module MCollective module DDL # A DDL class specific to agent plugins. # # A full DDL can be seen below with all the possible bells and whistles present. # # metadata :name => "Utilities and Helpers for SimpleRPC Agents", # :description => "General helpful actions that expose stats and internals to SimpleRPC clients", # :author => "R.I.Pienaar ", # :license => "Apache License, Version 2.0", # :version => "1.0", # :url => "", # :timeout => 10 # # action "get_fact", :description => "Retrieve a single fact from the fact store" do # display :always # # input :fact, # :prompt => "The name of the fact", # :description => "The fact to retrieve", # :type => :string, # :validation => '^[\w\-\.]+$', # :optional => false, # :maxlength => 40, # :default => "fqdn" # # output :fact, # :description => "The name of the fact being returned", # :display_as => "Fact" # # output :value, # :description => "The value of the fact", # :display_as => "Value", # :default => "" # # summarize do # aggregate summary(:value) # end # end class AgentDDL nil}) DDL.validation_fail!(:PLMC28, "Formats supplied to aggregation functions should be a hash", :error) unless format.is_a?(Hash) DDL.validation_fail!(:PLMC27, "Formats supplied to aggregation functions must have a :format key", :error) unless format.keys.include?(:format) DDL.validation_fail!(:PLMC26, "Functions supplied to aggregate should be a hash", :error) unless function.is_a?(Hash) unless (function.keys.include?(:args)) && function[:args] DDL.validation_fail!(:PLMC25, "aggregate method for action '%{action}' missing a function parameter", :error, :action => entities[@current_entity][:action]) end entities[@current_entity][:aggregate] ||= [] entities[@current_entity][:aggregate] << (format[:format].nil? ? function : function.merge(format)) end # Sets the display preference to either :ok, :failed, :flatten or :always # operates on action level def display(pref) # defaults to old behavior, complain if its supplied and invalid unless [:ok, :failed, :flatten, :always].include?(pref) raise "Display preference #{pref} is not valid, should be :ok, :failed, :flatten or :always" end action = @current_entity @entities[action][:display] = pref end # Creates the definition for an action, you can nest input definitions inside the # action to attach inputs and validation to the actions # # action "status", :description => "Restarts a Service" do # display :always # # input "service", # :prompt => "Service Action", # :description => "The action to perform", # :type => :list, # :optional => true, # :list => ["start", "stop", "restart", "status"] # # output "status", # :description => "The status of the service after the action" # # end def action(name, input, &block) raise "Action needs a :description property" unless input.include?(:description) unless @entities.include?(name) @entities[name] = {} @entities[name][:action] = name @entities[name][:input] = {} @entities[name][:output] = {} @entities[name][:display] = :failed @entities[name][:description] = input[:description] end # if a block is passed it might be creating input methods, call it # we set @current_entity so the input block can know what its talking # to, this is probably an epic hack, need to improve. @current_entity = name if block_given? @current_entity = nil end # If the method name matches a # aggregate function, we return the function # with args as a hash. This will only be active if the @process_aggregate_functions # is set to true which only happens in the #summarize block def method_missing(name, *args, &block) unless @process_aggregate_functions || is_function?(name) raise NoMethodError, "undefined local variable or method `#{name}'", caller end return {:function => name, :args => args} end # Checks if a method name matches a aggregate plugin. # This is used by method missing so that we dont greedily assume that # every method_missing call in an agent ddl has hit a aggregate function. def is_function?(method_name) PluginManager.find("aggregate").include?(method_name.to_s) end # For a given action and arguments look up the DDL interface to that action # and if any arguments in the DDL have a :default value assign that to any # input that does not have an argument in the input arguments # # This is intended to only be called on clients and not on servers as the # clients should never be able to publish non compliant requests and the # servers should really not tamper with incoming requests since doing so # might raise validation errors that were not raised on the client breaking # our fail-fast approach to input validation def set_default_input_arguments(action, arguments) input = action_interface(action)[:input] return unless input input.keys.each do |key| if !arguments.include?(key) && !input[key][:default].nil? && !input[key][:optional] Log.debug("Setting default value for input '%s' to '%s'" % [key, input[key][:default]]) arguments[key] = input[key][:default] end end end # Helper to use the DDL to figure out if the remote call to an # agent should be allowed based on action name and inputs. def validate_rpc_request(action, arguments) # is the action known? unless actions.include?(action) DDL.validation_fail!(:PLMC29, "Attempted to call action %{action} for %{plugin} but it's not declared in the DDL", :debug, :action => action, :plugin => @pluginname) end input = action_interface(action)[:input] || {} input.keys.each do |key| unless input[key][:optional] unless arguments.keys.include?(key) DDL.validation_fail!(:PLMC30, "Action '%{action}' needs a '%{key}' argument", :debug, :action => action, :key => key) end end if arguments.keys.include?(key) validate_input_argument(input, key, arguments[key]) end end true end # Returns the interface for a specific action def action_interface(name) @entities[name] || {} end # Returns an array of actions this agent support def actions @entities.keys end end end end