:mod:`eventlet.green.zmq` -- ØMQ support ======================================== .. automodule:: eventlet.green.zmq :show-inheritance: .. currentmodule:: eventlet.green.zmq .. autofunction:: Context .. autoclass:: _Context :show-inheritance: .. automethod:: socket .. autoclass:: Socket :show-inheritance: :inherited-members: .. automethod:: recv .. automethod:: send .. module:: zmq :mod:`zmq` -- The pyzmq ØMQ python bindings =========================================== :mod:`pyzmq ` [1]_ Is a python binding to the C++ ØMQ [2]_ library written in Cython [3]_. The following is auto generated :mod:`pyzmq's ` from documentation. .. autoclass:: zmq.core.context.Context :members: .. autoclass:: zmq.core.socket.Socket .. autoclass:: zmq.core.poll.Poller :members: .. [1] http://github.com/zeromq/pyzmq .. [2] http://www.zeromq.com .. [3] http://www.cython.org