module MCollective # A class to manage a number of named caches. Each cache can have a unique # timeout for keys in it and each cache has an independent Mutex protecting # access to it. # # This cache is setup early in the process of loading the mcollective # libraries, before any threads are created etc making it suitable as a # cross thread cache or just a store for Mutexes you need to use across # threads like in an Agent or something. # # # sets up a new cache, noop if it already exist # Cache.setup(:ddl, 600) # => true # # # writes an item to the :ddl cache, this item will # # be valid on the cache for 600 seconds # Cache.write(:ddl, :something, "value") # => "value" # # # reads from the cache, read failures due to non existing # # data or expired data will raise an exception #, :something) # => "value" # # # time left till expiry, raises if nothing is found # Cache.ttl(:ddl, :something) # => 500 # # # forcibly evict something from the cache # Cache.invalidate!(:ddl, :something) # => "value" # # # deletes an entire named cache and its mutexes # Cache.delete!(:ddl) # => true # # # you can also just use this cache as a global mutex store # Cache.setup(:mylock) # # Cache.synchronize(:mylock) do # do_something() # end # module Cache extend Translatable # protects access to @cache_locks and top level @cache @locks_mutex = # stores a mutex per named cache @cache_locks = {} # the named caches protected by items in @cache_locks @cache = {} def self.setup(cache_name, ttl=300) @locks_mutex.synchronize do break if @cache_locks.include?(cache_name) @cache_locks[cache_name] = @cache_locks[cache_name].synchronize do @cache[cache_name] = {:max_age => Float(ttl)} end end true end def self.check_cache!(cache_name) raise_code(:PLMC13, "Could not find a cache called '%{cache_name}'", :debug, :cache_name => cache_name) unless has_cache?(cache_name) end def self.has_cache?(cache_name) @locks_mutex.synchronize do @cache.include?(cache_name) end end def self.delete!(cache_name) check_cache!(cache_name) @locks_mutex.synchronize do @cache_locks.delete(cache_name) @cache.delete(cache_name) end true end def self.write(cache_name, key, value) check_cache!(cache_name) @cache_locks[cache_name].synchronize do @cache[cache_name][key] ||= {} @cache[cache_name][key][:cache_create_time] = @cache[cache_name][key][:value] = value end value end def, key) check_cache!(cache_name) unless ttl(cache_name, key) > 0 raise_code(:PLMC11, "Cache expired on '%{cache_name}' key '%{item}'", :debug, :cache_name => cache_name, :item => key) end log_code(:PLMC12, "Cache hit on '%{cache_name}' key '%{item}'", :debug, :cache_name => cache_name, :item => key) @cache_locks[cache_name].synchronize do @cache[cache_name][key][:value] end end def self.ttl(cache_name, key) check_cache!(cache_name) @cache_locks[cache_name].synchronize do unless @cache[cache_name].include?(key) raise_code(:PLMC15, "No item called '%{item}' for cache '%{cache_name}'", :debug, :cache_name => cache_name, :item => key) end @cache[cache_name][:max_age] - ( - @cache[cache_name][key][:cache_create_time]) end end def self.synchronize(cache_name) check_cache!(cache_name) raise_code(:PLMC14, "No block supplied to synchronize on cache '%{cache_name}'", :debug, :cache_name => cache_name) unless block_given? @cache_locks[cache_name].synchronize do yield end end def self.invalidate!(cache_name, key) check_cache!(cache_name) @cache_locks[cache_name].synchronize do return false unless @cache[cache_name].include?(key) @cache[cache_name].delete(key) end end end end