Class Array
In: lib/mcollective/monkey_patches.rb
Parent: Object

a method # that walks an array in groups, pass a block to call the block on each sub array


Public Instance methods


    # File lib/mcollective/monkey_patches.rb, line 29
29:   def in_groups_of(chunk_size, padded_with=nil, &block)
30:     arr = self.clone
32:     # how many to add
33:     padding = chunk_size - (arr.size % chunk_size)
35:     # pad at the end
36:     arr.concat([padded_with] * padding) unless padding == chunk_size
38:     # how many chunks we'll make
39:     count = arr.size / chunk_size
41:     # make that many arrays
42:     result = []
43:     count.times {|s| result <<  arr[s * chunk_size, chunk_size]}
45:     if block_given?
46:       result.each_with_index do |a, i|
47:         case block.arity
48:           when 1
49:             yield(a)
50:           when 2
51:             yield(a, (i == result.size - 1))
52:           else
53:             raise "Expected 1 or 2 arguments, got #{block.arity}"
54:         end
55:       end
56:     else
57:       result
58:     end
59:   end
