#!/usr/bin/env ruby # == Synopsis # # stompclient: Generic client to consume and produce STOMP queues and topics, tested against # Apache Active MQ # # == Description # A simple client that can connect to an STOMP server, subscribe to topics and queues and also # send to topics and queues. # # == Usage # stompclient [OPTIONS] # # --help, -h: # Show Help # # --server, -s # The server to connect to, can also be set in STOMP_SERVER environment variable # # --port, -p # The port to connect to, default to 6163 # # --user, -u # The user to connect as, can also be set in STOMP_USER environment variable # # --password, -P # The password to use, can also be set in STOMP_PASSWORD environment variable # # When connected to a server, use the 'help' command to see further information about # using the client, common commands that can be issued are: # # - subscribe /topic/foo: Subscribes to topic 'foo' # - /topic/foo bar: Sends 'bar' to the topic 'foo' # - details: Toggle the display or timestamp and topic or queue information for each message # # # == Changelog # - 20 December 2009 Include into MCollective # - 17 March 2009 Initial release # # R.I.Pienaar more information at www.devco.net # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 require 'rubygems' require 'stomp' require 'readline' require 'thread' require 'getoptlong' opts = GetoptLong.new( [ '--server', '-s', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT], [ '--port', '-p', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT], [ '--user', '-u', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT], [ '--password', '-P', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT], [ '--help', '-h', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT] ) @user = ENV["STOMP_USER"]; @password = ENV["STOMP_PASSWORD"] @server = ENV["STOMP_SERVER"] @port = ENV["STOMP_PORT"] || 6163 opts.each { |opt, arg| case opt when '--help' begin require 'rdoc/ri/ri_paths' require 'rdoc/usage' RDoc::usage exit rescue Exception => e puts("Install RDoc::usage or view the comments in the top of the script to get detailed help") if e.to_str != "exit" end exit when '--server' @server = arg when '--port' @port = arg when '--user' @user = arg when '--password' @password = arg end } @conn = Stomp::Connection.open(@user, @password, @server, @port, true) STDOUT.sync = true def showhelp puts("List of commands:") puts("\n\t- subscribe /(topic|queue)/foo subscribes to topic of queue 'foo'") puts("\t- /(topic|queue|/foo bar sends msg 'bar' to topic of queue 'foo'") puts("\t- quit|exit|q|^d exit") puts("\t- detail show/dont show time and topic a msg was received on") puts("\t- help show this help") end @showdetails = true Thread.new(@conn) do |amq| while true msg = amq.receive dest = msg.headers["destination"] time = Time.now.strftime('%H:%M:%S') if @showdetails msg = "\r#{time}:#{dest} > #{msg.body.chomp}\n" else msg = "\r#{msg.body.chomp}\n" end puts (msg) end end loop do line = Readline::readline('AMQ> ') if line Readline::HISTORY.push(line) if line != "" else exit end if (line =~ /^(\/(topic|queue)\/\S+)\s+(.+)$/) puts("Sending '#{$3}' to #{$1}") if @conn.respond_to?("publish") @conn.publish($1, $3) else @conn.send($1, $3) end elsif (line =~ /^sub\S* (\/(topic|queue)\/\S+)$/) puts("Subscribing to #{$1}") @conn.subscribe($1) elsif (line =~ /^det(ail)*$/) if @showdetails @showdetails = false puts("No longer showing details") else @showdetails = true puts("Showing time and topic for each msg") end elsif (line =~ /^(quit|exit|q)$/) exit elsif (line =~ /^(help|h|\?)$/) showhelp elsif (line =~ /^$/) else puts("ERROR: unrecognised input: #{line}") end end