module MCollective module RPC # Class that shows a progress bar, currently only supports a twirling # progress bar. # # You can specify a size for the progress bar if you want if you dont # it will use the helper functions to figure out terminal dimensions # and draw an appropriately sized bar # # p = # 100.times {|i| print p.twirl(i+1, 100) + "\r"};puts # # * [ ==================================================> ] 100 / 100 class Progress def initialize(size=nil) @twirl = ['|', '/', '-', "\\", '|', '/', '-', "\\"] @twirldex = 0 if size @size = size else cols = Util.terminal_dimensions[0] - 22 # Defaults back to old behavior if it # couldn't figure out the size or if # its more than 60 wide if cols <= 0 @size = 0 elsif cols > 60 @size = 60 else @size = cols end end end def twirl(current, total) # if the size is negative there is just not enough # space on the terminal, return a simpler version return "\r#{current} / #{total}" if @size == 0 if current == total txt = "\r %s [ " % Util.colorize(:green, "*") else txt = "\r %s [ " % Util.colorize(:red, @twirl[@twirldex]) end dashes = ((current.to_f / total) * @size).round dashes.times { txt << "=" } txt << ">" (@size - dashes).times { txt << " " } txt << " ] #{current} / #{total}" @twirldex == 7 ? @twirldex = 0 : @twirldex += 1 return txt end end end end