require 'optparse' opt = ruby_path = ENV["RUBY"].gsub('"','') basedir = ENV["BASEDIR"] libdir = ENV["RUBYLIB"] mcollectived = ENV["MCOLLECTIVED"] configfile = ENV["SERVER_CONFIG"] unless File.exist?(ruby_path) ENV["PATH"].split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR).each do |path| ruby = File.join(path, "ruby.exe") if File.exist?(ruby) ruby_path = ruby break end end end abort("Can't find ruby.ext in the path") unless ruby_path options = {:name => "mcollectived", :display_name => "The Marionette Collective", :description => "Puppet Labs server orchestration framework", :command => '%s -I"%s" -- "%s" --config "%s"' % [ ruby_path, libdir, mcollectived, configfile ]} action = false opt.on("--install", "Install service") do action = :install end opt.on("--uninstall", "Remove service") do action = :uninstall end opt.on("--name NAME", String, "Service name (#{options[:name]})") do |n| options[:name] = n end opt.on("--description DESCRIPTION", String, "Service description (#{options[:description]})") do |v| options[:description] = v end opt.on("--display NAME", String, "Service display name (#{options[:display_name]})") do |n| options[:display_name] = n end opt.on("--command COMMAND", String, "Service command (#{options[:command]})") do |c| options[:command] = c end opt.parse! abort "Please choose an action with --install or --uninstall" unless action require 'rubygems' require 'win32/service' include Win32 case action when :install if ENV["MC_STARTTYPE"] =~ /auto/i start_type = Service::AUTO_START else start_type = Service::DEMAND_START end :service_name => options[:name], :display_name => options[:display_name], :description => options[:description], :binary_path_name => options[:command], :service_type => Service::SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS, :start_type => start_type ) puts "Service %s installed" % [options[:name]] when :uninstall Service.stop(options[:name]) unless Service.status(options[:name]).current_state == 'stopped' while Service.status(options[:name]).current_state != 'stopped' puts "Waiting for service %s to stop" % [options[:name]] sleep 1 end Service.delete(options[:name]) puts "Service %s removed" % [options[:name]] end