Class MCollective::Security::Base
In: lib/mcollective/security/base.rb
Parent: Object

This is a base class the other security modules should inherit from it handles statistics and validation of messages that should in most cases apply to all security models.

To create your own security plugin you should provide a plugin that inherits from this and provides the following methods:

decodemsg - Decodes a message that was received from the middleware encodereply - Encodes a reply message to a previous request message encoderequest - Encodes a new request message validrequest? - Validates a request received from the middleware

Optionally if you are identifying users by some other means like certificate name you can provide your own callerid method that can provide the rest of the system with an id, and you would see this id being usable in SimpleRPC authorization methods

The @initiated_by variable will be set to either :client or :node depending on who is using this plugin. This is to help security providers that operate in an asymetric mode like public/private key based systems.

Specifics of each of these are a bit fluid and the interfaces for this is not set in stone yet, specifically the encode methods will be provided with a helper that takes care of encoding the core requirements. The best place to see how security works is by looking at the provided MCollective::Security::PSK plugin.



initiated_by  [RW] 
stats  [R] 

Public Class methods

Register plugins that inherits base


    # File lib/mcollective/security/base.rb, line 32
32:       def self.inherited(klass)
33:         PluginManager << {:type => "security_plugin", :class => klass.to_s}
34:       end

Initializes configuration and logging as well as prepare a zero‘d hash of stats various security methods and filter validators should increment stats, see MCollective::Security::Psk for a sample


    # File lib/mcollective/security/base.rb, line 38
38:       def initialize
39:         @config = Config.instance
40:         @log = Log
41:         @stats = PluginManager["global_stats"]
42:       end

Public Instance methods

Returns a unique id for the caller, by default we just use the unix user id, security plugins can provide their own means of doing ids.


     # File lib/mcollective/security/base.rb, line 219
219:       def callerid
220:         "uid=#{Process.uid}"
221:       end


     # File lib/mcollective/security/base.rb, line 167
167:       def create_reply(reqid, agent, body)
168:         Log.debug("Encoded a message for request #{reqid}")
170:         {:senderid => @config.identity,
171:          :requestid => reqid,
172:          :senderagent => agent,
173:          :msgtime =>,
174:          :body => body}
175:       end


     # File lib/mcollective/security/base.rb, line 177
177:       def create_request(reqid, filter, msg, initiated_by, target_agent, target_collective, ttl=60)
178:         Log.debug("Encoding a request for agent '#{target_agent}' in collective #{target_collective} with request id #{reqid}")
180:         {:body => msg,
181:          :senderid => @config.identity,
182:          :requestid => reqid,
183:          :filter => filter,
184:          :collective => target_collective,
185:          :agent => target_agent,
186:          :callerid => callerid,
187:          :ttl => ttl,
188:          :msgtime =>}
189:       end

Security providers should provide this, see MCollective::Security::Psk


     # File lib/mcollective/security/base.rb, line 239
239:       def decodemsg(msg)
240:         Log.error("decodemsg is not implemented in #{self.class}")
241:       end

Security providers should provide this, see MCollective::Security::Psk


     # File lib/mcollective/security/base.rb, line 234
234:       def encodereply(sender, msg, requestcallerid=nil)
235:         Log.error("encodereply is not implemented in #{self.class}")
236:       end

Security providers should provide this, see MCollective::Security::Psk


     # File lib/mcollective/security/base.rb, line 229
229:       def encoderequest(sender, msg, filter={})
230:         Log.error("encoderequest is not implemented in #{self.class}")
231:       end

Give a MC::Message instance and a message id this will figure out if you the incoming message id matches the one the Message object is expecting and raise if its not

Mostly used by security plugins to figure out if they should do the hard work of decrypting etc messages that would only later on be ignored


     # File lib/mcollective/security/base.rb, line 196
196:       def should_process_msg?(msg, msgid)
197:         if msg.expected_msgid
198:           unless msg.expected_msgid == msgid
199:             msgtext = "Got a message with id %s but was expecting %s, ignoring message" % [msgid, msg.expected_msgid]
200:             Log.debug msgtext
201:             raise MsgDoesNotMatchRequestID, msgtext
202:           end
203:         end
205:         true
206:       end

Validates a callerid. We do not want to allow things like \ and / in callerids since other plugins make assumptions that these are safe strings.

callerids are generally in the form uid=123 or cert=foo etc so we do that here but security plugins could override this for some complex uses


     # File lib/mcollective/security/base.rb, line 213
213:       def valid_callerid?(id)
214:         !!id.match(/^[\w]+=[\w\.\-]+$/)
215:       end

Takes a Hash with a filter in it and validates it against host information.

