module MCollective # Wrapper around systemu that handles executing of system commands # in a way that makes stdout, stderr and status available. Supports # timeouts and sets a default sane environment. # # s ="date", opts) # s.runcommand # puts s.stdout # puts s.stderr # puts s.status.exitstatus # # Options hash can have: # # cwd - the working directory the command will be run from # stdin - a string that will be sent to stdin of the program # stdout - a variable that will receive stdout, must support << # stderr - a variable that will receive stdin, must support << # environment - the shell environment, defaults to include LC_ALL=C # set to nil to clear the environment even of LC_ALL # class Shell attr_reader :environment, :command, :status, :stdout, :stderr, :stdin, :cwd def initialize(command, options={}) @environment = {"LC_ALL" => "C"} @command = command @status = nil @stdout = "" @stderr = "" @stdin = nil @cwd = Dir.tmpdir options.each do |opt, val| case opt.to_s when "stdout" raise "stdout should support <<" unless val.respond_to?("<<") @stdout = val when "stderr" raise "stderr should support <<" unless val.respond_to?("<<") @stderr = val when "stdin" raise "stdin should be a String" unless val.is_a?(String) @stdin = val when "cwd" raise "Directory #{val} does not exist" unless @cwd = val when "environment" if val.nil? @environment = {} else @environment.merge!(val.dup) end end end end # Actually does the systemu call passing in the correct environment, stdout and stderr def runcommand opts = {"env" => @environment, "stdout" => @stdout, "stderr" => @stderr, "cwd" => @cwd} opts["stdin"] = @stdin if @stdin # Check if the parent thread is alive. If it should die, # and the process spawned by systemu is still alive, # fire off a blocking waitpid and wait for the process to # finish so that we can avoid zombies. thread = Thread.current @status = systemu(@command, opts) do |cid| begin while(thread.alive?) sleep 0.1 end Process.waitpid(cid) if Process.getpgid(cid) rescue SystemExit rescue Errno::ESRCH rescue Errno::ECHILD rescue Exception => e"Unexpected exception received while waiting for child process: #{e.class}: #{e}") end end end end end