import os from import six from tests import patcher_test, skip_unless from tests import get_database_auth from tests.db_pool_test import postgres_requirement psycopg_test_file = """ import os import sys import eventlet eventlet.monkey_patch() from eventlet import patcher if not patcher.is_monkey_patched('psycopg'): print("Psycopg not monkeypatched") sys.exit(0) count = [0] def tick(totalseconds, persecond): for i in range(totalseconds*persecond): count[0] += 1 eventlet.sleep(1.0/persecond) dsn = os.environ['PSYCOPG_TEST_DSN'] import psycopg2 def fetch(num, secs): conn = psycopg2.connect(dsn) cur = conn.cursor() for i in range(num): cur.execute("select pg_sleep(%s)", (secs,)) f = eventlet.spawn(fetch, 2, 1) t = eventlet.spawn(tick, 2, 100) f.wait() assert count[0] > 100, count[0] print("done") """ class PatchingPsycopg(patcher_test.ProcessBase): @skip_unless(postgres_requirement) def test_psycopg_patched(self): if 'PSYCOPG_TEST_DSN' not in os.environ: # construct a non-json dsn for the subprocess psycopg_auth = get_database_auth()['psycopg2'] if isinstance(psycopg_auth, str): dsn = psycopg_auth else: dsn = " ".join(["%s=%s" % (k, v) for k, v in six.iteritems(psycopg_auth)]) os.environ['PSYCOPG_TEST_DSN'] = dsn self.write_to_tempfile("psycopg_patcher", psycopg_test_file) output, lines = self.launch_subprocess('') if lines[0].startswith('Psycopg not monkeypatched'): print("Can't test psycopg2 patching; it's not installed.") return # if there's anything wrong with the test program it'll have a stack trace assert lines[0].startswith('done'), output