"""This is a recursive web crawler. Don't go pointing this at random sites; it doesn't respect robots.txt and it is pretty brutal about how quickly it fetches pages. This is a kind of "producer/consumer" example; the fetch function produces jobs, and the GreenPool itself is the consumer, farming out work concurrently. It's easier to write it this way rather than writing a standard consumer loop; GreenPool handles any exceptions raised and arranges so that there's a set number of "workers", so you don't have to write that tedious management code yourself. """ from __future__ import with_statement from eventlet.green import urllib2 import eventlet import re # http://daringfireball.net/2009/11/liberal_regex_for_matching_urls url_regex = re.compile(r'\b(([\w-]+://?|www[.])[^\s()<>]+(?:\([\w\d]+\)|([^[:punct:]\s]|/)))') def fetch(url, outq): """Fetch a url and push any urls found into a queue.""" print("fetching", url) data = '' with eventlet.Timeout(5, False): data = urllib2.urlopen(url).read() for url_match in url_regex.finditer(data): new_url = url_match.group(0) outq.put(new_url) def producer(start_url): """Recursively crawl starting from *start_url*. Returns a set of urls that were found.""" pool = eventlet.GreenPool() seen = set() q = eventlet.Queue() q.put(start_url) # keep looping if there are new urls, or workers that may produce more urls while True: while not q.empty(): url = q.get() # limit requests to eventlet.net so we don't crash all over the internet if url not in seen and 'eventlet.net' in url: seen.add(url) pool.spawn_n(fetch, url, q) pool.waitall() if q.empty(): break return seen seen = producer("http://eventlet.net") print("I saw these urls:") print("\n".join(seen))