# To use the GUI JSON editor, start the edit_json.rb executable script. It # requires ruby-gtk to be installed. require 'gtk2' require 'json' require 'rbconfig' require 'open-uri' module JSON module Editor include Gtk # Beginning of the editor window title TITLE = 'JSON Editor'.freeze # Columns constants ICON_COL, TYPE_COL, CONTENT_COL = 0, 1, 2 # JSON primitive types (Containers) CONTAINER_TYPES = %w[Array Hash].sort # All JSON primitive types ALL_TYPES = (%w[TrueClass FalseClass Numeric String NilClass] + CONTAINER_TYPES).sort # The Nodes necessary for the tree representation of a JSON document ALL_NODES = (ALL_TYPES + %w[Key]).sort DEFAULT_DIALOG_KEY_PRESS_HANDLER = lambda do |dialog, event| case event.keyval when Gdk::Keyval::GDK_Return dialog.response Dialog::RESPONSE_ACCEPT when Gdk::Keyval::GDK_Escape dialog.response Dialog::RESPONSE_REJECT end end # Returns the Gdk::Pixbuf of the icon named _name_ from the icon cache. def Editor.fetch_icon(name) @icon_cache ||= {} unless @icon_cache.key?(name) path = File.dirname(__FILE__) @icon_cache[name] = Gdk::Pixbuf.new(File.join(path, name + '.xpm')) end @icon_cache[name] end # Opens an error dialog on top of _window_ showing the error message # _text_. def Editor.error_dialog(window, text) dialog = MessageDialog.new(window, Dialog::MODAL, MessageDialog::ERROR, MessageDialog::BUTTONS_CLOSE, text) dialog.show_all dialog.run rescue TypeError dialog = MessageDialog.new(Editor.window, Dialog::MODAL, MessageDialog::ERROR, MessageDialog::BUTTONS_CLOSE, text) dialog.show_all dialog.run ensure dialog.destroy if dialog end # Opens a yes/no question dialog on top of _window_ showing the error # message _text_. If yes was answered _true_ is returned, otherwise # _false_. def Editor.question_dialog(window, text) dialog = MessageDialog.new(window, Dialog::MODAL, MessageDialog::QUESTION, MessageDialog::BUTTONS_YES_NO, text) dialog.show_all dialog.run do |response| return Gtk::Dialog::RESPONSE_YES === response end ensure dialog.destroy if dialog end # Convert the tree model starting from Gtk::TreeIter _iter_ into a Ruby # data structure and return it. def Editor.model2data(iter) return nil if iter.nil? case iter.type when 'Hash' hash = {} iter.each { |c| hash[c.content] = Editor.model2data(c.first_child) } hash when 'Array' array = Array.new(iter.n_children) iter.each_with_index { |c, i| array[i] = Editor.model2data(c) } array when 'Key' iter.content when 'String' iter.content when 'Numeric' content = iter.content if /\./.match(content) content.to_f else content.to_i end when 'TrueClass' true when 'FalseClass' false when 'NilClass' nil else fail "Unknown type found in model: #{iter.type}" end end # Convert the Ruby data structure _data_ into tree model data for Gtk and # returns the whole model. If the parameter _model_ wasn't given a new # Gtk::TreeStore is created as the model. The _parent_ parameter specifies # the parent node (iter, Gtk:TreeIter instance) to which the data is # appended, alternativeley the result of the yielded block is used as iter. def Editor.data2model(data, model = nil, parent = nil) model ||= TreeStore.new(Gdk::Pixbuf, String, String) iter = if block_given? yield model else model.append(parent) end case data when Hash iter.type = 'Hash' data.sort.each do |key, value| pair_iter = model.append(iter) pair_iter.type = 'Key' pair_iter.content = key.to_s Editor.data2model(value, model, pair_iter) end when Array iter.type = 'Array' data.each do |value| Editor.data2model(value, model, iter) end when Numeric iter.type = 'Numeric' iter.content = data.to_s when String, true, false, nil iter.type = data.class.name iter.content = data.nil? ? 