Creates new `apt::setting` resources. Valid options: a hash to be passed to the create_resources function linked above. # # @param auth_conf_entries # An optional array of login configuration settings (hashes) that are recorded in the file /etc/apt/auth.conf. This file has a netrc-like # format (similar to what curl uses) and contains the login configuration for APT sources and proxies that require authentication. See # https://manpages.debian.org/testing/apt/apt_auth.conf.5.en.html for details. If specified each hash must contain the keys machine, login and # password and no others. # # @param root # Specifies root directory of Apt executable. # # @param sources_list # Specifies the path of the sources_list file to use. # # @param sources_list_d # Specifies the path of the sources_list.d file to use. # # @param conf_d # Specifies the path of the conf.d file to use. # # @param preferences # Specifies the path of the preferences file to use. # # @param preferences_d # Specifies the path of the preferences.d file to use. # # @param config_files # A hash made up of the various configuration files used by Apt. # class apt ( Hash $update_defaults = $apt::params::update_defaults, Hash $purge_defaults = $apt::params::purge_defaults, Hash $proxy_defaults = $apt::params::proxy_defaults, Hash $include_defaults = $apt::params::include_defaults, String $provider = $apt::params::provider, String $keyserver = $apt::params::keyserver, Optional[String] $ppa_options = $apt::params::ppa_options, Optional[String] $ppa_package = $apt::params::ppa_package, Optional[Hash] $backports = $apt::params::backports, Hash $confs = $apt::params::confs, Hash $update = $apt::params::update, Hash $purge = $apt::params::purge, Apt::Proxy $proxy = $apt::params::proxy, Hash $sources = $apt::params::sources, Hash $keys = $apt::params::keys, Hash $ppas = $apt::params::ppas, Hash $pins = $apt::params::pins, Hash $settings = $apt::params::settings, Array[Apt::Auth_conf_entry] $auth_conf_entries = $apt::params::auth_conf_entries, String $root = $apt::params::root, String $sources_list = $apt::params::sources_list, String $sources_list_d = $apt::params::sources_list_d, String $conf_d = $apt::params::conf_d, String $preferences = $apt::params::preferences, String $preferences_d = $apt::params::preferences_d, Hash $config_files = $apt::params::config_files, Hash $source_key_defaults = $apt::params::source_key_defaults, ) inherits apt::params { if $facts['osfamily'] != 'Debian' { fail(translate('This module only works on Debian or derivatives like Ubuntu')) } if $update['frequency'] { assert_type( Enum['always','daily','weekly','reluctantly'], $update['frequency'], ) } if $update['timeout'] { assert_type(Integer, $update['timeout']) } if $update['tries'] { assert_type(Integer, $update['tries']) } $_update = merge($::apt::update_defaults, $update) include ::apt::update if $purge['sources.list'] { assert_type(Boolean, $purge['sources.list']) } if $purge['sources.list.d'] { assert_type(Boolean, $purge['sources.list.d']) } if $purge['preferences'] { assert_type(Boolean, $purge['preferences']) } if $purge['preferences.d'] { assert_type(Boolean, $purge['preferences.d']) } $_purge = merge($::apt::purge_defaults, $purge) $_proxy = merge($apt::proxy_defaults, $proxy) $confheadertmp = epp('apt/_conf_header.epp') $proxytmp = epp('apt/proxy.epp', {'proxies' => $_proxy}) $updatestamptmp = epp('apt/15update-stamp.epp') if $_proxy['ensure'] == 'absent' or $_proxy['host'] { apt::setting { 'conf-proxy': ensure => $_proxy['ensure'], priority => '01', content => "${confheadertmp}${proxytmp}", } } $sources_list_content = $_purge['sources.list'] ? { true => "# Repos managed by puppet.\n", default => undef, } $preferences_ensure = $_purge['preferences'] ? { true => absent, default => file, } if $_update['frequency'] == 'always' { Exec <| title=='apt_update' |> { refreshonly => false, } } apt::setting { 'conf-update-stamp': priority => 15, content => "${confheadertmp}${updatestamptmp}", } # Required for adding GPG keys on Debian 9 (and derivatives) $apt_files = [ 'sources.list', 'sources.list.d', 'preferences', 'preferences.d', '/etc/apt/auth.conf' ] package { 'dirmngr': ensure => present, before => [File[$apt_files]] } file { 'sources.list': ensure => file, path => $::apt::sources_list, owner => root, group => root, mode => '0644', content => $sources_list_content, notify => Class['apt::update'], } file { 'sources.list.d': ensure => directory, path => $::apt::sources_list_d, owner => root, group => root, mode => '0644', purge => $_purge['sources.list.d'], recurse => $_purge['sources.list.d'], notify => Class['apt::update'], } file { 'preferences': ensure => $preferences_ensure, path => $::apt::preferences, owner => root, group => root, mode => '0644', notify => Class['apt::update'], } file { 'preferences.d': ensure => directory, path => $::apt::preferences_d, owner => root, group => root, mode => '0644', purge => $_purge['preferences.d'], recurse => $_purge['preferences.d'], notify => Class['apt::update'], } if $confs { create_resources('apt::conf', $confs) } # manage sources if present if $sources { create_resources('apt::source', $sources) } # manage keys if present if $keys { create_resources('apt::key', $keys) } # manage ppas if present if $ppas { create_resources('apt::ppa', $ppas) } # manage settings if present if $settings { create_resources('apt::setting', $settings) } $auth_conf_ensure = $auth_conf_entries ? { [] => 'absent', default => 'present', } $auth_conf_tmp = epp('apt/auth_conf.epp') file { '/etc/apt/auth.conf': ensure => $auth_conf_ensure, owner => 'root', group => 'root', mode => '0600', content => "${confheadertmp}${auth_conf_tmp}", notify => Class['apt::update'], } # manage pins if present if $pins { create_resources('apt::pin', $pins) } }