# package is named tests, not test, so it won't be confused with test in stdlib from __future__ import print_function import errno import gc import os try: import resource except ImportError: resource = None import signal import subprocess import sys import unittest import warnings import eventlet from eventlet import tpool # convenience for importers main = unittest.main def skipped(func): """ Decorator that marks a function as skipped. Uses nose's SkipTest exception if installed. Without nose, this will count skipped tests as passing tests.""" try: from nose.plugins.skip import SkipTest def skipme(*a, **k): raise SkipTest() skipme.__name__ = func.__name__ return skipme except ImportError: # no nose, we'll just skip the test ourselves def skipme(*a, **k): print(("Skipping {0}".format(func.__name__))) skipme.__name__ = func.__name__ return skipme def skip_if(condition): """ Decorator that skips a test if the *condition* evaluates True. *condition* can be a boolean or a callable that accepts one argument. The callable will be called with the function to be decorated, and should return True to skip the test. """ def skipped_wrapper(func): def wrapped(*a, **kw): if isinstance(condition, bool): result = condition else: result = condition(func) if result: return skipped(func)(*a, **kw) else: return func(*a, **kw) wrapped.__name__ = func.__name__ return wrapped return skipped_wrapper def skip_unless(condition): """ Decorator that skips a test if the *condition* does not return True. *condition* can be a boolean or a callable that accepts one argument. The callable will be called with the function to be decorated, and should return True if the condition is satisfied. """ def skipped_wrapper(func): def wrapped(*a, **kw): if isinstance(condition, bool): result = condition else: result = condition(func) if not result: return skipped(func)(*a, **kw) else: return func(*a, **kw) wrapped.__name__ = func.__name__ return wrapped return skipped_wrapper def using_pyevent(_f): from eventlet.hubs import get_hub return 'pyevent' in type(get_hub()).__module__ def skip_with_pyevent(func): """ Decorator that skips a test if we're using the pyevent hub.""" return skip_if(using_pyevent)(func) def skip_on_windows(func): """ Decorator that skips a test on Windows.""" return skip_if(sys.platform.startswith('win'))(func) def skip_if_no_itimer(func): """ Decorator that skips a test if the `itimer` module isn't found """ has_itimer = False try: import itimer has_itimer = True except ImportError: pass return skip_unless(has_itimer)(func) def skip_if_no_ssl(func): """ Decorator that skips a test if SSL is not available.""" try: import eventlet.green.ssl return func except ImportError: try: import eventlet.green.OpenSSL return func except ImportError: return skipped(func) class TestIsTakingTooLong(Exception): """ Custom exception class to be raised when a test's runtime exceeds a limit. """ pass class LimitedTestCase(unittest.TestCase): """ Unittest subclass that adds a timeout to all tests. Subclasses must be sure to call the LimitedTestCase setUp and tearDown methods. The default timeout is 1 second, change it by setting TEST_TIMEOUT to the desired quantity.""" TEST_TIMEOUT = 1 def setUp(self): self.previous_alarm = None self.timer = eventlet.Timeout(self.TEST_TIMEOUT, TestIsTakingTooLong(self.TEST_TIMEOUT)) def reset_timeout(self, new_timeout): """Changes the timeout duration; only has effect during one test. `new_timeout` can be int or float. """ self.timer.cancel() self.timer = eventlet.Timeout(new_timeout, TestIsTakingTooLong(new_timeout)) def set_alarm(self, new_timeout): """Call this in the beginning of your test if you expect busy loops. Only has effect during one test. `new_timeout` must be int. """ def sig_alarm_handler(sig, frame): # Could arm previous alarm but test is failed anyway # seems to be no point in restoring previous state. raise TestIsTakingTooLong(new_timeout) self.previous_alarm = ( signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, sig_alarm_handler), signal.alarm(new_timeout), ) def tearDown(self): self.timer.cancel() if self.previous_alarm: signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, self.previous_alarm[0]) signal.alarm(self.previous_alarm[1]) tpool.killall() gc.collect() eventlet.sleep(0) verify_hub_empty() def assert_less_than(self, a, b, msg=None): msg = msg or "%s not less than %s" % (a, b) assert a < b, msg assertLessThan = assert_less_than def assert_less_than_equal(self, a, b, msg=None): msg = msg or "%s not less than or equal to %s" % (a, b) assert a <= b, msg assertLessThanEqual = assert_less_than_equal def check_idle_cpu_usage(duration, allowed_part): if resource is None: # TODO: use https://code.google.com/p/psutil/ from nose.plugins.skip import SkipTest raise SkipTest('CPU usage testing not supported (`import resource` failed)') r1 = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF) eventlet.sleep(duration) r2 = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF) utime = r2.ru_utime - r1.ru_utime stime = r2.ru_stime - r1.ru_stime assert utime + stime < duration * allowed_part, \ "CPU usage over limit: user %.0f%% sys %.0f%% allowed %.0f%%" % ( utime / duration * 100, stime / duration * 100, allowed_part * 100) def verify_hub_empty(): from eventlet import hubs hub = hubs.get_hub() num_readers = len(hub.get_readers()) num_writers = len(hub.get_writers()) num_timers = hub.get_timers_count() assert num_readers == 0 and num_writers == 0, "Readers: %s Writers: %s" % ( num_readers, num_writers) def find_command(command): for dir in os.getenv('PATH', '/usr/bin:/usr/sbin').split(os.pathsep): p = os.path.join(dir, command) if os.access(p, os.X_OK): return p raise IOError(errno.ENOENT, 'Command not found: %r' % command) def silence_warnings(func): def wrapper(*args, **kw): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', DeprecationWarning) try: return func(*args, **kw) finally: warnings.simplefilter('default', DeprecationWarning) wrapper.__name__ = func.__name__ return wrapper def get_database_auth(): """Retrieves a dict of connection parameters for connecting to test databases. Authentication parameters are highly-machine specific, so get_database_auth gets its information from either environment variables or a config file. The environment variable is "EVENTLET_DB_TEST_AUTH" and it should contain a json object. If this environment variable is present, it's used and config files are ignored. If it's not present, it looks in the local directory (tests) and in the user's home directory for a file named ".test_dbauth", which contains a json map of parameters to the connect function. """ import os retval = { 'MySQLdb': {'host': 'localhost', 'user': 'root', 'passwd': ''}, 'psycopg2': {'user': 'test'}, } try: import json except ImportError: try: import simplejson as json except ImportError: print("No json implementation, using baked-in db credentials.") return retval if 'EVENTLET_DB_TEST_AUTH' in os.environ: return json.loads(os.environ.get('EVENTLET_DB_TEST_AUTH')) files = [os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '.test_dbauth'), os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.test_dbauth')] for f in files: try: auth_utf8 = json.load(open(f)) # Have to convert unicode objects to str objects because # mysqldb is dum. Using a doubly-nested list comprehension # because we know that the structure is a two-level dict. return dict( [(str(modname), dict( [(str(k), str(v)) for k, v in connectargs.items()])) for modname, connectargs in auth_utf8.items()]) except IOError: pass return retval def run_python(path): if not path.endswith('.py'): path += '.py' path = os.path.abspath(path) dir_ = os.path.dirname(path) new_env = os.environ.copy() new_env['PYTHONPATH'] = os.pathsep.join(sys.path + [dir_]) p = subprocess.Popen( [sys.executable, path], env=new_env, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, ) output, _ = p.communicate() return output certificate_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'test_server.crt') private_key_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'test_server.key')