'null' : data.to_s else iter.type = 'String' iter.content = data.to_s end model end # The Gtk::TreeIter class is reopened and some auxiliary methods are added. class Gtk::TreeIter include Enumerable # Traverse each of this Gtk::TreeIter instance's children # and yield to them. def each n_children.times { |i| yield nth_child(i) } end # Recursively traverse all nodes of this Gtk::TreeIter's subtree # (including self) and yield to them. def recursive_each(&block) yield self each do |i| i.recursive_each(&block) end end # Remove the subtree of this Gtk::TreeIter instance from the # model _model_. def remove_subtree(model) while current = first_child model.remove(current) end end # Returns the type of this node. def type self[TYPE_COL] end # Sets the type of this node to _value_. This implies setting # the respective icon accordingly. def type=(value) self[TYPE_COL] = value self[ICON_COL] = Editor.fetch_icon(value) end # Returns the content of this node. def content self[CONTENT_COL] end # Sets the content of this node to _value_. def content=(value) self[CONTENT_COL] = value end end # This module bundles some method, that can be used to create a menu. It # should be included into the class in question. module MenuExtension include Gtk # Creates a Menu, that includes MenuExtension. _treeview_ is the # Gtk::TreeView, on which it operates. def initialize(treeview) @treeview = treeview @menu = Menu.new end # Returns the Gtk::TreeView of this menu. attr_reader :treeview # Returns the menu. attr_reader :menu # Adds a Gtk::SeparatorMenuItem to this instance's #menu. def add_separator menu.append SeparatorMenuItem.new end # Adds a Gtk::MenuItem to this instance's #menu. _label_ is the label # string, _klass_ is the item type, and _callback_ is the procedure, that # is called if the _item_ is activated. def add_item(label, keyval = nil, klass = MenuItem, &callback) label = "#{label} (C-#{keyval.chr})" if keyval item = klass.new(label) item.signal_connect(:activate, &callback) if keyval self.signal_connect(:'key-press-event') do |item, event| if event.state & Gdk::Window::ModifierType::CONTROL_MASK != 0 and event.keyval == keyval callback.call item end end end menu.append item item end # This method should be implemented in subclasses to create the #menu of # this instance. It has to be called after an instance of this class is # created, to build the menu. def create raise NotImplementedError end def method_missing(*a, &b) treeview.__send__(*a, &b) end end # This class creates the popup menu, that opens when clicking onto the # treeview. class PopUpMenu include MenuExtension # Change the type or content of the selected node. def change_node(item) if current = selection.selected parent = current.parent old_type, old_content = current.type, current.content if ALL_TYPES.include?(old_type) @clipboard_data = Editor.model2data(current) type, content = ask_for_element(parent, current.type, current.content) if type current.type, current.content = type, content current.remove_subtree(model) toplevel.display_status("Changed a node in tree.") window.change end else toplevel.display_status( "Cannot change node of type #{old_type} in tree!") end end end # Cut the selected node and its subtree, and save it into the # clipboard. def cut_node(item) if current = selection.selected if current and current.type == 'Key' @clipboard_data = { current.content => Editor.model2data(current.first_child) } else @clipboard_data = Editor.model2data(current) end model.remove(current) window.change toplevel.display_status("Cut a node from tree.") end end # Copy the selected node and its subtree, and save it into the # clipboard. def copy_node(item) if current = selection.selected if current and current.type == 'Key' @clipboard_data = { current.content => Editor.model2data(current.first_child) } else @clipboard_data = Editor.model2data(current) end window.change toplevel.display_status("Copied a node from tree.") end end # Paste the data in the clipboard into the selected Array or Hash by # appending it. def paste_node_appending(item) if current = selection.selected if @clipboard_data case current.type when 'Array' Editor.data2model(@clipboard_data, model, current) expand_collapse(current) when 'Hash' if @clipboard_data.is_a? Hash parent = current.parent hash = Editor.model2data(current) model.remove(current) hash.update(@clipboard_data) Editor.data2model(hash, model, parent) if parent expand_collapse(parent) elsif @expanded expand_all end window.change else toplevel.display_status( "Cannot paste non-#{current.type} data into '#{current.type}'!") end else toplevel.display_status( "Cannot paste node below '#{current.type}'!") end else toplevel.display_status("Nothing to paste in clipboard!") end else toplevel.display_status("Append a node into the root first!") end end # Paste the data in the clipboard into the selected Array inserting it # before the selected element. def paste_node_inserting_before(item) if current = selection.selected if @clipboard_data parent = current.parent or return parent_type = parent.type if parent_type == 'Array' selected_index = parent.each_with_index do |c, i| break i if c == current end Editor.data2model(@clipboard_data, model, parent) do |m| m.insert_before(parent, current) end expand_collapse(current) toplevel.display_status("Inserted an element to " + "'#{parent_type}' before index #{selected_index}.") window.change else toplevel.display_status( "Cannot insert node below '#{parent_type}'!") end else toplevel.display_status("Nothing to paste in clipboard!") end else toplevel.display_status("Append a node into the root first!") end end # Append a new node to the selected Hash or Array. def append_new_node(item) if parent = selection.selected parent_type = parent.type case parent_type when 'Hash' key, type, content = ask_for_hash_pair(parent) key or return iter = create_node(parent, 'Key', key) iter = create_node(iter, type, content) toplevel.display_status( "Added a (key, value)-pair to '#{parent_type}'.") window.change when 'Array' type, content = ask_for_element(parent) type or return iter = create_node(parent, type, content) window.change toplevel.display_status("Appendend an element to '#{parent_type}'.") else toplevel.display_status("Cannot append to '#{parent_type}'!") end else type, content = ask_for_element type or return iter = create_node(nil, type, content) window.change end end # Insert a new node into an Array before the selected element. def insert_new_node(item) if current = selection.selected parent = current.parent or return parent_parent = parent.parent parent_type = parent.type if parent_type == 'Array' selected_index = parent.each_with_index do |c, i| break i if c == current end type, content = ask_for_element(parent) type or return iter = model.insert_before(parent, current) iter.type, iter.content = type, content toplevel.display_status("Inserted an element to " + "'#{parent_type}' before index #{selected_index}.") window.change else toplevel.display_status( "Cannot insert node below '#{parent_type}'!") end else toplevel.display_status("Append a node into the root first!") end end # Recursively collapse/expand a subtree starting from the selected node. def collapse_expand(item) if current = selection.selected if row_expanded?(current.path) collapse_row(current.path) else expand_row(current.path, true) end else toplevel.display_status("Append a node into the root first!") end end # Create the menu. def create add_item("Change node", ?n, &method(:change_node)) add_separator add_item("Cut node", ?X, &method(:cut_node)) add_item("Copy node", ?C, &method(:copy_node)) add_item("Paste node (appending)", ?A, &method(:paste_node_appending)) add_item("Paste node (inserting before)", ?I, &method(:paste_node_inserting_before)) add_separator add_item("Append new node", ?a, &method(:append_new_node)) add_item("Insert new node before", ?i, &method(:insert_new_node)) add_separator add_item("Collapse/Expand node (recursively)", ?e, &method(:collapse_expand)) menu.show_all signal_connect(:button_press_event) do |widget, event| if event.kind_of? Gdk::EventButton and event.button == 3 menu.popup(nil, nil, event.button, event.time) end end signal_connect(:popup_menu) do menu.popup(nil, nil, 