Class Dir
In: lib/mcollective/monkey_patches.rb
Parent: Object


mktmpdir   tmpdir  

Public Class methods


     # File lib/mcollective/monkey_patches.rb, line 72
 72:   def self.mktmpdir(prefix_suffix=nil, tmpdir=nil)
 73:     case prefix_suffix
 74:     when nil
 75:       prefix = "d"
 76:       suffix = ""
 77:     when String
 78:       prefix = prefix_suffix
 79:       suffix = ""
 80:     when Array
 81:       prefix = prefix_suffix[0]
 82:       suffix = prefix_suffix[1]
 83:     else
 84:       raise ArgumentError, "unexpected prefix_suffix: #{prefix_suffix.inspect}"
 85:     end
 86:     tmpdir ||= Dir.tmpdir
 87:     t ="%Y%m%d")
 88:     n = nil
 89:     begin
 90:       path = "#{tmpdir}/#{prefix}#{t}-#{$$}-#{rand(0x100000000).to_s(36)}"
 91:       path << "-#{n}" if n
 92:       path << suffix
 93:       Dir.mkdir(path, 0700)
 94:     rescue Errno::EEXIST
 95:       n ||= 0
 96:       n += 1
 97:       retry
 98:     end
100:     if block_given?
101:       begin
102:         yield path
103:       ensure
104:         FileUtils.remove_entry_secure path
105:       end
106:     else
107:       path
108:     end
109:   end


     # File lib/mcollective/monkey_patches.rb, line 111
111:   def self.tmpdir
112:     tmp = '.'
113:     for dir in [ENV['TMPDIR'], ENV['TMP'], ENV['TEMP'], '/tmp']
114:       if dir and stat = File.stat(dir) and and stat.writable?
115:         tmp = dir
116:         break
117:       end rescue nil
118:     end
119:     File.expand_path(tmp)
120:   end
