Class MCollective::Applications
In: lib/mcollective/applications.rb
Parent: Object


Public Class methods


   # File lib/mcollective/applications.rb, line 3
3:     def self.[](appname)
4:       load_application(appname)
5:       PluginManager["#{appname}_application"]
6:     end

Filters a string of opts out using Shellwords keeping only things related to —config and -c


    # File lib/mcollective/applications.rb, line 49
49:     def self.filter_extra_options(opts)
50:       res = ""
51:       words = Shellwords.shellwords(opts)
52:       words.each_with_index do |word,idx|
53:         if word == "-c"
54:           return "--config=#{words[idx + 1]}"
55:         elsif word == "--config"
56:           return "--config=#{words[idx + 1]}"
57:         elsif word =~ /\-c=/
58:           return word
59:         elsif word =~ /\-\-config=/
60:           return word
61:         end
62:       end
64:       return ""
65:     end

Returns an array of applications found in the lib dirs


    # File lib/mcollective/applications.rb, line 36
36:     def self.list
37:       load_config
39:       PluginManager.find("application")
40:     rescue SystemExit
41:       exit 1
42:     rescue Exception => e
43:       STDERR.puts "Failed to generate application list: #{e.class}: #{e}"
44:       exit 1
45:     end


    # File lib/mcollective/applications.rb, line 26
26:     def self.load_application(appname)
27:       return if PluginManager.include?("#{appname}_application")
29:       load_config
31:       PluginManager.loadclass "MCollective::Application::#{appname.capitalize}"
32:       PluginManager << {:type => "#{appname}_application", :class => "MCollective::Application::#{appname.capitalize}"}
33:     end

We need to know the config file in order to know the libdir so that we can find applications.

The problem is the CLI might be stuffed with options only the app in the libdir might understand so we have a chicken and egg situation.

We‘re parsing and filtering MCOLLECTIVE_EXTRA_OPTS removing all but config related options and parsing the options looking just for the config file.

We‘re handling failures gracefully and finally restoring the ARG and MCOLLECTIVE_EXTRA_OPTS to the state they were before we started parsing.

This is mostly a hack, when we‘re redoing how config works this stuff should be made less sucky


     # File lib/mcollective/applications.rb, line 84
 84:     def self.load_config
 85:       return if Config.instance.configured
 87:       original_argv = ARGV.clone
 88:       original_extra_opts = ENV["MCOLLECTIVE_EXTRA_OPTS"].clone rescue nil
 89:       configfile = nil
 91:       parser =
 92:       parser.on("--config CONFIG", "-c", "Config file") do |f|
 93:         configfile = f
 94:       end
 96:       parser.program_name = $0
 98:       parser.on("--help")
100:       # avoid option parsers own internal version handling that sux
101:       parser.on("-v", "--verbose")
103:       if original_extra_opts
104:         begin
105:           # optparse will parse the whole ENV in one go and refuse
106:           # to play along with the retry trick I do below so in
107:           # order to handle unknown options properly I parse out
108:           # only -c and --config deleting everything else and
109:           # then restore the environment variable later when I
110:           # am done with it
111:           ENV["MCOLLECTIVE_EXTRA_OPTS"] = filter_extra_options(ENV["MCOLLECTIVE_EXTRA_OPTS"].clone)
112:           parser.environment("MCOLLECTIVE_EXTRA_OPTS")
113:         rescue Exception => e
114:           Log.error("Failed to parse MCOLLECTIVE_EXTRA_OPTS: #{e}")
115:         end
117:         ENV["MCOLLECTIVE_EXTRA_OPTS"] = original_extra_opts.clone
118:       end
120:       begin
121:         parser.parse!
122:       rescue OptionParser::InvalidOption => e
123:         retry
124:       end
126:       ARGV.clear
127:       original_argv.each {|a| ARGV << a}
129:       configfile = Util.config_file_for_user unless configfile
131:       Config.instance.loadconfig(configfile)
132:     end


    # File lib/mcollective/applications.rb, line 8
 8:     def
 9:       load_config
11:       begin
12:         load_application(appname)
13:       rescue Exception => e
14:         e.backtrace.first << Util.colorize(:red, "  <----")
15:         STDERR.puts "Application '#{appname}' failed to load:"
16:         STDERR.puts
17:         STDERR.puts Util.colorize(:red, "   #{e} (#{e.class})")
18:         STDERR.puts
19:         STDERR.puts "       %s" % [e.backtrace.join("\n       ")]
20:         exit 1
21:       end
23:       PluginManager["#{appname}_application"].run
24:     end
