import sys from eventlet import greenio from eventlet import greenpool from eventlet import greenthread from import socket from import greenlets as greenlet def connect(addr, family=socket.AF_INET, bind=None): """Convenience function for opening client sockets. :param addr: Address of the server to connect to. For TCP sockets, this is a (host, port) tuple. :param family: Socket family, optional. See :mod:`socket` documentation for available families. :param bind: Local address to bind to, optional. :return: The connected green socket object. """ sock = socket.socket(family, socket.SOCK_STREAM) if bind is not None: sock.bind(bind) sock.connect(addr) return sock def listen(addr, family=socket.AF_INET, backlog=50): """Convenience function for opening server sockets. This socket can be used in :func:`~eventlet.serve` or a custom ``accept()`` loop. Sets SO_REUSEADDR on the socket to save on annoyance. :param addr: Address to listen on. For TCP sockets, this is a (host, port) tuple. :param family: Socket family, optional. See :mod:`socket` documentation for available families. :param backlog: The maximum number of queued connections. Should be at least 1; the maximum value is system-dependent. :return: The listening green socket object. """ sock = socket.socket(family, socket.SOCK_STREAM) if sys.platform[:3] != "win": sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) sock.bind(addr) sock.listen(backlog) return sock class StopServe(Exception): """Exception class used for quitting :func:`~eventlet.serve` gracefully.""" pass def _stop_checker(t, server_gt, conn): try: try: t.wait() finally: conn.close() except greenlet.GreenletExit: pass except Exception: greenthread.kill(server_gt, *sys.exc_info()) def serve(sock, handle, concurrency=1000): """Runs a server on the supplied socket. Calls the function *handle* in a separate greenthread for every incoming client connection. *handle* takes two arguments: the client socket object, and the client address:: def myhandle(client_sock, client_addr): print("client connected", client_addr) eventlet.serve(eventlet.listen(('', 9999)), myhandle) Returning from *handle* closes the client socket. :func:`serve` blocks the calling greenthread; it won't return until the server completes. If you desire an immediate return, spawn a new greenthread for :func:`serve`. Any uncaught exceptions raised in *handle* are raised as exceptions from :func:`serve`, terminating the server, so be sure to be aware of the exceptions your application can raise. The return value of *handle* is ignored. Raise a :class:`~eventlet.StopServe` exception to gracefully terminate the server -- that's the only way to get the server() function to return rather than raise. The value in *concurrency* controls the maximum number of greenthreads that will be open at any time handling requests. When the server hits the concurrency limit, it stops accepting new connections until the existing ones complete. """ pool = greenpool.GreenPool(concurrency) server_gt = greenthread.getcurrent() while True: try: conn, addr = sock.accept() gt = pool.spawn(handle, conn, addr), server_gt, conn) conn, addr, gt = None, None, None except StopServe: return def wrap_ssl(sock, *a, **kw): """Convenience function for converting a regular socket into an SSL socket. Has the same interface as :func:`ssl.wrap_socket`, but can also use PyOpenSSL. Though, note that it ignores the `cert_reqs`, `ssl_version`, `ca_certs`, `do_handshake_on_connect`, and `suppress_ragged_eofs` arguments when using PyOpenSSL. The preferred idiom is to call wrap_ssl directly on the creation method, e.g., ``wrap_ssl(connect(addr))`` or ``wrap_ssl(listen(addr), server_side=True)``. This way there is no "naked" socket sitting around to accidentally corrupt the SSL session. :return Green SSL object. """ return wrap_ssl_impl(sock, *a, **kw) try: from import ssl wrap_ssl_impl = ssl.wrap_socket except ImportError: # trying PyOpenSSL try: from import SSL except ImportError: def wrap_ssl_impl(*a, **kw): raise ImportError("To use SSL with Eventlet, you must install PyOpenSSL or use Python 2.6 or later.") else: def wrap_ssl_impl(sock, keyfile=None, certfile=None, server_side=False, cert_reqs=None, ssl_version=None, ca_certs=None, do_handshake_on_connect=True, suppress_ragged_eofs=True, ciphers=None): # theoretically the ssl_version could be respected in this line context = SSL.Context(SSL.SSLv23_METHOD) if certfile is not None: context.use_certificate_file(certfile) if keyfile is not None: context.use_privatekey_file(keyfile) context.set_verify(SSL.VERIFY_NONE, lambda *x: True) connection = SSL.Connection(context, sock) if server_side: connection.set_accept_state() else: connection.set_connect_state() return connection