Class MCollective::RPC::Stats
In: lib/mcollective/rpc/stats.rb
Parent: Object

Class to wrap all the stats and to keep track of some timings



aggregate_failures  [RW] 
aggregate_summary  [RW] 
blocktime  [RW] 
ddl  [RW] 
discovered  [RW] 
discovered_nodes  [RW] 
discoverytime  [RW] 
failcount  [RW] 
noresponsefrom  [RW] 
noresponsefrom  [RW] 
okcount  [RW] 
requestid  [RW] 
responses  [RW] 
responsesfrom  [RW] 
starttime  [RW] 
totaltime  [RW] 

Public Class methods


    # File lib/mcollective/rpc/stats.rb, line 9
 9:       def initialize
10:         reset
11:       end

Public Instance methods

Fake hash access to keep things backward compatible


    # File lib/mcollective/rpc/stats.rb, line 51
51:       def [](key)
52:         to_hash[key]
53:       rescue
54:         nil
55:       end

Re-initializes the object with stats from the basic client


    # File lib/mcollective/rpc/stats.rb, line 72
72:       def client_stats=(stats)
73:         @noresponsefrom = stats[:noresponsefrom]
74:         @responses = stats[:responses]
75:         @starttime = stats[:starttime]
76:         @blocktime = stats[:blocktime]
77:         @totaltime = stats[:totaltime]
78:         @requestid = stats[:requestid]
79:         @discoverytime = stats[:discoverytime] if @discoverytime == 0
80:       end

Update discovered and discovered_nodes based on discovery results


     # File lib/mcollective/rpc/stats.rb, line 110
110:       def discovered_agents(agents)
111:         @discovered_nodes = agents
112:         @discovered = agents.size
113:       end

increment the count of failed hosts


    # File lib/mcollective/rpc/stats.rb, line 65
65:       def fail
66:         @failcount += 1
67:       rescue
68:         @failcount = 1
69:       end

Helper to calculate total time etc


     # File lib/mcollective/rpc/stats.rb, line 116
116:       def finish_request
117:         @totaltime = @blocktime + @discoverytime
119:         # figures out who we had no responses from
120:         dhosts = @discovered_nodes.clone
121:         @responsesfrom.each {|r| dhosts.delete(r)}
122:         @noresponsefrom = dhosts
123:       rescue
124:         @totaltime = 0
125:         @noresponsefrom = []
126:       end

Returns a blob of text indicating what nodes did not respond


     # File lib/mcollective/rpc/stats.rb, line 237
237:       def no_response_report
238:         result_text =
240:         if @noresponsefrom.size > 0
241:           result_text.puts
242:           result_text.puts Util.colorize(:red, "No response from:")
243:           result_text.puts
245:           @noresponsefrom.sort.in_groups_of(3) do |c|
246:             result_text.puts "   %-30s%-30s%-30s" % c
247:           end
249:           result_text.puts
250:         end
252:         result_text.string
253:       end

Helper to keep track of who we received responses from


     # File lib/mcollective/rpc/stats.rb, line 129
129:       def node_responded(node)
130:         @responsesfrom << node
131:       rescue
132:         @responsesfrom = [node]
133:       end

increment the count of ok hosts


    # File lib/mcollective/rpc/stats.rb, line 58
58:       def ok
59:         @okcount += 1
60:       rescue
61:         @okcount = 1
62:       end

Returns a blob of text representing the request status based on the stats contained in this class


     # File lib/mcollective/rpc/stats.rb, line 187
187:       def report(caption = "rpc stats", summarize = true, verbose = false)
188:         result_text = []
190:         if verbose
191:             if @aggregate_summary.size > 0 && summarize
192:               result_text << text_for_aggregates
193:             else
194:               result_text << ""
195:             end
197:           result_text << Util.colorize(:yellow, "---- #{caption} ----")
199:           if @discovered
200:             @responses < @discovered ? color = :red : color = :reset
201:             result_text << "           Nodes: %s / %s" % [ Util.colorize(color, @discovered), Util.colorize(color, @responses) ]
202:           else
203:             result_text << "           Nodes: #{@responses}"
204:           end
206:           @failcount < 0 ? color = :red : color = :reset
208:           result_text << "     Pass / Fail: %s / %s" % [Util.colorize(color, @okcount), Util.colorize(color, @failcount) ]
209:           result_text << "      Start Time: %s"      % []
210:           result_text << "  Discovery Time: %.2fms"  % [@discoverytime * 1000]
211:           result_text << "      Agent Time: %.2fms"  % [@blocktime * 1000]
212:           result_text << "      Total Time: %.2fms"  % [@totaltime * 1000]
213:         else
214:           if @discovered
215:             @responses < @discovered ? color = :red : color = :green
217:             if @aggregate_summary.size + @aggregate_failures.size > 0 && summarize
218:               result_text << text_for_aggregates
219:             else
220:               result_text << ""
221:             end
223:             result_text << "Finished processing %s / %s hosts in %.2f ms" % [Util.colorize(color, @responses), Util.colorize(color, @discovered), @blocktime * 1000]
224:           else
225:             result_text << "Finished processing %s hosts in %.2f ms" % [Util.colorize(:bold, @responses), @blocktime * 1000]
226:           end
227:         end
229:         if no_response_report != ""
230:           result_text << "" << no_response_report
231:         end
233:         result_text.join("\n")
234:       end