At present this supports filter matches against the following criteria:

  • puppet_class|cf_class - Presence of a configuration management class in
                            the file configured with classesfile
  • agent - Presence of a MCollective agent with a supplied name
  • fact - The value of a fact avout this system
  • identity - the configured identity of the system

TODO: Support REGEX and/or multiple filter keys to be AND‘d


     # File lib/mcollective/security/base.rb, line 55
 55:       def validate_filter?(filter)
 56:         failed = 0
 57:         passed = 0
 59:         passed = 1 if Util.empty_filter?(filter)
 61:         filter.keys.each do |key|
 62:           case key
 63:           when /puppet_class|cf_class/
 64:             filter[key].each do |f|
 65:               Log.debug("Checking for class #{f}")
 66:               if Util.has_cf_class?(f) then
 67:                 Log.debug("Passing based on configuration management class #{f}")
 68:                 passed += 1
 69:               else
 70:                 Log.debug("Failing based on configuration management class #{f}")
 71:                 failed += 1
 72:               end
 73:             end
 75:           when "compound"
 76:             filter[key].each do |compound|
 77:               result = false
 78:               truth_values = []
 80:               begin
 81:                 compound.each do |expression|
 82:                   case expression.keys.first
 83:                     when "statement"
 84:                       truth_values << Matcher.eval_compound_statement(expression).to_s
 85:                     when "fstatement"
 86:                       truth_values << Matcher.eval_compound_fstatement(expression.values.first)
 87:                     when "and"
 88:                       truth_values << "&&"
 89:                     when "or"
 90:                       truth_values << "||"
 91:                     when "("
 92:                       truth_values << "("
 93:                     when ")"
 94:                       truth_values << ")"
 95:                     when "not"
 96:                       truth_values << "!"
 97:                   end
 98:                 end
100:                 result = eval(truth_values.join(" "))
101:               rescue DDLValidationError
102:                 result = false
103:               end
105:               if result
106:                 Log.debug("Passing based on class and fact composition")
107:                 passed +=1
108:               else
109:                 Log.debug("Failing based on class and fact composition")
110:                 failed +=1
111:               end
112:             end
114:           when "agent"
115:             filter[key].each do |f|
116:               if Util.has_agent?(f) || f == "mcollective"
117:                 Log.debug("Passing based on agent #{f}")
118:                 passed += 1
119:               else
120:                 Log.debug("Failing based on agent #{f}")
121:                 failed += 1
122:               end
123:             end
125:           when "fact"
126:             filter[key].each do |f|
127:               if Util.has_fact?(f[:fact], f[:value], f[:operator])
128:                 Log.debug("Passing based on fact #{f[:fact]} #{f[:operator]} #{f[:value]}")
129:                 passed += 1
130:               else
131:                 Log.debug("Failing based on fact #{f[:fact]} #{f[:operator]} #{f[:value]}")
132:                 failed += 1
133:               end
134:             end
136:           when "identity"
137:             unless filter[key].empty?
138:               # Identity filters should not be 'and' but 'or' as each node can only have one identity
139:               matched = filter[key].select{|f| Util.has_identity?(f)}.size
141:               if matched == 1
142:                 Log.debug("Passing based on identity")
143:                 passed += 1
144:               else
145:                 Log.debug("Failed based on identity")
146:                 failed += 1
147:               end
148:             end
149:           end
150:         end
152:         if failed == 0 && passed > 0
153:           Log.debug("Message passed the filter checks")
155:           @stats.passed
157:           return true
158:         else
159:           Log.debug("Message failed the filter checks")
161:           @stats.filtered
163:           return false
164:         end
165:       end

Security providers should provide this, see MCollective::Security::Psk


     # File lib/mcollective/security/base.rb, line 224
224:       def validrequest?(req)
225:         Log.error("validrequest? is not implemented in #{self.class}")
226:       end
