module MCollective # A collection of agents, loads them, reloads them and dispatches messages to them. # It uses the PluginManager to store, load and manage instances of plugins. class Agents def initialize(agents = {}) @config = Config.instance raise ("Configuration has not been loaded, can't load agents") unless @config.configured @@agents = agents loadagents end # Deletes all agents def clear! @@agents.each_key do |agent| PluginManager.delete "#{agent}_agent" Util.unsubscribe(Util.make_subscriptions(agent, :broadcast)) end @@agents = {} end # Loads all agents from disk def loadagents Log.debug("Reloading all agents from disk") clear! @config.libdir.each do |libdir| agentdir = "#{libdir}/mcollective/agent" next unless\.rb$/).each do |agent| agentname = File.basename(agent, ".rb") loadagent(agentname) unless PluginManager.include?("#{agentname}_agent") end end end # Loads a specified agent from disk if available def loadagent(agentname) agentfile = findagentfile(agentname) return false unless agentfile classname = class_for_agent(agentname) PluginManager.delete("#{agentname}_agent") begin single_instance = ["registration", "discovery"].include?(agentname) PluginManager.loadclass(classname) if activate_agent?(agentname) PluginManager << {:type => "#{agentname}_agent", :class => classname, :single_instance => single_instance} # Attempt to instantiate the agent once so any validation and hooks get run # this does a basic sanity check on the agent as a whole, if this fails it # will be removed from the plugin list PluginManager["#{agentname}_agent"] Util.subscribe(Util.make_subscriptions(agentname, :broadcast)) unless @@agents.include?(agentname) @@agents[agentname] = {:file => agentfile} return true else Log.debug("Not activating agent #{agentname} due to agent policy in activate? method") return false end rescue Exception => e Log.error("Loading agent #{agentname} failed: #{e}") PluginManager.delete("#{agentname}_agent") return false end end # Builds a class name string given a Agent name def class_for_agent(agent) "MCollective::Agent::#{agent.capitalize}" end # Checks if a plugin should be activated by # calling #activate? on it if it responds to # that method else always activate it def activate_agent?(agent) klass = Kernel.const_get("MCollective").const_get("Agent").const_get(agent.capitalize) if klass.respond_to?("activate?") return klass.activate? else Log.debug("#{klass} does not have an activate? method, activating as default") return true end rescue Exception => e Log.warn("Agent activation check for #{agent} failed: #{e.class}: #{e}") return false end # searches the libdirs for agents def findagentfile(agentname) @config.libdir.each do |libdir| agentfile = File.join([libdir, "mcollective", "agent", "#{agentname}.rb"]) if File.exist?(agentfile) Log.debug("Found #{agentname} at #{agentfile}") return agentfile end end return false end # Determines if we have an agent with a certain name def include?(agentname) PluginManager.include?("#{agentname}_agent") end # Dispatches a message to an agent, accepts a block that will get run if there are # any replies to process from the agent def dispatch(request, connection) Log.debug("Dispatching a message to agent #{request.agent}") do begin agent = PluginManager["#{request.agent}_agent"] Timeout::timeout(agent.timeout) do replies = agent.handlemsg(request.payload, connection) # Agents can decide if they wish to reply or not, # returning nil will mean nothing goes back to the # requestor unless replies == nil yield(replies) end end rescue Timeout::Error => e Log.warn("Timeout while handling message for #{request.agent}") rescue Exception => e Log.error("Execution of #{request.agent} failed: #{e}") Log.error(e.backtrace.join("\n\t\t")) end end end # Get a list of agents that we have def self.agentlist @@agents.keys end end end