module MCollective # Simple module to manage vendored code. # # To vendor a library simply download its whole git repo or untar # into vendor/libraryname and create a load_libraryname.rb file # to add its libdir into the $:. # # Once you have that file, add a require line in vendor/require_vendored.rb # which will run after all the load_* files. # # The intention is to not change vendored libraries and to eventually # make adding them in optional so that distros can simply adjust their # packaging to exclude this directory and the various load_xxx.rb scripts # if they wish to install these gems as native packages. class Vendor class << self def vendor_dir File.join([File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__)), "vendor"]) end def load_entry(entry) Log.debug("Loading vendored #{$1}") load "#{vendor_dir}/#{entry}" end def require_libs require 'mcollective/vendor/require_vendored' end def load_vendored Dir.entries(vendor_dir).each do |entry| if entry.match(/load_(\w+?)\.rb$/) load_entry entry end end require_libs end end end end