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Toolset to create a standard interface of client and agent using an RPC metaphor, standard compliant agents will make it easier to create generic clients like web interfaces etc

Public Class Methods

const_missing(const_name) click to toggle source

(Not documented)

     # File lib/mcollective/rpc.rb, line 175
175:     def self.const_missing(const_name)
176:       super unless const_name == :DDL
178:       Log.warn("MCollective::RPC::DDL is deprecatd, please use MCollective::DDL instead")
179:       MCollective::DDL
180:     end
discovered(discovered) click to toggle source

means for other classes to drop discovered hosts into this module its a bit hacky but needed so that the mixin methods like printrpcstats can easily get access to it without users having to pass it around in params.

     # File lib/mcollective/rpc.rb, line 107
107:     def self.discovered(discovered)
108:       @@discovered = discovered
109:     end
stats(stats) click to toggle source

means for other classes to drop stats into this module its a bit hacky but needed so that the mixin methods like printrpcstats can easily get access to it without users having to pass it around in params.

     # File lib/mcollective/rpc.rb, line 99
 99:     def self.stats(stats)
100:       @@stats = stats
101:     end

Public Instance Methods

empty_filter?(options) click to toggle source

Wrapper for MCollective::Util.empty_filter? to make clients less fugly to write - ticket 18

     # File lib/mcollective/rpc.rb, line 167
167:     def empty_filter?(options)
168:       if options.include?(:filter)
169:         Util.empty_filter?(options[:filter])
170:       else
171:         Util.empty_filter?(options)
172:       end
173:     end
printrpc(result, flags = {}) click to toggle source

Prints the result of an RPC call.

In the default quiet mode - no flattening or verbose - only results that produce an error will be printed

To get details of each result run with the -v command line option.

     # File lib/mcollective/rpc.rb, line 146
146:     def printrpc(result, flags = {})
147:       verbose = @options[:verbose] rescue verbose = false
148:       verbose = flags[:verbose] || verbose
149:       flatten = flags[:flatten] || false
150:       format = @options[:output_format]
151:       forced_mode = @options[:force_display_mode] || false
153:       result_text =  Helpers.rpcresults(result, {:verbose => verbose, :flatten => flatten, :format => format, :force_display_mode => forced_mode})
155:       if result.is_a?(Array) && format == :console
156:         puts "\n%s\n" % [ result_text ]
157:       else
158:         # when we get just one result to print dont pad them all with
159:         # blank spaces etc, just print the individual result with no
160:         # padding
161:         puts result_text unless result_text == ""
162:       end
163:     end
printrpcstats(flags={}) click to toggle source

Prints stats, requires stats to be saved from elsewhere using the MCollective::RPC.stats method.

If you’ve passed -v on the command line a detailed stat block will be printed, else just a one liner.

You can pass flags into it:

  printrpcstats :caption => "Foo", :summarize => true

This will use “Foo” as the caption to the stats in verbose mode and print out any aggregate summary information if present

     # File lib/mcollective/rpc.rb, line 123
123:     def printrpcstats(flags={})
124:       return unless @options[:output_format] == :console
126:       flags = {:summarize => false, :caption => "rpc stats"}.merge(flags)
128:       verbose = @options[:verbose] rescue verbose = false
130:       begin
131:         stats = @@stats
132:       rescue
133:         puts("no stats to display")
134:         return
135:       end
137:       puts[:caption], flags[:summarize], verbose)
138:     end
rpcclient(agent, flags = {}) click to toggle source

Wrapper to create clients, supposed to be used as a mixin:

include MCollective::RPC

exim = rpcclient(“exim”) printrpc exim.mailq


rpcclient(“exim”) do |exim|

   printrpc exim.mailq


It will take a few flags:

   :configfile => "etc/client.cfg"
   :options => options
   :exit_on_failure => true

Options would be a build up options hash from the Optionparser you can use the rpcoptions helper to create this

:exit_on_failure is true by default, and causes the application to exit if there is a failure constructing the RPC client. Set this flag to false to cause an Exception to be raised instead.

    # File lib/mcollective/rpc.rb, line 60
60:     def rpcclient(agent, flags = {})
61:       configfile = flags[:configfile] || "/etc/mcollective/client.cfg"
62:       options = flags[:options] || nil
64:       if flags.key?(:exit_on_failure)
65:         exit_on_failure = flags[:exit_on_failure]
66:       else
67:         # We exit on failure by default for CLI-friendliness
68:         exit_on_failure = true
69:       end
71:       begin
72:         if options
73:           rpc =, :configfile => options[:config], :options => options)
74:           @options = rpc.options
75:         else
76:           rpc =, :configfile => configfile)
77:           @options = rpc.options
78:         end
79:       rescue Exception => e
80:         if exit_on_failure
81:           puts("Could not create RPC client: #{e}")
82:           exit!
83:         else
84:           raise e
85:         end
86:       end
88:       if block_given?
89:         yield(rpc)
90:       else
91:         return rpc
92:       end
93:     end
rpcoptions() click to toggle source

Creates a standard options hash, pass in a block to add extra headings etc see Optionparser

    # File lib/mcollective/rpc.rb, line 21
21:     def rpcoptions
22:       oparser ={:verbose => false, :progress_bar => true}, "filter")
24:       options = oparser.parse do |parser, options|
25:         if block_given?
26:           yield(parser, options)
27:         end
29:         Helpers.add_simplerpc_options(parser, options)
30:       end
32:       return options
33:     end

Disabled; run with --debug to generate this.


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