# @summary Manages backports. # # @example Set up a backport for linuxmint qiana # apt::backports { 'qiana': # location => 'http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu', # release => 'trusty-backports', # repos => 'main universe multiverse restricted', # key => { # id => '630239CC130E1A7FD81A27B140976EAF437D05B5', # server => 'hkps.pool.sks-keyservers.net', # }, # } # # @param location # Specifies an Apt repository containing the backports to manage. Valid options: a string containing a URL. Default value for Debian and # Ubuntu varies: # # - Debian: 'http://deb.debian.org/debian' # # - Ubuntu: 'http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu' # # @param release # Specifies a distribution of the Apt repository containing the backports to manage. Used in populating the `source.list` configuration file. # Default: on Debian and Ubuntu, '${lsbdistcodename}-backports'. We recommend keeping this default, except on other operating # systems. # # @param repos # Specifies a component of the Apt repository containing the backports to manage. Used in populating the `source.list` configuration file. # Default value for Debian and Ubuntu varies: # # - Debian: 'main contrib non-free' # # - Ubuntu: 'main universe multiverse restricted' # # @param key # Specifies a key to authenticate the backports. Valid options: a string to be passed to the id parameter of the apt::key defined type, or a # hash of parameter => value pairs to be passed to apt::key's id, server, content, source, and/or options parameters. Default value # for Debian and Ubuntu varies: # # - Debian: 'A1BD8E9D78F7FE5C3E65D8AF8B48AD6246925553' # # - Ubuntu: '630239CC130E1A7FD81A27B140976EAF437D05B5' # # @param pin # Specifies a pin priority for the backports. Valid options: a number or string to be passed to the `id` parameter of the `apt::pin` defined # type, or a hash of `parameter => value` pairs to be passed to `apt::pin`'s corresponding parameters. # class apt::backports ( Optional[String] $location = undef, Optional[String] $release = undef, Optional[String] $repos = undef, Optional[Variant[String, Hash]] $key = undef, Optional[Variant[Integer, String, Hash]] $pin = 200, ){ if $location { $_location = $location } if $release { $_release = $release } if $repos { $_repos = $repos } if $key { $_key = $key } if ($facts['lsbdistid'] == 'Debian' or $facts['lsbdistid'] == 'Ubuntu') { unless $location { $_location = $::apt::backports['location'] } unless $release { $_release = "${facts['lsbdistcodename']}-backports" } unless $repos { $_repos = $::apt::backports['repos'] } unless $key { $_key = $::apt::backports['key'] } } else { unless $location and $release and $repos and $key { fail('If not on Debian or Ubuntu, you must explicitly pass location, release, repos, and key') } } if $pin =~ Hash { $_pin = $pin } elsif $pin =~ Numeric or $pin =~ String { # apt::source defaults to pinning to origin, but we should pin to release # for backports $_pin = { 'priority' => $pin, 'release' => $_release, } } else { fail('pin must be either a string, number or hash') } apt::source { 'backports': location => $_location, release => $_release, repos => $_repos, key => $_key, pin => $_pin, } }