
Class Index [+]



container for a message, its headers, agent, collective and other meta data


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Public Class Methods

new(payload, message, options = {}) click to toggle source

payload - the message body without headers etc, just the text message - the original message received from the middleware options[:base64] - if the body base64 encoded? options[:agent] - the agent the message is for/from options[:collective] - the collective its for/from options[:headers] - the message headers options[:type] - an indicator about the type of message, :message, :request, :direct_request or :reply options[:request] - if this is a reply this should old the message we are replying to options[:filter] - for requests, the filter to encode into the message options[:options] - the normal client options hash options[:ttl] - the maximum amount of seconds this message can be valid for options[:expected_msgid] - in the case of replies this is the msgid it is expecting in the replies options[:requestid] - specific request id to use else one will be generated

    # File lib/mcollective/message.rb, line 23
23:     def initialize(payload, message, options = {})
24:       options = {:base64 => false,
25:                  :agent => nil,
26:                  :headers => {},
27:                  :type => :message,
28:                  :request => nil,
29:                  :filter => Util.empty_filter,
30:                  :options => {},
31:                  :ttl => 60,
32:                  :expected_msgid => nil,
33:                  :requestid => nil,
34:                  :collective => nil}.merge(options)
36:       @payload = payload
37:       @message = message
38:       @requestid = options[:requestid]
39:       @discovered_hosts = nil
40:       @reply_to = nil
42:       @type = options[:type]
43:       @headers = options[:headers]
44:       @base64 = options[:base64]
45:       @filter = options[:filter]
46:       @expected_msgid = options[:expected_msgid]
47:       @options = options[:options]
49:       @ttl = @options[:ttl] || Config.instance.ttl
50:       @msgtime = 0
52:       @validated = false
54:       if options[:request]
55:         @request = options[:request]
56:         @agent = request.agent
57:         @collective = request.collective
58:         @type = :reply
59:       else
60:         @agent = options[:agent]
61:         @collective = options[:collective]
62:       end
64:       base64_decode!
65:     end

Public Instance Methods

base64?() click to toggle source

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     # File lib/mcollective/message.rb, line 129
129:     def base64?
130:       @base64
131:     end
base64_decode!() click to toggle source

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     # File lib/mcollective/message.rb, line 115
115:     def base64_decode!
116:       return unless @base64
118:       @payload = SSL.base64_decode(@payload)
119:       @base64 = false
120:     end
base64_encode!() click to toggle source

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     # File lib/mcollective/message.rb, line 122
122:     def base64_encode!
123:       return if @base64
125:       @payload = SSL.base64_encode(@payload)
126:       @base64 = true
127:     end
create_reqid() click to toggle source

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     # File lib/mcollective/message.rb, line 226
226:     def create_reqid
227:       # we gsub out the -s so that the format of the id does not
228:       # change from previous versions, these should just be more
229:       # unique than previous ones
230:       SSL.uuid.gsub("-", "")
231:     end
decode!() click to toggle source

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     # File lib/mcollective/message.rb, line 175
175:     def decode!
176:       raise "Cannot decode message type #{type}" unless [:request, :reply].include?(type)
178:       @payload = PluginManager["security_plugin"].decodemsg(self)
180:       if type == :request
181:         raise 'callerid in request is not valid, surpressing reply to potentially forged request' unless PluginManager["security_plugin"].valid_callerid?(payload[:callerid])
182:       end
184:       [:collective, :agent, :filter, :requestid, :ttl, :msgtime].each do |prop|
185:         instance_variable_set("@#{prop}", payload[prop]) if payload.include?(prop)
186:       end
187:     end
encode!() click to toggle source

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     # File lib/mcollective/message.rb, line 133
133:     def encode!
134:       case type
135:         when :reply
136:           raise "Cannot encode a reply message if no request has been associated with it" unless request
137:           raise 'callerid in original request is not valid, surpressing reply to potentially forged request' unless PluginManager["security_plugin"].valid_callerid?(request.payload[:callerid])
139:           @requestid = request.payload[:requestid]
140:           @payload = PluginManager["security_plugin"].encodereply(agent, payload, requestid, request.payload[:callerid])
141:         when :request, :direct_request
142:           validate_compound_filter(@filter["compound"]) unless @filter["compound"].empty?
144:           @requestid = create_reqid unless @requestid
145:           @payload = PluginManager["security_plugin"].encoderequest(Config.instance.identity, payload, requestid, filter, agent, collective, ttl)
146:         else
147:           raise "Cannot encode #{type} messages"
148:       end
149:     end
expected_msgid=(msgid) click to toggle source

in the case of reply messages we are expecting replies to a previously created message. This stores a hint to that previously sent message id and can be used by other classes like the security plugins as a means of optimizing their behavior like by ignoring messages not directed at us.

