module MCollective module Generators class AgentGenerator \"%ACTIONDESCRIPTION%\" do\n" action_text += action_help if i == 0 action_text += "end\n" action_text += "\n" unless @actions.size == (i + 1) end # Use inherited method to create metadata part of the ddl create_metadata_string + action_text end def create_plugin_content content_text = "" # Add actions to agent file @actions.each_with_index do |action, i| content_text += "%6s%s" % [" ", "action \"#{action}\" do\n"] content_text += "%6s%s" % [" ", "end\n"] content_text += "\n" unless @actions.size == (i + 1) end content_text end def action_help action_snippet =, "templates", "action_snippet.erb")) end end end end