module MCollective # A simple class that allows logging at various levels. class Log class << self @logger = nil VALID_LEVELS = [:error, :fatal, :debug, :warn, :info] # Obtain the class name of the currently configured logger def logger @logger.class end # Logs at info level def info(msg) log(:info, msg) end # Logs at warn level def warn(msg) log(:warn, msg) end # Logs at debug level def debug(msg) log(:debug, msg) end # Logs at fatal level def fatal(msg) log(:fatal, msg) end # Logs at error level def error(msg) log(:error, msg) end # handle old code that relied on this class being a singleton def instance self end # increments the active log level def cycle_level @logger.cycle_level if @configured end def config_and_check_level(level) configure unless @configured check_level(level) @logger.should_log?(level) end def check_level(level) raise "Unknown log level" unless valid_level?(level) end def valid_level?(level) VALID_LEVELS.include?(level) end def message_for(msgid, args={}) "%s: %s" % [msgid, Util.t(msgid, args)] end def logexception(msgid, level, e, backtrace=false, args={}) return false unless config_and_check_level(level) origin = File.basename(e.backtrace[1]) if e.is_a?(CodedError) msg = "%s: %s" % [e.code, e.to_s] else error_string = "%s: %s" % [e.class, e.to_s] msg = message_for(msgid, args.merge(:error => error_string)) end log(level, msg, origin) if backtrace e.backtrace.each do |line| log(level, "%s: %s" % [msgid, line], origin) end end end # Logs a message at a certain level, the message must be # a token that will be looked up from the i18n localization # database # # Messages can interprolate strings from the args hash, a # message with "foo %{bar}" in the localization database # will use args[:bar] for the value there, the interprolation # is handled by the i18n library itself def logmsg(msgid, default, level, args={}) return false unless config_and_check_level(level) msg = message_for(msgid, {:default => default}.merge(args)) log(level, msg) end # logs a message at a certain level def log(level, msg, origin=nil) return unless config_and_check_level(level) origin = from unless origin if @logger @logger.log(level, origin, msg) else t ="%H:%M:%S") STDERR.puts "#{t}: #{level}: #{origin}: #{msg}" end end # sets the logger class to use def set_logger(logger) @logger = logger end # configures the logger class, if the config has not yet been loaded # we default to the console logging class and do not set @configured # so that future calls to the log method will keep attempting to configure # the logger till we eventually get a logging preference from the config # module def configure(logger=nil) unless logger logger_type = "console" config = Config.instance if config.configured logger_type = config.logger_type @configured = true end require "mcollective/logger/%s_logger" % logger_type.downcase logger_class = MCollective::Logger.const_get("%s_logger" % logger_type.capitalize) set_logger( else set_logger(logger) @configured = true end @logger.start rescue Exception => e @configured = false STDERR.puts "Could not start logger: #{e.class} #{e}" end def unconfigure @configured = false set_logger(nil) end # figures out the filename that called us def from from = File.basename(caller[2]) end end end end