module MCollective module PluginPackager # Plugin definition classes autoload :AgentDefinition, "mcollective/pluginpackager/agent_definition" autoload :StandardDefinition, "mcollective/pluginpackager/standard_definition" # Package implementation plugins def self.load_packagers PluginManager.find_and_load("pluginpackager") end def self.[](klass) const_get("#{klass}") end # Fetch and return metadata from plugin DDL def self.get_metadata(path, type) ddl ="package", type.to_sym, false) begin ddl_file =, type, "*.ddl")).first) rescue Exception raise "failed to load ddl file in plugin directory : #{File.join(path, type)}" end ddl.instance_eval ddl_file return ddl.meta, ddl.requirements[:mcollective] end # Checks if a directory is present and not empty def self.check_dir_present(path) ( && !Dir.glob(File.join(path, "*")).empty?) end # Quietly calls a block if verbose parameter is false def self.do_quietly?(verbose, &block) unless verbose old_stdout = $stdout.clone $stdout.reopen("/dev/null", "w")) begin rescue Exception => e $stdout.reopen old_stdout raise e ensure $stdout.reopen old_stdout end else end end # Checks if a build tool is present on the system def self.build_tool?(build_tool) ENV["PATH"].split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR).each do |path| builder = File.join(path, build_tool) if File.exists?(builder) return true end end false end def self.safe_system(*args) raise RuntimeError, "Failed: #{args.join(' ')}" unless system *args end end end