     # File lib/mcollective/message.rb, line 110
110:     def expected_msgid=(msgid)
111:       raise "Can only store the expected msgid for reply messages" unless @type == :reply
112:       @expected_msgid = msgid
113:     end
publish() click to toggle source

publish a reply message by creating a target name and sending it

     # File lib/mcollective/message.rb, line 213
213:     def publish
214:       # If we've been specificaly told about hosts that were discovered
215:       # use that information to do P2P calls if appropriate else just
216:       # send it as is.
217:       config = Config.instance
218:       if @discovered_hosts && config.direct_addressing && (@discovered_hosts.size <= config.direct_addressing_threshold)
219:         self.type = :direct_request
220:         Log.debug("Handling #{requestid} as a direct request")
221:       end
223:       PluginManager['connector_plugin'].publish(self)
224:     end
reply_to=(target) click to toggle source

Sets a custom reply-to target for requests. The connector plugin should inspect this when constructing requests and set this header ensuring replies will go to the custom target otherwise the connector should just do what it usually does

     # File lib/mcollective/message.rb, line 99
 99:     def reply_to=(target)
100:       raise "Custom reply targets can only be set on requests" unless [:request, :direct_request].include?(@type)
102:       @reply_to = target
103:     end
type=(type) click to toggle source

Sets the message type to one of the known types. In the case of :direct_request the list of hosts to communicate with should have been set with discovered_hosts else an exception will be raised. This is for extra security, we never accidentally want to send a direct request without a list of hosts or something weird like that as it might result in a filterless broadcast being sent.

Additionally you simply cannot set :direct_request if direct_addressing was not enabled this is to force a workflow that doesnt not yield in a mistake when someone might assume direct_addressing is enabled when its not.

    # File lib/mcollective/message.rb, line 76
76:     def type=(type)
77:       raise "Unknown message type #{type}" unless VALIDTYPES.include?(type)
79:       if type == :direct_request
80:         raise "Direct requests is not enabled using the direct_addressing config option" unless Config.instance.direct_addressing
82:         unless @discovered_hosts && !@discovered_hosts.empty?
83:           raise "Can only set type to :direct_request if discovered_hosts have been set"
84:         end
86:         # clear out the filter, custom discovery sources might interpret the filters
87:         # different than the remote mcollectived and in directed mode really the only
88:         # filter that matters is the agent filter
89:         @filter = Util.empty_filter
90:         @filter["agent"] << @agent
91:       end
93:       @type = type
94:     end
validate() click to toggle source

Perform validation against the message by checking filters and ttl

     # File lib/mcollective/message.rb, line 190
190:     def validate
191:       raise "Can only validate request messages" unless type == :request
193:       msg_age = - msgtime
195:       if msg_age > ttl
196:         cid = ""
197:         cid += payload[:callerid] + "@" if payload.include?(:callerid)
198:         cid += payload[:senderid]
200:         if msg_age > ttl
201:           PluginManager["global_stats"].ttlexpired
203:           raise(MsgTTLExpired, "message #{requestid} from #{cid} created at #{msgtime} is #{msg_age} seconds old, TTL is #{ttl}")
204:         end
205:       end
207:       raise(NotTargettedAtUs, "Received message is not targetted to us") unless PluginManager["security_plugin"].validate_filter?(payload[:filter])
209:       @validated = true
210:     end
validate_compound_filter(compound_filter) click to toggle source

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     # File lib/mcollective/message.rb, line 151
151:     def validate_compound_filter(compound_filter)
152:       compound_filter.each do |filter|
153:         filter.each do |statement|
154:           if statement["fstatement"]
155:             functionname = statement["fstatement"]["name"]
156:             pluginname = Data.pluginname(functionname)
157:             value = statement["fstatement"]["value"]
159:             ddl =, :data)
161:             # parses numbers and booleans entered as strings into proper
162:             # types of data so that DDL validation will pass
163:             statement["fstatement"]["params"] = Data.ddl_transform_input(ddl, statement["fstatement"]["params"])
165:             Data.ddl_validate(ddl, statement["fstatement"]["params"])
167:             unless value && Data.ddl_has_output?(ddl, value)
168:               DDL.validation_fail!(:PLMC41, "Data plugin '%{functionname}()' does not return a '%{value}' value", :error, {:functionname => functionname, :value => value})
169:             end
170:           end
171:         end
172:       end
173:     end

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