"""Implements the standard thread module, using greenthreads.""" from eventlet.support.six.moves import _thread as __thread from eventlet.support import greenlets as greenlet from eventlet import greenthread from eventlet.semaphore import Semaphore as LockType __patched__ = ['get_ident', 'start_new_thread', 'start_new', 'allocate_lock', 'allocate', 'exit', 'interrupt_main', 'stack_size', '_local', 'LockType', '_count'] error = __thread.error __threadcount = 0 def _count(): return __threadcount def get_ident(gr=None): if gr is None: return id(greenlet.getcurrent()) else: return id(gr) def __thread_body(func, args, kwargs): global __threadcount __threadcount += 1 try: func(*args, **kwargs) finally: __threadcount -= 1 def start_new_thread(function, args=(), kwargs=None): kwargs = kwargs or {} g = greenthread.spawn_n(__thread_body, function, args, kwargs) return get_ident(g) start_new = start_new_thread def allocate_lock(*a): return LockType(1) allocate = allocate_lock def exit(): raise greenlet.GreenletExit exit_thread = __thread.exit_thread def interrupt_main(): curr = greenlet.getcurrent() if curr.parent and not curr.parent.dead: curr.parent.throw(KeyboardInterrupt()) else: raise KeyboardInterrupt() if hasattr(__thread, 'stack_size'): __original_stack_size__ = __thread.stack_size def stack_size(size=None): if size is None: return __original_stack_size__() if size > __original_stack_size__(): return __original_stack_size__(size) else: pass # not going to decrease stack_size, because otherwise other greenlets in this thread will suffer from eventlet.corolocal import local as _local