module MCollective module Logger # Implements a syslog based logger using the standard ruby syslog class class Console_logger :info, :warn => :warning, :debug => :debug, :fatal => :crit, :error => :err} end def log(level, from, msg, normal_output=STDERR, last_resort_output=STDERR) time ="%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S") normal_output.puts("%s %s: %s %s" % [colorize(level, level), time, from, msg]) rescue # if this fails we probably cant show the user output at all, # STDERR it as last resort last_resort_output.puts("#{level}: #{msg}") end # Set some colors for various logging levels, will honor the # color configuration option and return nothing if its configured # not to def color(level) colorize = Config.instance.color colors = {:error => Util.color(:red), :fatal => Util.color(:red), :warn => Util.color(:yellow), :info => Util.color(:green), :reset => Util.color(:reset)} if colorize return colors[level] || "" else return "" end end # Helper to return a string in specific color def colorize(level, msg) "%s%s%s" % [ color(level), msg, color(:reset) ] end end end end