Class MCollective::Generators::AgentGenerator
In: lib/mcollective/generators/agent_generator.rb
Parent: Base



content  [RW] 
ddl  [RW] 

Public Class methods


    # File lib/mcollective/generators/agent_generator.rb, line 7
 7:       def initialize(plugin_name, actions = [],  name = nil, description = nil, author = nil ,
 8:                      license = nil, version = nil, url = nil, timeout = nil)
10:         super(name, description, author, license, version, url, timeout)
11:         @plugin_name = plugin_name
12:         @actions = actions || []
13:         @ddl = create_ddl
14:         @mod_name = "Agent"
15:         @pclass = "RPC::Agent"
16:         @content = create_plugin_content
17:         @plugin = create_plugin_string
18:         write_plugins
19:       end

Public Instance methods


    # File lib/mcollective/generators/agent_generator.rb, line 45
45:       def action_help
46:         action_snippet =, "templates", "action_snippet.erb"))
48:       end


    # File lib/mcollective/generators/agent_generator.rb, line 21
21:       def create_ddl
22:         action_text = ""
23:         @actions.each_with_index do |action, i|
24:           action_text += "action \"#{action}\", :description => \"%ACTIONDESCRIPTION%\" do\n"
25:           action_text += action_help if i == 0
26:           action_text += "end\n"
27:           action_text += "\n" unless @actions.size == (i + 1)
28:         end
29:         # Use inherited method to create metadata part of the ddl
30:         create_metadata_string + action_text
31:       end


    # File lib/mcollective/generators/agent_generator.rb, line 33
33:       def create_plugin_content
34:         content_text = ""
36:         # Add actions to agent file
37:         @actions.each_with_index do |action, i|
38:           content_text +=  "%6s%s" % [" ", "action \"#{action}\" do\n"]
39:           content_text +=  "%6s%s" % [" ", "end\n"]
40:           content_text += "\n" unless @actions.size == (i + 1)
41:         end
42:         content_text
43:       end
