infile = $_ENV["MCOLLECTIVE_REQUEST_FILE"]; $this->outfile = $_ENV["MCOLLECTIVE_REPLY_FILE"]; $this->readJSON(); } function __destruct() { $this->save(); } function readJSON() { $this->request = json_decode(file_get_contents($this->infile), true); unset($this->request["data"]["process_results"]); } function save() { file_put_contents($this->outfile, json_encode($this->request["data"])); } // prints a line to STDERR that will log at error level in the // mcollectived log file function error($msg) { fwrite(STDERR, "$msg\n"); } // prints a line to STDOUT that will log at info level in the // mcollectived log file function info($msg) { fwrite(STDOUT, "$msg\n"); } // logs an error message and exits with RPCAborted function fail($msg) { $this->error($msg); exit(1); } function __get($property) { if (isSet($this->request[$property])) { return $this->request[$property]; } else { throw new Exception("No $property in request"); } } function __set($property, $value) { $this->request["data"][$property] = $value; } } ?>