"""This is a recursive web crawler. Don't go pointing this at random sites; it doesn't respect robots.txt and it is pretty brutal about how quickly it fetches pages. The code for this is very short; this is perhaps a good indication that this is making the most effective use of the primitves at hand. The fetch function does all the work of making http requests, searching for new urls, and dispatching new fetches. The GreenPool acts as sort of a job coordinator (and concurrency controller of course). """ from __future__ import with_statement from eventlet.green import urllib2 import eventlet import re # http://daringfireball.net/2009/11/liberal_regex_for_matching_urls url_regex = re.compile(r'\b(([\w-]+://?|www[.])[^\s()<>]+(?:\([\w\d]+\)|([^[:punct:]\s]|/)))') def fetch(url, seen, pool): """Fetch a url, stick any found urls into the seen set, and dispatch any new ones to the pool.""" print("fetching", url) data = '' with eventlet.Timeout(5, False): data = urllib2.urlopen(url).read() for url_match in url_regex.finditer(data): new_url = url_match.group(0) # only send requests to eventlet.net so as not to destroy the internet if new_url not in seen and 'eventlet.net' in new_url: seen.add(new_url) # while this seems stack-recursive, it's actually not: # spawned greenthreads start their own stacks pool.spawn_n(fetch, new_url, seen, pool) def crawl(start_url): """Recursively crawl starting from *start_url*. Returns a set of urls that were found.""" pool = eventlet.GreenPool() seen = set() fetch(start_url, seen, pool) pool.waitall() return seen seen = crawl("http://eventlet.net") print("I saw these urls:") print("\n".join(seen))