
Class Index [+]



This is a base class that other registration plugins can use to handle regular announcements to the mcollective

The configuration file determines how often registration messages gets sent using the registerinterval option, the plugin runs in the background in a thread.

Public Class Methods

inherited(klass) click to toggle source

Register plugins that inherits base

    # File lib/mcollective/registration/base.rb, line 11
11:       def self.inherited(klass)
12:         PluginManager << {:type => "registration_plugin", :class => klass.to_s}
13:       end

Public Instance Methods

config() click to toggle source

(Not documented)

    # File lib/mcollective/registration/base.rb, line 36
36:       def config
37:         Config.instance
38:       end
interval() click to toggle source

(Not documented)

    # File lib/mcollective/registration/base.rb, line 59
59:       def interval
60:         config.registerinterval
61:       end
msg_filter() click to toggle source

(Not documented)

    # File lib/mcollective/registration/base.rb, line 40
40:       def msg_filter
41:         filter = Util.empty_filter
42:         filter["agent"] << "registration"
43:         filter
44:       end
publish(message) click to toggle source

(Not documented)

    # File lib/mcollective/registration/base.rb, line 63
63:       def publish(message)
64:         unless message
65:           Log.debug("Skipping registration due to nil body")
66:         else
67:           req =, nil, {:type => :request, :agent => "registration", :collective => target_collective, :filter => msg_filter})
68:           req.encode!
70:           Log.debug("Sending registration #{req.requestid} to collective #{req.collective}")
72:           req.publish
73:         end
74:       end
run(connection) click to toggle source

Creates a background thread that periodically send a registration notice.

The actual registration notices comes from the ‘body’ method of the registration plugins.

    # File lib/mcollective/registration/base.rb, line 19
19:       def run(connection)
20:         return false if interval == 0
22: do
23:           loop do
24:             begin
25:               publish(body)
27:               sleep interval
28:             rescue Exception => e
29:               Log.error("Sending registration message failed: #{e}")
30:               sleep interval
31:             end
32:           end
33:         end
34:       end
target_collective() click to toggle source

(Not documented)

    # File lib/mcollective/registration/base.rb, line 46
46:       def target_collective
47:         main_collective = config.main_collective
49:         collective = config.registration_collective || main_collective
51:         unless config.collectives.include?(collective)
52:           Log.warn("Sending registration to #{main_collective}: #{collective} is not a valid collective")
53:           collective = main_collective
54:         end
56:         return collective
57:       end

Disabled; run with --debug to generate this.


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