0, Gdk::Event::CURRENT_TIME) end end end # This class creates the File pulldown menu. class FileMenu include MenuExtension # Clear the model and filename, but ask to save the JSON document, if # unsaved changes have occured. def new(item) window.clear end # Open a file and load it into the editor. Ask to save the JSON document # first, if unsaved changes have occured. def open(item) window.file_open end def open_location(item) window.location_open end # Revert the current JSON document in the editor to the saved version. def revert(item) window.instance_eval do @filename and file_open(@filename) end end # Save the current JSON document. def save(item) window.file_save end # Save the current JSON document under the given filename. def save_as(item) window.file_save_as end # Quit the editor, after asking to save any unsaved changes first. def quit(item) window.quit end # Create the menu. def create title = MenuItem.new('File') title.submenu = menu add_item('New', &method(:new)) add_item('Open', ?o, &method(:open)) add_item('Open location', ?l, &method(:open_location)) add_item('Revert', &method(:revert)) add_separator add_item('Save', ?s, &method(:save)) add_item('Save As', ?S, &method(:save_as)) add_separator add_item('Quit', ?q, &method(:quit)) title end end # This class creates the Edit pulldown menu. class EditMenu include MenuExtension # Copy data from model into primary clipboard. def copy(item) data = Editor.model2data(model.iter_first) json = JSON.pretty_generate(data, :max_nesting => false) c = Gtk::Clipboard.get(Gdk::Selection::PRIMARY) c.text = json end # Copy json text from primary clipboard into model. def paste(item) c = Gtk::Clipboard.get(Gdk::Selection::PRIMARY) if json = c.wait_for_text window.ask_save if @changed begin window.edit json rescue JSON::ParserError window.clear end end end # Find a string in all nodes' contents and select the found node in the # treeview. def find(item) @search = ask_for_find_term(@search) or return iter = model.get_iter('0') or return iter.recursive_each do |i| if @iter if @iter != i next else @iter = nil next end elsif @search.match(i[CONTENT_COL]) set_cursor(i.path, nil, false) @iter = i break end end end # Repeat the last search given by #find. def find_again(item) @search or return iter = model.get_iter('0') iter.recursive_each do |i| if @iter if @iter != i next else @iter = nil next end elsif @search.match(i[CONTENT_COL]) set_cursor(i.path, nil, false) @iter = i break end end end # Sort (Reverse sort) all elements of the selected array by the given # expression. _x_ is the element in question. def sort(item) if current = selection.selected if current.type == 'Array' parent = current.parent ary = Editor.model2data(current) order, reverse = ask_for_order order or return begin block = eval "lambda { |x| #{order} }" if reverse ary.sort! { |a,b| block[b] <=> block[a] } else ary.sort! { |a,b| block[a] <=> block[b] } end rescue => e Editor.error_dialog(self, "Failed to sort Array with #{order}: #{e}!") else Editor.data2model(ary, model, parent) do |m| m.insert_before(parent, current) end model.remove(current) expand_collapse(parent) window.change toplevel.display_status("Array has been sorted.") end else toplevel.display_status("Only Array nodes can be sorted!") end else toplevel.display_status("Select an Array to sort first!") end end # Create the menu. def create title = MenuItem.new('Edit') title.submenu = menu add_item('Copy', ?c, &method(:copy)) add_item('Paste', ?v, &method(:paste)) add_separator add_item('Find', ?f, &method(:find)) add_item('Find Again', ?g, &method(:find_again)) add_separator add_item('Sort', ?S, &method(:sort)) title end end class OptionsMenu include MenuExtension # Collapse/Expand all nodes by default. def collapsed_nodes(item) if expanded self.expanded = false collapse_all else self.expanded = true expand_all end end # Toggle pretty saving mode on/off. def pretty_saving(item) @pretty_item.toggled window.change end attr_reader :pretty_item # Create the menu. def create title = MenuItem.new('Options') title.submenu = menu add_item('Collapsed nodes', nil, CheckMenuItem, &method(:collapsed_nodes)) @pretty_item = add_item('Pretty saving', nil, CheckMenuItem, &method(:pretty_saving)) @pretty_item.active = true window.unchange title end end # This class inherits from Gtk::TreeView, to configure it and to add a lot # of behaviour to it. class JSONTreeView < Gtk::TreeView include Gtk # Creates a JSONTreeView instance, the parameter _window_ is # a MainWindow instance and used for self delegation. def initialize(window) @window = window super(TreeStore.new(Gdk::Pixbuf, String, String)) self.selection.mode = SELECTION_BROWSE @expanded = false self.headers_visible = false add_columns add_popup_menu end # Returns the MainWindow instance of this JSONTreeView. attr_reader :window # Returns true, if nodes are autoexpanding, false otherwise. attr_accessor :expanded private def add_columns cell = CellRendererPixbuf.new column = TreeViewColumn.new('Icon', cell, 'pixbuf' => ICON_COL ) append_column(column) cell = CellRendererText.new column = TreeViewColumn.new('Type', cell, 'text' => TYPE_COL ) append_column(column) cell = CellRendererText.new cell.editable = true column = TreeViewColumn.new('Content', cell, 'text' => CONTENT_COL ) cell.signal_connect(:edited, &method(:cell_edited)) append_column(column) end def unify_key(iter, key) return unless iter.type == 'Key' parent = iter.parent if parent.any? { |c| c != iter and c.content == key } old_key = key i = 0 begin key = sprintf("%s.%d", old_key, i += 1) end while parent.any? { |c| c != iter and c.content == key } end iter.content = key end def cell_edited(cell, path, value) iter = model.get_iter(path) case iter.type when 'Key' unify_key(iter, value) toplevel.display_status('Key has been changed.') when 'FalseClass' value.downcase! if value == 'true' iter.type, iter.content = 'TrueClass', 'true' end when 'TrueClass' value.downcase! if value == 'false' iter.type, iter.content = 'FalseClass', 'false' end when 'Numeric' iter.content = if value == 'Infinity' value else (Integer(value) rescue Float(value) rescue 0).to_s end when 'String' iter.content = value when 'Hash', 'Array' return else fail "Unknown type found in model: #{iter.type}" end window.change end def configure_value(value, type) value.editable = false case type when 'Array', 'Hash' value.text = '' when 'TrueClass' value.text = 'true' when 'FalseClass' value.text = 'false' when 'NilClass' value.text = 'null' when 'Numeric', 'String' value.text ||= '' value.editable = true else raise ArgumentError, "unknown type '#{type}' encountered" end end def add_popup_menu menu = PopUpMenu.new(self) menu.create end public # Create a _type_ node with content _content_, and add it to _parent_ # in the model. If _parent_ is nil, create a new model and put it into # the editor treeview. def create_node(parent, type, content) iter = if parent model.append(parent) else new_model = Editor.data2model(nil) toplevel.view_new_model(new_model) new_model.iter_first end iter.type, iter.content = type, content expand_collapse(parent) if parent iter end # Ask for a hash key, value pair to be added to the Hash node _parent_. def ask_for_hash_pair(parent) key_input = type_input = value_input = nil dialog = Dialog.new("New (key, value) pair for Hash", nil, nil, [ Stock::OK, Dialog::RESPONSE_ACCEPT ], [ Stock::CANCEL, Dialog::RESPONSE_REJECT ] ) dialog.width_request = 640 hbox = HBox.new(false, 5) hbox.pack_start(Label.new("Key:"), false) hbox.pack_start(key_input = Entry.new) key_input.text = @key || '' dialog.vbox.pack_start(hbox, false) key_input.signal_connect(:activate) do if parent.any? { |c| c.content == key_input.text } toplevel.display_status('Key already exists in Hash!') key_input.text = '' else toplevel.display_status('Key has been changed.') end end hbox = HBox.new(false, 5) hbox.pack_start(Label.new("Type:"), false) hbox.pack_start(type_input = ComboBox.new(true)) ALL_TYPES.each { |t| type_input.append_text(t) } type_input.active = @type || 0 dialog.vbox.pack_start(hbox, false) type_input.signal_connect(:changed) do value_input.editable = false case ALL_TYPES[type_input.active] when 'Array', 'Hash' value_input.text = '' when 'TrueClass' value_input.text = 'true' when 'FalseClass' value_input.text = 'false' when 'NilClass' value_input.text = 'null' else value_input.text = '' value_input.editable = true end end hbox = HBox.new(false, 5) hbox.pack_start(Label.new("Value:"), false) hbox.pack_start(value_input = Entry.new) value_input.width_chars = 60 value_input.text = @value || '' dialog.vbox.pack_start(hbox, false) dialog.signal_connect(:'key-press-event', &DEFAULT_DIALOG_KEY_PRESS_HANDLER) dialog.show_all self.focus = dialog dialog.run do |response| if response == Dialog::RESPONSE_ACCEPT @key = key_input.text type = ALL_TYPES[@type = type_input.active] content = value_input.text return @key, type, content end end return ensure dialog.destroy end # Ask for an element to be appended _parent_. def ask_for_element(parent = nil, default_type = nil, value_text = @content) type_input = value_input = nil dialog = Dialog.new( "New element into #{parent ? parent.type : 'root'}", nil, nil, [ Stock::OK, Dialog::RESPONSE_ACCEPT ], [ Stock::CANCEL, Dialog::RESPONSE_REJECT ] ) hbox = HBox.new(false, 5) hbox.pack_start(Label.new("Type:"), false) hbox.pack_start(type_input = ComboBox.new(true)) default_active = 0 types = parent ? ALL_TYPES : CONTAINER_TYPES types.each_with_index do |t, i| type_input.append_text(t) if t == default_type default_active = i end end type_input.active = default_active dialog.vbox.pack_start(hbox, false) type_input.signal_connect(:changed) do configure_value(value_input, types[type_input.active]) end hbox = HBox.new(false, 5) hbox.pack_start(Label.new("Value:"), false) hbox.pack_start(value_input = Entry.new) value_input.width_chars = 60 value_input.text = value_text if value_text configure_value(value_input, types[type_input.active]) dialog.vbox.pack_start(hbox, false) dialog.signal_connect(:'key-press-event', &DEFAULT_DIALOG_KEY_PRESS_HANDLER) dialog.show_all self.focus = dialog dialog.run do |response| if response == Dialog::RESPONSE_ACCEPT type = types[type_input.active] @content = case type when 'Numeric' if (t = value_input.text) == 'Infinity' 1 / 0.0 else Integer(t) rescue Float(t) rescue 0 end else value_input.text end.to_s return type, @content end end return ensure dialog.destroy if dialog end # Ask for an order criteria for sorting, using _x_ for the element in # question. Returns the order criterium, and true/false for reverse # sorting. def ask_for_order dialog = Dialog.new( "Give an order criterium for 'x'.", nil, nil, [ Stock::OK, Dialog::RESPONSE_ACCEPT ], [ Stock::CANCEL, Dialog::RESPONSE_REJECT ] ) hbox = HBox.new(false, 5) hbox.pack_start(Label.new("Order:"), false) hbox.pack_start(order_input = Entry.new) order_input.text = @order || 'x' order_input.width_chars = 60 hbox.pack_start(reverse_checkbox = CheckButton.new('Reverse'), false) dialog.vbox.pack_start(hbox, false) dialog.signal_connect(:'key-press-event', &DEFAULT_DIALOG_KEY_PRESS_HANDLER) dialog.show_all self.focus = dialog dialog.run do |response| if response == Dialog::RESPONSE_ACCEPT return @order = order_input.text, reverse_checkbox.active? end end return ensure dialog.destroy if dialog end # Ask for a find term to search for in the tree. Returns the term as a # string. def ask_for_find_term(search = nil) dialog = Dialog.new( "Find a node matching regex in tree.", nil, nil, [ Stock::OK, Dialog::RESPONSE_ACCEPT ], [ Stock::CANCEL, Dialog::RESPONSE_REJECT ] ) hbox = HBox.new(false, 5) hbox.pack_start(Label.new("Regex:"), false) hbox.pack_start(regex_input = Entry.new) hbox.pack_start(icase_checkbox = CheckButton.new('Icase'), false) regex_input.width_chars = 60 if search regex_input.text = search.source icase_checkbox.active = search.casefold? end