module MCollective # The main runner for the daemon, supports running in the foreground # and the background, keeps detailed stats and provides hooks to access # all this information class Runner include Translatable def initialize(configfile) @config = Config.instance @config.loadconfig(configfile) unless @config.configured @config.mode = :server @stats = PluginManager["global_stats"] @security = PluginManager["security_plugin"] @security.initiated_by = :node @connection = PluginManager["connector_plugin"] @connection.connect @agents = unless Signal.trap("USR1") do log_code(:PLMC2, "Reloading all agents after receiving USR1 signal", :info) @agents.loadagents end Signal.trap("USR2") do log_code(:PLMC3, "Cycling logging level due to USR2 signal", :info) Log.cycle_level end else Util.setup_windows_sleeper end end # Starts the main loop, before calling this you should initialize the MCollective::Config singleton. def run Data.load_data_sources Util.subscribe(Util.make_subscriptions("mcollective", :broadcast)) Util.subscribe(Util.make_subscriptions("mcollective", :directed)) if @config.direct_addressing # Start the registration plugin if interval isn't 0 begin PluginManager["registration_plugin"].run(@connection) unless @config.registerinterval == 0 rescue Exception => e logexception(:PLMC4, "Failed to start registration plugin: %{error}", :error, e) end loop do begin request = receive unless request.agent == "mcollective" agentmsg(request) else log_code(:PLMC5, "Received a control message, possibly via 'mco controller' but this has been deprecated", :error) end rescue SignalException => e logexception(:PLMC7, "Exiting after signal: %{error}", :warn, e) @connection.disconnect raise rescue MsgTTLExpired => e logexception(:PLMC9, "Expired Message: %{error}", :warn, e) rescue NotTargettedAtUs => e log_code(:PLMC6, "Message does not pass filters, ignoring", :debug) rescue Exception => e logexception(:PLMC10, "Failed to handle message: %{error}", :warn, e, true) end end end private # Deals with messages directed to agents def agentmsg(request) log_code(:PLMC8, "Handling message for agent '%{agent}' on collective '%{collective} with requestid '%{requestid}'", :debug, :agent => request.agent, :collective => request.collective, :requestid => request.requestid) @agents.dispatch(request, @connection) do |reply_message| reply(reply_message, request) if reply_message end end # Deals with messages sent to our control topic def controlmsg(request) Log.debug("Handling message for mcollectived controller") begin case request.payload[:body] when /^stats$/ reply(@stats.to_hash, request) when /^reload_agent (.+)$/ reply("reloaded #{$1} agent", request) if @agents.loadagent($1) when /^reload_agents$/ reply("reloaded all agents", request) if @agents.loadagents else Log.error("Received an unknown message to the controller") end rescue Exception => e Log.error("Failed to handle control message: #{e}") end end # Receive a message from the connection handler def receive request = @connection.receive request.type = :request @stats.received request.decode! request.validate request end # Sends a reply to a specific target topic def reply(msg, request) msg =, nil, :request => request) msg.encode! msg.publish @stats.sent end end end