class apt::backports ( $location = undef, $release = undef, $repos = undef, $key = undef, $pin = 200, ){ if $location { validate_string($location) $_location = $location } if $release { validate_string($release) $_release = $release } if $repos { validate_string($repos) $_repos = $repos } if $key { unless is_hash($key) { validate_string($key) } $_key = $key } unless is_hash($pin) { unless (is_numeric($pin) or is_string($pin)) { fail('pin must be either a string, number or hash') } } if ($::apt::xfacts['lsbdistid'] == 'debian' or $::apt::xfacts['lsbdistid'] == 'ubuntu') { unless $location { $_location = $::apt::backports['location'] } unless $release { $_release = "${::apt::xfacts['lsbdistcodename']}-backports" } unless $repos { $_repos = $::apt::backports['repos'] } unless $key { $_key = $::apt::backports['key'] } } else { unless $location and $release and $repos and $key { fail('If not on Debian or Ubuntu, you must explicitly pass location, release, repos, and key') } } apt::source { 'backports': location => $_location, release => $_release, repos => $_repos, key => $_key, pin => $pin, } }