dialog.vbox.pack_start(hbox, false) dialog.signal_connect(:'key-press-event', &DEFAULT_DIALOG_KEY_PRESS_HANDLER) dialog.show_all self.focus = dialog dialog.run do |response| if response == Dialog::RESPONSE_ACCEPT begin return Regexp.new(regex_input.text, icase_checkbox.active? ? Regexp::IGNORECASE : 0) rescue => e Editor.error_dialog(self, "Evaluation of regex /#{regex_input.text}/ failed: #{e}!") return end end end return ensure dialog.destroy if dialog end # Expand or collapse row pointed to by _iter_ according # to the #expanded attribute. def expand_collapse(iter) if expanded expand_row(iter.path, true) else collapse_row(iter.path) end end end # The editor main window class MainWindow < Gtk::Window include Gtk def initialize(encoding) @changed = false @encoding = encoding super(TOPLEVEL) display_title set_default_size(800, 600) signal_connect(:delete_event) { quit } vbox = VBox.new(false, 0) add(vbox) #vbox.border_width = 0 @treeview = JSONTreeView.new(self) @treeview.signal_connect(:'cursor-changed') do display_status('') end menu_bar = create_menu_bar vbox.pack_start(menu_bar, false, false, 0) sw = ScrolledWindow.new(nil, nil) sw.shadow_type = SHADOW_ETCHED_IN sw.set_policy(POLICY_AUTOMATIC, POLICY_AUTOMATIC) vbox.pack_start(sw, true, true, 0) sw.add(@treeview) @status_bar = Statusbar.new vbox.pack_start(@status_bar, false, false, 0) @filename ||= nil if @filename data = read_data(@filename) view_new_model Editor.data2model(data) end signal_connect(:button_release_event) do |_,event| if event.button == 2 c = Gtk::Clipboard.get(Gdk::Selection::PRIMARY) if url = c.wait_for_text location_open url end false else true end end end # Creates the menu bar with the pulldown menus and returns it. def create_menu_bar menu_bar = MenuBar.new @file_menu = FileMenu.new(@treeview) menu_bar.append @file_menu.create @edit_menu = EditMenu.new(@treeview) menu_bar.append @edit_menu.create @options_menu = OptionsMenu.new(@treeview) menu_bar.append @options_menu.create menu_bar end # Sets editor status to changed, to indicate that the edited data # containts unsaved changes. def change @changed = true display_title end # Sets editor status to unchanged, to indicate that the edited data # doesn't containt unsaved changes. def unchange @changed = false display_title end # Puts a new model _model_ into the Gtk::TreeView to be edited. def view_new_model(model) @treeview.model = model @treeview.expanded = true @treeview.expand_all unchange end # Displays _text_ in the status bar. def display_status(text) @cid ||= nil @status_bar.pop(@cid) if @cid @cid = @status_bar.get_context_id('dummy') @status_bar.push(@cid, text) end # Opens a dialog, asking, if changes should be saved to a file. def ask_save if Editor.question_dialog(self, "Unsaved changes to JSON model. Save?") if @filename file_save else file_save_as end end end # Quit this editor, that is, leave this editor's main loop. def quit ask_save if @changed if Gtk.main_level > 0 destroy Gtk.main_quit end nil end # Display the new title according to the editor's current state. def display_title title = TITLE.dup title << ": #@filename" if @filename title << " *" if @changed self.title = title end # Clear the current model, after asking to save all unsaved changes. def clear ask_save if @changed @filename = nil self.view_new_model nil end def check_pretty_printed(json) pretty = !!