# @summary Specifies a custom Apt configuration file. # # @param content # Required unless `ensure` is set to 'absent'. Directly supplies content for the configuration file. # # @param ensure # Specifies whether the configuration file should exist. Valid options: 'present' and 'absent'. # # @param priority # Determines the order in which Apt processes the configuration file. Files with lower priority numbers are loaded first. # Valid options: a string containing an integer or an integer. # # @param notify_update # Specifies whether to trigger an `apt-get update` run. # define apt::conf ( Optional[String] $content = undef, Enum['present', 'absent'] $ensure = present, Variant[String, Integer] $priority = 50, Optional[Boolean] $notify_update = undef, ) { unless $ensure == 'absent' { unless $content { fail(translate('Need to pass in content parameter')) } } $confheadertmp = epp('apt/_conf_header.epp') apt::setting { "conf-${name}": ensure => $ensure, priority => $priority, content => "${confheadertmp}${content}", notify_update => $notify_update, } }