Resets stats, if discovery time is set we keep it as it was


    # File lib/mcollective/rpc/stats.rb, line 14
14:       def reset
15:         @noresponsefrom = []
16:         @responsesfrom = []
17:         @responses = 0
18:         @starttime =
19:         @discoverytime = 0 unless @discoverytime
20:         @blocktime = 0
21:         @totaltime = 0
22:         @discovered = 0
23:         @discovered_nodes = []
24:         @okcount = 0
25:         @failcount = 0
26:         @noresponsefrom = []
27:         @requestid = nil
28:         @aggregate_summary = []
29:         @aggregate_failures = []
30:       end


     # File lib/mcollective/rpc/stats.rb, line 135
135:       def text_for_aggregates
136:         result =
138:         @aggregate_summary.each do |aggregate|
139:           output_item = aggregate.result[:output]
141:           begin
142:             action_interface = @ddl.action_interface(aggregate.action)
143:             display_as = action_interface[:output][output_item][:display_as]
144:           rescue
145:             display_as = output_item
146:           end
148:           if aggregate.is_a?(Aggregate::Result::Base)
149:             aggregate_report = aggregate.to_s
150:           else
151:             next
152:           end
154:           result.puts Util.colorize(:bold, "Summary of %s:" % display_as)
155:           result.puts
156:           unless aggregate_report == ""
157:             result.puts aggregate.to_s.split("\n").map{|x| "   " + x}.join("\n")
158:           else
159:             result.puts Util.colorize(:yellow, "     No aggregate summary could be computed")
160:           end
161:           result.puts
162:         end
164:         @aggregate_failures.each do |failed|
165:           case(failed[:type])
166:           when :startup
167:             message = "exception raised while processing startup hook"
168:           when :create
169:             message = "unspecified output '#{failed[:name]}' for the action"
170:           when :process_result
171:             message = "exception raised while processing result data"
172:           when :summarize
173:             message = "exception raised while summarizing"
174:           end
176:           result.puts Util.colorize(:bold, "Summary of %s:" % failed[:name])
177:           result.puts
178:           result.puts Util.colorize(:yellow, "     Could not compute summary - %s" % message)
179:           result.puts
180:         end
182:         result.string
183:       end

helper to time block execution time


     # File lib/mcollective/rpc/stats.rb, line 96
 96:       def time_block_execution(action)
 97:         if action == :start
 98:           @block_start =
 99:         elsif action == :end
100:           @blocktime += - @block_start
101:         else
102:           raise("Uknown block action #{action}")
103:         end
104:       rescue
105:         @blocktime = 0
106:       end

Utility to time discovery from :start to :end


    # File lib/mcollective/rpc/stats.rb, line 83
83:       def time_discovery(action)
84:         if action == :start
85:           @discovery_start =
86:         elsif action == :end
87:           @discoverytime = - @discovery_start
88:         else
89:           raise("Uknown discovery action #{action}")
90:         end
91:       rescue
92:         @discoverytime = 0
93:       end

returns a hash of our stats


    # File lib/mcollective/rpc/stats.rb, line 33
33:       def to_hash
34:         {:noresponsefrom    => @noresponsefrom,
35:          :starttime         => @starttime,
36:          :discoverytime     => @discoverytime,
37:          :blocktime         => @blocktime,
38:          :responses         => @responses,
39:          :totaltime         => @totaltime,
40:          :discovered        => @discovered,
41:          :discovered_nodes  => @discovered_nodes,
42:          :noresponsefrom    => @noresponsefrom,
43:          :okcount           => @okcount,
44:          :requestid         => @requestid,
45:          :failcount         => @failcount,
46:          :aggregate_summary => @aggregate_summary,
47:          :aggregate_failures => @aggregate_failures}
48:       end