((nl_index = json.index("\n")) && nl_index != json.size - 1) @options_menu.pretty_item.active = pretty end private :check_pretty_printed # Open the data at the location _uri_, if given. Otherwise open a dialog # to ask for the _uri_. def location_open(uri = nil) uri = ask_for_location unless uri uri or return ask_save if @changed data = load_location(uri) or return view_new_model Editor.data2model(data) end # Open the file _filename_ or call the #select_file method to ask for a # filename. def file_open(filename = nil) filename = select_file('Open as a JSON file') unless filename data = load_file(filename) or return view_new_model Editor.data2model(data) end # Edit the string _json_ in the editor. def edit(json) if json.respond_to? :read json = json.read end data = parse_json json view_new_model Editor.data2model(data) end # Save the current file. def file_save if @filename store_file(@filename) else file_save_as end end # Save the current file as the filename def file_save_as filename = select_file('Save as a JSON file') store_file(filename) end # Store the current JSON document to _path_. def store_file(path) if path data = Editor.model2data(@treeview.model.iter_first) File.open(path + '.tmp', 'wb') do |output| data or break if @options_menu.pretty_item.active? output.puts JSON.pretty_generate(data, :max_nesting => false) else output.write JSON.generate(data, :max_nesting => false) end end File.rename path + '.tmp', path @filename = path toplevel.display_status("Saved data to '#@filename'.") unchange end rescue SystemCallError => e Editor.error_dialog(self, "Failed to store JSON file: #{e}!") end # Load the file named _filename_ into the editor as a JSON document. def load_file(filename) if filename if File.directory?(filename) Editor.error_dialog(self, "Try to select a JSON file!") nil else @filename = filename if data = read_data(filename) toplevel.display_status("Loaded data from '#@filename'.") end display_title data end end end # Load the data at location _uri_ into the editor as a JSON document. def load_location(uri) data = read_data(uri) or return @filename = nil toplevel.display_status("Loaded data from '#{uri}'.") display_title data end def parse_json(json) check_pretty_printed(json) if @encoding && !/^utf8$/i.match(@encoding) json = JSON.iconv 'utf-8', @encoding, json end JSON::parse(json, :max_nesting => false, :create_additions => false) end private :parse_json # Read a JSON document from the file named _filename_, parse it into a # ruby data structure, and return the data. def read_data(filename) open(filename) do |f| json = f.read return parse_json(json) end rescue => e Editor.error_dialog(self, "Failed to parse JSON file: #{e}!") return end # Open a file selecton dialog, displaying _message_, and return the # selected filename or nil, if no file was selected. def select_file(message) filename = nil fs = FileSelection.new(message) fs.set_modal(true) @default_dir = File.join(Dir.pwd, '') unless @default_dir fs.set_filename(@default_dir) fs.set_transient_for(self) fs.signal_connect(:destroy) { Gtk.main_quit } fs.ok_button.signal_connect(:clicked) do filename = fs.filename @default_dir = File.join(File.dirname(filename), '') fs.destroy Gtk.main_quit end fs.cancel_button.signal_connect(:clicked) do fs.destroy Gtk.main_quit end fs.show_all Gtk.main filename end # Ask for location URI a to load data from. Returns the URI as a string. def ask_for_location dialog = Dialog.new( "Load data from location...", nil, nil, [ Stock::OK, Dialog::RESPONSE_ACCEPT ], [ Stock::CANCEL, Dialog::RESPONSE_REJECT ] ) hbox = HBox.new(false, 5) hbox.pack_start(Label.new("Location:"), false) hbox.pack_start(location_input = Entry.new) location_input.width_chars = 60 location_input.text = @location || '' dialog.vbox.pack_start(hbox, false) dialog.signal_connect(:'key-press-event', &DEFAULT_DIALOG_KEY_PRESS_HANDLER) dialog.show_all dialog.run do |response| if response == Dialog::RESPONSE_ACCEPT return @location = location_input.text end end return ensure dialog.destroy if dialog end end class << self # Starts a JSON Editor. If a block was given, it yields # to the JSON::Editor::MainWindow instance. def start(encoding = 'utf8') # :yield: window Gtk.init @window = Editor::MainWindow.new(encoding) @window.icon_list = [ Editor.fetch_icon('json') ] yield @window if block_given? @window.show_all Gtk.main end # Edit the string _json_ with encoding _encoding_ in the editor. def edit(json, encoding = 'utf8') start(encoding) do |window| window.edit json end end attr_reader :window end end end