import warnings warnings.warn("eventlet.processes is deprecated in favor of " ", which is API-compatible with the standard " " library subprocess module.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) import errno import os import signal import eventlet from eventlet import greenio, pools from import subprocess class DeadProcess(RuntimeError): pass def cooperative_wait(pobj, check_interval=0.01): """ Waits for a child process to exit, returning the status code. Unlike ``os.wait``, :func:`cooperative_wait` does not block the entire process, only the calling coroutine. If the child process does not die, :func:`cooperative_wait` could wait forever. The argument *check_interval* is the amount of time, in seconds, that :func:`cooperative_wait` will sleep between calls to ``os.waitpid``. """ try: while True: status = pobj.poll() if status >= 0: return status eventlet.sleep(check_interval) except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.ECHILD: # no child process, this happens if the child process # already died and has been cleaned up, or if you just # called with a random pid value return -1 else: raise class Process(object): """Construct Process objects, then call read, and write on them.""" process_number = 0 def __init__(self, command, args, dead_callback=None): self.process_number = self.process_number + 1 Process.process_number = self.process_number self.command = command self.args = args self._dead_callback = dead_callback def run(self): self.dead = False self.started = False self.proc = None args = [self.command] args.extend(self.args) self.proc = subprocess.Popen( args=args, shell=False, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, close_fds=True, ) self.child_stdout_stderr = self.proc.stdout self.child_stdin = self.proc.stdin self.sendall = self.child_stdin.write self.send = self.child_stdin.write self.recv = self.readline = self.child_stdout_stderr.readline self._read_first_result = False def wait(self): return cooperative_wait(self.proc) def dead_callback(self): self.wait() self.dead = True if self._dead_callback: self._dead_callback() def makefile(self, mode, *arg): if mode.startswith('r'): return self.child_stdout_stderr if mode.startswith('w'): return self.child_stdin raise RuntimeError("Unknown mode", mode) def read(self, amount=None): """Reads from the stdout and stderr of the child process. The first call to read() will return a string; subsequent calls may raise a DeadProcess when EOF occurs on the pipe. """ result = if result == '' and self._read_first_result: # This process is dead. self.dead_callback() raise DeadProcess else: self._read_first_result = True return result def write(self, stuff): written = 0 try: written = self.child_stdin.write(stuff) self.child_stdin.flush() except ValueError as e: # File was closed assert str(e) == 'I/O operation on closed file' if written == 0: self.dead_callback() raise DeadProcess def flush(self): self.child_stdin.flush() def close(self): self.child_stdout_stderr.close() self.child_stdin.close() self.dead_callback() def close_stdin(self): self.child_stdin.close() def kill(self, sig=None): if sig is None: sig = signal.SIGTERM pid = self.getpid() os.kill(pid, sig) def getpid(self): return class ProcessPool(pools.Pool): def __init__(self, command, args=None, min_size=0, max_size=4): """*command* the command to run """ self.command = command if args is None: args = [] self.args = args pools.Pool.__init__(self, min_size, max_size) def create(self): """Generate a process """ def dead_callback(): self.current_size -= 1 return Process(self.command, self.args, dead_callback) def put(self, item): if not item.dead: if item.proc.poll() != -1: item.dead_callback() else: pools.Pool.put(self, item)