Class MCollective::PluginPackager::StandardDefinition
In: lib/mcollective/pluginpackager/standard_definition.rb
Parent: Object



dependencies  [RW] 
mcname  [RW] 
mcversion  [RW] 
metadata  [RW] 
packagedata  [RW] 
path  [RW] 
plugintype  [RW] 
postinstall  [RW] 
preinstall  [RW] 
revision  [RW] 
target_path  [RW] 
vendor  [RW] 

Public Class methods


    # File lib/mcollective/pluginpackager/standard_definition.rb, line 7
 7:       def initialize(configuration, mcdependency, plugintype)
 8:         @plugintype = plugintype
 9:         @path = configuration[:target]
10:         @packagedata = {}
11:         @revision = configuration[:revision] || 1
12:         @preinstall = configuration[:preinstall]
13:         @postinstall = configuration[:postinstall]
14:         @vendor = configuration[:vendor] || "Puppet Labs"
15:         @dependencies = configuration[:dependency] || []
16:         @target_path = File.expand_path(@path)
17:         @metadata, mcversion = PluginPackager.get_metadata(@path, @plugintype)
18:         @mcname = mcdependency[:mcname] || "mcollective"
19:         @mcversion = mcdependency[:mcversion] || mcversion
20:         @dependencies << {:name => "#{mcname}-common", :version => @mcversion}
21:         @metadata[:name] = (configuration[:pluginname] || @metadata[:name]).downcase.gsub(/\s+|_/, "-")
22:         @metadata[:version] = (configuration[:version] || @metadata[:version])
23:         identify_packages
24:       end

Public Instance methods

Obtain list of common files


    # File lib/mcollective/pluginpackager/standard_definition.rb, line 54
54:       def common
55:         common = {:files => [],
56:                   :dependencies => @dependencies.clone,
57:                   :description => "Common libraries for #{@name} connector plugin"}
59:         commondir = File.join(@path, "util")
60:         if PluginPackager.check_dir_present commondir
61:           common[:files] = Dir.glob(File.join(commondir, "*"))
62:           return common
63:         else
64:           return nil
65:         end
66:       end

Identify present packages and populate the packagedata hash


    # File lib/mcollective/pluginpackager/standard_definition.rb, line 27
27:       def identify_packages
28:         common_package = common
29:         @packagedata[:common] = common_package if common_package
30:         plugin_package = plugin
31:         @packagedata[@plugintype.to_sym] = plugin_package if plugin_package
32:       end

Obtain standard plugin files and dependencies


    # File lib/mcollective/pluginpackager/standard_definition.rb, line 35
35:       def plugin
36:         plugindata = {:files => [],
37:                       :dependencies => @dependencies.clone,
38:                       :description => "#{@name} #{@plugintype} plugin for the Marionette Collective."}
40:         plugindir = File.join(@path, @plugintype.to_s)
41:         if PluginPackager.check_dir_present plugindir
42:           plugindata[:files] = Dir.glob(File.join(plugindir, "*"))
43:         else
44:           return nil
45:         end
47:         plugindata[:plugindependency] = {:name => "#{@mcname}-#{@metadata[:name]}-common",
48:                                       :version => @metadata[:version],
49:                                       :revision => @revision} if @packagedata[:common]
50:         plugindata
51:       end
