:mod:`websocket` -- Websocket Server ===================================== This module provides a simple way to create a `websocket `_ server. It works with a few tweaks in the :mod:`~eventlet.wsgi` module that allow websockets to coexist with other WSGI applications. To create a websocket server, simply decorate a handler method with :class:`WebSocketWSGI` and use it as a wsgi application:: from eventlet import wsgi, websocket import eventlet @websocket.WebSocketWSGI def hello_world(ws): ws.send("hello world") wsgi.server(eventlet.listen(('', 8090)), hello_world) You can find a slightly more elaborate version of this code in the file ``examples/websocket.py``. As of version 0.9.13, eventlet.websocket supports SSL websockets; all that's necessary is to use an :ref:`SSL wsgi server `. .. note :: The web socket spec is still under development, and it will be necessary to change the way that this module works in response to spec changes. .. automodule:: eventlet.websocket :members: